Cinderella - Aroadtotomorow - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

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  • Mature
Archive Warnings:
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • Rape/Non-Con
  • M/M
  • Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon)
  • Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Cherri Bomb (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Original Characters
Additional Tags:
  • Overlord Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Hurt Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Soft Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Protective Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Abusive Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Healing
  • Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
  • Physical Abuse
  • Drug Use
  • Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism




Overlord Husk and Val have a game, Val loses but Husk does not win Angel's soul. What happens if Angel shows his skills to the gambing oberlord and wins a game for Valentino. Husk is surprised but also interested in this young spider who seem to hide much more than hell alows him to show.

Chapter 1: Soleil

Chapter Text

‘And cut.’ Finally, Angel thought he was tired from all of the work. "Alright, everybody, we are done for today.It was good work today. See you tomorrow." Valentino seemed to be in a very pleasant mood, and Angel was grateful to whatever deity, sin, or demon was allowing it.

He tried his best not to do anything that would change this fact. So as always, he put a smile on his face together with his mask and directly looked into his boss's face. “Did I do well, Daddy?”

“Of course, angel cakes. You were amazing today.” Valentino gently put his hand on Angel's face, creasing it, but even with the gentleness, Angel knew those claws could always scratch. Just to let a little bit of blood out. After all, Valentino always said red was the best color on Angel's body. ”Now why don't you go to your room and take care of your baby before I join you?" He was referring to the Angel's pig, and even though it was a great gift from Valentino, it was the only good thing he ever did for Angel. The only reason Val mentioned it was so that little Fat Nugget would not interrupt them in their private time.

“Thank you, sugar.” Angel had to do everything perfect, everything right, so Valentino will stay in this mood for the whole night. It wasn't a mood of happiness. It was a mood of satisfaction that could change in just five seconds. If Angel just looks at something wrongly, if he moves the way Valentino doesn't like, or if he just breathes in the wrong direction, it could change Valentino's good emotional state right away.

Angel winks at him and kisses him gently. The kiss was done on the cheek, never on the lips. Angel hates those kisses now. He will never kiss those lips willingly again, and that was a painful reminder. There was a time when he would kiss those lips with the greatest passion and love. He would hold the man with all six of his arms and tell him all of his love and desire for him. But those feelings were gone a long time ago. The only thing Angel feels for this man now is fear and the desire to stay as far away from his bad mood as he can.

Angel goes to his room and decides to take a shower as fast as he can. Before he managed to exit the studio, he noticed a vibration coming from Valentino’s pocket. Somebody is calling him, most likely Vox. Another cruel overlord is treating Angel like he was nothing but a product. A cruel creature obsessed with perfection and manipulation. He may seem better than Valentino, but Angel knows that both of them are very messed up in their heads. People who completely lost their humanity a long time ago. Maybe even before arriving at hell. If Vox was calling him after shooting, it means something bad might happen. Or, in another case, it might be something good. Whichever of those news comes to Valentino Angel will know first. If the news is good, he might spend half of his night sleeping peacefully. But if the news is bad, Angel will not sleep nor feel happiness for who knows how long. After all, Angel is the place where Valentino puts all his frustration, and if he feels generous, he will allow Vox to do the same thing.

Vox will not do the same thing to Angel. But both of the punishments will hurt, and they will do their best to break Angel. They are never-ending torture.

Angel was lucky enough to take a good shower and feed his little pig in good time and peace. He wasn't bothered by Valentino or Vox. He managed to dry out his body and put on body lotion and all the other cosmetics to make himself feel refreshed. He knew it might be stupid, but he was hoping for at least half a night of sleep. He was exhausted from shooting movies and doing all the sex scenes. He wasn't ready to go to bed yet because he wanted to wait just a few more minutes to see if Valentino would return. So he played with his little pet pig. He scratched him behind his ear and put him on his lap. He was trying to forget all of the pain he had to go through during today's shooting.

It ended up being the right decision. Just a few moments later, Valentino came into the room with a big smile on his face. "AngelCakes, I have good news. We are going out tonight.” Valentino said it with a happy tone. Angel was not very happy about that, but as long as Val’s mood was good, that means that it might be an adequate night tonight.

“Where are we going, Val?” said Angel, trying to fake his excitement.

“We are going to the gambling district. I have a few things to do with the gambling overlord. It seemed that he and Vox had a deal, and I was sent to visit him." Angel did not like it.

This might be the perfect recipe for a disaster on a night that went so well. If they go to the gambling district, it means that Valentino has to gamble, and Valentino, being the way he is and as proud as he was, will ask to play poker.

Angel did not like this. He knew Valentino had very bad vision, and he was terrible at playing poker or any other game simply because his poker face was terrible. He was too emotional and easily showed his feelings, which were mostly annoyance, anger, and disapproval. If they were going to play poker, he would lose for sure, and Angel would be the one who would have to pay for it all. But it was not really his choice. It was never Angel's choice anymore. The only thing Angel can choose is how to defend himself from Valentino's wrath, and most of the time it was futile. So he had to try really hard to hide his disappointment and put on a brave smile, saying that he would be glad to go and join Valentino.

“There is nothing to be glad about if you were going either way.” Val’s voice got dark but was still not threatening.

“I know Val.” Angel was trying to do any kind of damage control before Val's mood went sour. “I'm just happy that you chose me instead of any other gals. After all, it was known that gambling overlords prefer young girls rather than boys.”

It was a rumor that Angel heard once. He never had the proof of this, but he heard that gambling Overlord was never seen with any partners. He was sometimes escorted by a group of younger girls, some of them teenagers. He heard that he was always around them, but nobody ever saw him doing anything inappropriate. Some people said that he had good morals when he was alive, and even though he let go of some of them, he still did not do anything publicly. Maybe he was caught during his life, and now he was just hiding it once again, even though nobody would judge him in this hell for doing anything inappropriately in public. After all, this was hell, and there were too many freaks like that roaming this place. Too much for anyone's comfort.

"Oh, come on, angel cakes; trust me, that is just a rumor.” Valentino was caressing Angel's face once again, using the sharp ends of his fingers from time to time to scratch him just a little bit, not enough to let the blood go out. “I have seen him with the girls, but he does not have a spark when he's with them.” Val said. “I think he's not interested in anyone. That's why it's the best thing to bring you. You are the most treasured item, and if anyone can get his attention, that's you, baby.”

Angel took it as a compliment, but he is still hoping that there will be a way for him to get out of the situation, but any other pushing further will only make Val angry, so he had to shut up, pick up his sh*t, and try his best to follow Val's orders.

“All right Big Daddy, just let me change into something more eye-pleasing.” Angel went to his closet and chose one of his favorite dresses. The red one with the big heart-shaped boob window. It was the perfect outfit to be used for distraction. So if he uses it correctly, Val might win this game or at least two of them. He dressed up fast, making sure Val would not wait for him too long. He put on the best perfume he had and the most alluring makeup he could, as fast as he could. He had to make sure that he did not smudge anything, or he would have to do it over, and then Val would become impatient, and that's something Angel could not afford right now.

There were a few rumors about the gambling overlord. One of them confirmed that, after all, he barely leaves his casino. Angel was not that interested in politics, but the p*rn industry and gambling do kind of go together; after all, they're one of the greatest addictions in the world. Luck is something that people always desire, just like affection and desire. A chance to change your life in this never-ending hell by winning a jackpot or getting some money is a temptation that every sinner wants to try. Angel was no different; if he could have a chance to escape the contract he had, he would jump without thinking. And that's the problem, because there's always a chance that a new contract could be even worse than Valentino's. Even though it was something hard for Angel to imagine,.

The car was moving fast, and soon they exited the pleasure district and entered the gambling district. The place looked like Vegas, but even more shiny and beautiful than Angel remembers from his own past life. He wasn't there for much, but he remembers it fondly. He can't remember what it was that was so fun there except him and his sister going to clubs and hiding from his father; he remembered fun music, him performing in one of those clubs; he remembered the song someone sang a long time ago. All of those pleasant memories are now very, very far away, almost untouchable because of the never-ending drugging and abuse from Valentino. The poison that always gets inside Angel without his consent, or even worse, with his consent, is because he is asking for sweet relief from the pain and torture he's indulging in. That poison erased so many of his pleasant memories that he was holding on so hard so that he would still have some piece of light and some kind of hope to push him on to never give up. But he can't remember what the song was or who sang it. He only remembered a gentle voice singing it to him while he was falling asleep. Maybe it was his sister Molly? The only way he could still remember her name was because her name was similar to the name of a drug, so it was easy to keep it in his memory.

They passed many casinos, some looking cheap, others looking very elegant and prestigious. There were also some other types of clubs, not the sex ones like Valentino's, but more like drag or just other places to drink. There was even a karaoke place and lights everywhere. This place was somehow alive. People in here might have been addicted to gambling, but it sure felt like they were still alive. There was a lot of influence from all around the world. Angel Dust could see many different styles in every building. To be honest, it was very refreshing to see other cultures in hell too.

This overlord did not have anything in one simple style like V's had; no, there were a lot of different styles from all around the globe, some of which Angel was familiar with from pictures or TV. The most surprising thing was that it did not look tacky or out of style, but it was all put together in such an unusual way that you have a feeling that you're traveling through the world just by going through Main Street. It really was something that Angel would not mind coming back to. Maybe he and Cherry can come and visit some of these clubs later.

He wondered why he never came to this part of this pentagram city. Maybe because gambling wasn't something that was really in his style. Or maybe because he was barely ever leaving the pleasure district. Valentino did not like him going too far away from where he could not follow him. It was difficult for Vox to put his surveillance in other overlords’s districts, so Valentino could not see Angel, and by doing so, he could not control him all the time. Angel is definitely coming back here once again.

They finally arrived at their destination. The clerk opened the door of their limousine, and Val got out, taking Angel with him. He pulled him a little bit too harshly, but I kept him very close to him. He put his hand around Angel’s waist, gripping him tightly. How many times did he say that it was for Angel's protection, for his own good? But Angel knew better. It was about possessiveness and control. Maybe he believed Val’s lies in the past, but not anymore.

As he exited the limousine and looked up, he saw a beautiful building. It was something that looked like a dream. The big casino is as high as a V Tower, but it is much better styled. Gold and red were decorating this beautiful building. This was not just the casino; it was the main casino in the district, the place where everything good and everything bad was happening. The gambling Overlord’s Den. The entrance was made of pure glass, and above it, Angel could read the name of the casino written in the big golden letters "Soleil.".

Suddenly, Angel felt some kind of twinkling sensation in his heart. Why does that word sound so familiar? Oh yeah, it was a girl's name; he heard it once in his life; it means the sunshine. It was not a very common name, but it was of French origin. He doesn't remember anybody being French in his life, although there were a lot of Italians. Maybe since the words “soleil" and “sol” were so similar, somebody gave the name to their child. Maybe he was there when they were baptizing the child. He couldn't remember, but it did bring some kind of bell that he couldn't put his finger on.

Maybe it wasn't important after all; right now he has to deal with Val, and Val is worse than anything that happened in his life. It wasn't worth remembering if it's only going to put him in trouble later. After all, Valentino said many times, ”Your head is not for thinking; it's for moaning and sucking." So Angel did what he did: every time he remembered something from his life, he would forget it. If it wasn't important, it's better not to remember. He has to keep those lost happy fragments intact; those old, unnecessary ones have to go.

Entering the casino, they passed through the big crowd of people. They were greeted by a hostess; she took their names and asked one of her colleagues to take them to the next floor.

Their hostess took them to the big, glamorous, wide stairs that reminded Angel of those castles he read about in fairytales when he was little, imagining himself going up them in a glorious dress to meet his perfect prince. But these stairs took them not to a ballroom but to a betting room. It was massive.

There are huge windows covered by golden curtains. Time did not exist in this room. The crystal chandeliers and red carpet made Angel feel like he was in some twisted castle. He could see a lot of people playing poker, blackjack, and other card games. There were also sloth machines and rulets. The whole place had a strong 40’s vibe—elegant yet relaxed. It felt kind of nostalgic. There were many slot machines and other games played by all different kinds of sinners. All those poor souls are hoping for some kind of reward. It was kind of ironic to have hope in hell. Many of them took notice of Angel; after all, he is the most popular p*rn star in Hell.

There were a few bars throughout the place, and a lot of young girls were carrying drinks to the Sinners who were interested in their games. They were also hustlers dressed up in beautiful gowns sitting right next to the Patriots, trying to distract them in their most beautiful way. Some of them were blowing the dice for good luck, and some of them were just there to smile. They're all beautiful young girls and men—not too young, so maybe the rumor about the overlord was wrong.

But then, as Val took a seat in one of the bars, waiting for something, Angel noticed something at the end of the room. A huge stage with the beautiful girl singing on the old-fashioned microphone. She was indeed beautiful, with long black hair and silver fish-like scales over her body glowing like glitter under the spotlight. She was singing, moving so elegantly yet erotically, seducing people like a siren. Looking closer, Angel noticed that she was an Asian descendant. Those black eyes are like a never-ending night sky.

Oh, how Angel wishes he could do the same thing—sing in the room full of people looking at him, desiring him as the most expensive jewelry, yet none of them being able to actually afford him.

The song ended, and the fish girl bowed to the audience. She was being awarded with the grant of applause, and they were awarded a kiss she blew to them. Indeed, everything that Angel ever dreamed of was being held by this girl. It was something that was promised to him a long time ago by the man he loved, only to become an illusion.

The girl noticed Valentino sitting at the bar. She came down from the stage and went right to him and Angel. Her hair seemed to float behind her, as if she were underwater—a real siren-like beauty. She was seducing her sailors until they got tangled in those locks and drowned.

"Ah, the lovely Jewel of the Orient.” Said Valentino, meeting with the girl.

“Valentino, it's a great pleasure to see you again. What brings you here this time?”

“Your boss,” he answered. “We decided to play another game today, and I was interested to see if he was waiting for me.

“Oh yes, I was familiar with the information that you would come today.” She looked at him with a smirk on her face. She was too familiar with Val and too casual. It was unreal for Angel. ”I’ll send it to somebody to check the information right away. Oh, and please just call me Suki.”

“You are too kind,” he said with the fake kindness that he gave to Angel so many times while he was still young and naive to fall for his fake love and gentleness.

Suki simply snapped her finger, and another girl appeared. She was completely different. She was a blonde and small white rabbit with a pink heart-shaped nose. She had childish features, even though she was definitely older. Angel took a better look at her. She was definitely too young to be working at the casino. She was a teenager, probably 16 or 15, though her looks and tiny figure made her look even younger. She looks shy, and even though she was working here, she was not dressed like other employees. The fine elegance of other girls was missing on this one. She was dressed up in clothes that covered every part of her body that others may ogle at. But Angel knows men better than anyone, and no matter what you wear or do, people will ogle at you because they are just pigs. The magical hat on her head, dark black pants with Victorian boots, and a buttoned shirt with peasant sleeves too long for her arms were hiding her hands.

"Poppy,” said Suki. “Tell me, is the boss waiting for Mr. Valentino today?“

Poppy looks at her little chart in her hands and tries to find something written on it, completely confused. “I'm not sure I can find anything here.”

“Seriously,” Suki answered with venom and annoyance. “Are you incapable of doing a simple task? How many times have I reminded you?”.

“I am so sorry; I just can't find anything.“ Her voice got squeaky.

“I told you 10 times that he would come today. Seriously! Why is the boss still keeping you around?” Suki took the chart from the girl's hands and hit her with it on her head. “Useless brat. Go and get a boss right now!“

“But he is. He has another game. I can't stop it right now.”

"Well, since you've made this mess, you get to clean it up; go and get him. Explain that this was your mistake and your responsibility, and then bring him here. Understood?” Suki gave a girl that glare and pushed her towards the door. Angel could see why this girl and Valentino were going so nicely together; they're basically twins.

“I am so sorry about this. Please let me make it up for you. Drinks are on me until the boss comes all right.“ Suki’s anger disappeared, replaced by a huge smile and gentle voice. She was just like Val.

"Well, there is something else you can do for me,” said Valentino, now ignoring Angel but still holding him at his waist.

“Oh, I would love to do something special for you, but as you know, the rules do not allow me to do anything before my clock is out.”

Suki asked them for a drink. and the bartender came immediately, ignoring other customers. Of course, Valentino ordered something for himself. Angel wasn't really ready for drinking right now, but he did feel a little bit anxious. If the blonde girl doesn't do what she was asked to do, Valentino might get really angry and take all his frustration on Angel once again, even though it was probably his fault.

This night has many twists, but every time Angel manages to get out unharmed, once again, he's gambling with his life. He doesn't know what will happen next, and right now, he's no different than any other person in this room. He hopes that the girl will manage to reach the boss and everything will go perfectly, except that having a night like that could be only a pleasant dream and nothing more. For Angel, imagining good things and having hope is sometimes more painful than any physical punishment Valentino puts him through.

They waited for some time at the bar. Angel was just drinking a small co*cktail to relax his nerves. He could see that Valentino was getting impatient, even though he was still talking with the girl. He didn't like being ignored or out of the spotlight. He was just a big child stuck in a grown man's body. Always entitled to respect but never returning the respect to others.

Soon, at the corner of his eye, Angel could see Poppy. She was having an uncomfortable expression on her face, and right next to her was another demon, a cat-like one with the red wings. Something that wasn't really usual. Barely ever could Angel see real chimera demons. The man looked handsome; his eyes were golden like amber, and his expression was neutral; there was no anger or happiness, just neutral. He was walking gracefully, holding an old-fashioned stick in his right hand. It wasn't a walking stick, but one gentleman used to wear it in the past. Oh, this guy's old. But handsome nonetheless. The suit he was wearing was also very old-fashioned, yet it made him look even more defined.

“Good evening, gentlemen. I hope you were not waiting too long." The demon spoke. Oh, dear God, how deep that voice was. Angel thought he would never hear such a seductive voice in his life. It was deep yet gentle. It was a masculine voice with a lot of confidence and power. Shivers run through Angel’s body.

Valentino turned to the man and, with a great grin, spoke. ”Ah, Husker, it's always a pleasure to see you. How have you been? I hope you know it's not very polite to make your guests wait." Valentino was trying to get out some kind of apology, but those eyes showed no emotion.

“It seems there was a misunderstanding; my assistant is young and, you see, still not used to the job. I hope you enjoy the drinks; they are, of course, on the house.

“Of course we did, but I expect more than just a free drink for being treated as a second-class citizen.“

The cat said nothing, and he did not change his expression, but even Angel could feel the frustration building in him; after all, it was something that Valentino did well. Creating frustration in other people just by breathing and talking.

“What can I do to make your stay more comfortable?” He asked once again not to change even one inch of his face.

“How about a private game?” asks Valentino.

“You know the rules; if you want a private game, you have to reserve them earlier.“

“I did," Valentino said now, his frustration growing bigger and bigger. ”But this little c*nt could not remember to write down my reservation.“

Poppy suddenly stepped up. “I truly am sorry, sir; I don't remember being told that you would come.“

Suddenly, Suki came closer to her boss. She put her hand on her chest and put an apologetic look on her face. “Boss, I am sorry; it's my fault. I told her multiple times yesterday that he would come, and knowing how clumsy she is, I probably didn't do it enough. I know the rule is never to tell you directly, but trust me, I was tempted.

At her words, Poppy’s face suddenly became red, and while her eyes were watering, her lips were quaking a little bit. Obviously trying not to cry but failing slowly. “I don't remember. I am truly sorry.” Suki suddenly looks at her, giving her one of her death glares one more time. “I told you that yesterday, while we were on the lunch break. Don’t you remember?”

“I didn't hear you well; the music was loud!“

“Then what about in the bathroom, during the second break, or after my song?“

“I remember you saying the important guest was coming, but I thought you were thinking about Mr. Murry.“

Suki sighed, visibly annoyed. ”I told you, sir, that she is not good. She's just a mess. I don't think she's taking this job seriously. Maybe you should put her out on the street where you found her.” Poppy couldn't hold on anymore and began crying silently, clutching her chart as if it were a toy. It made Angel feel sorry for the girl.

“Enough," the demon said, pinching the top of his nose, showing any kind of emotion for the first time. ”I will deal with this later. Poppy, next time, make sure that you have written everything, and if you do not write it on the chart, you can write it on your phone. Understood?”

“Yes sir.”

“Suki, if something like this happens again, you can try to write her a message or write on her chart so she will not forget. Am I clear?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, now both of you go back to your jobs. I will take care of our guests.” The demon waved his hand, and both girls bowed down before returning to their work. Suki gives Val a little wink with her tongue out. It was almost invisible, but Angel noticed it. So this was staged. Of course, after all, some with malice, such as Val, and a bit of brain can easily manipulate people. But this girl even managed to play with the overlord himself and had a charming persona too.

Husker was an enigma for Angel too.These employees just made a big mistake, not a small one. It was something serious, and yet this overlord didn't even raise a voice for them. Angel was familiar with the fact that this overlord did not like raising his voice in public, but still, this was not a minor mistake; if he did anything similar, Val would probably cut him into pieces and then wait for him to pull himself back before doing it all over again. This man was a good example of self-control.

“I do apologize for my employees behavior, and I hope you will take this as a serious apology.“ The overlord took a deep breath and then continued with his speech. “I guess I can make an exception for today. After all, it's not everyday that another overlord gets to play with me.” With that, he for the first time looked closely at Angel. “And who might this be?”

“This.” Valentino answered, pushing Angel toward the demon. “This is my most prized possession, my best Star-Angel Dust; I'm sure you heard of him.“

Angel once again put his mask on his face and gave a demon a flirtatious wink. “Hey there, sugar, nice meeting you today.“

There was no reaction to Angel's first flirt—not even a movement of the eye or ear or even a tail, which Angel noticed just now. He didn't react at all to Angel's advances, which was something completely new for him. Maybe this guy was just not into men.

“Husker,” he said, introducing himself. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Angel Dust," the demon said before offering his hand to Angel. Angel was a little bit surprised, but he humored him. The demon took Angel's hands to his lips and put the little kiss just on the back of his wrist. "I hope you will have a nice stay in my humble casino."

Humble was definitely not the word to describe this place; it probably contains all of hell's gold, or even maybe some of the earthly gold; hell's heavenly gates would be less shiny than this place.

“I guess you brought him here to be your eye candy, right? You do know how I feel when non-players attend the game.“

“Don't worry, my Amorcito is very well behaved." The grab on Angel's waist became harder, and soon Angel could feel that Valentino's nails were piercing through his dress and into his skin. It was a very important warning. Angel cannot mess this up, or else he will not survive the next dawn.

"Well, if you guarantee for him, he'll be allowed to join us in the private quarters.” Husker said, and then turned his back towards Valentino to show them the way. ”Shall we go, gentlemen?”

Chapter 2: The game with lady luck

Chapter Text

Angel and Valentino followed Husker to another elevator. Valentino has talked about the money they will put in the game and how many chips they will be using. Husker took his old phone and typed something, sending a message away and putting the phone in his pocket.

They entered a small private elevator and went up another floor. The place wasn’t completely separated from the lower floor. It was more like a balcony from where VIPs could look down on other sinners while playing their own games. A place to feel above others, a place where gambling overlords reside most of the time. The clientele was semi-familiar with Angel. Big shoots from hell are trying to become overlords on their own. They all had a few souls under their contract, but not enough to be overlords. The players noticed their arrival and showed respect by getting up. There was such powerful energy in the air, but it was nothing like Val’s. This new overlord, or Husker, as he was called, demanded respect just by existing, not with tantrums, and maybe there was a more sinister reason why. Angel should be careful around him.

Angel noticed that there were a few private rooms circling this one giant room, and Husker took them to one of those rooms. He opened the door, and inside was a dark, quiet place. The walls were covered with red and gold, once again covered with the symbols of playing cards. The room did not feel dim, and there was enough air in it, making it less claustrophobic. There was a big green poker table in the middle of the room and very comfortable red chairs surrounding it. There was also a dealer who was also sitting behind a little bar, preparing a drink for his boss right away as they entered the room. He also asked Angel and Valentino for their own drink of choice, and after they ordered, he prepared it. The drinks were taken directly to the poker table and put in the places where the players would be sitting. There were also chips prepared for them before the game even began.

Valentino and Angel came closer to the table. Val took his own seat, and Angel tried to take his own; he was not allowed. Val ordered him to stand next to him and not sit on his lap or next to him; after all, he was an eye candy, and this was just a part of his job. So he was not allowed to have a break. Angel was not very happy about it, but he guessed the only good thing was that the shoes he was wearing right now were comfortable enough for him to stand. Those were the same shoes he would wear when he would have to stand in the corners of the street waiting for nighttime clients to come to him. He did not like that job, but it was a job, and it was something they taught him—the skill of patience. Angel kept his smile on his face and stood next to his owner, not paying too much attention to anything. Suddenly, he noticed the other overlord's body language. His face was still neutral, but there was a slight movement of his tail—the same movement Anthony noticed when he was a kid playing with his cat. His cats would get irritated or annoyed with his teasing, and she would move her tail in such an unusual and cute way that would wake up a little bit of malice inside of Anthony's young mind. He would tease the cat even more until it would get up and run away from him. He wasn’t hurting the poor creature; he was just mildly annoying it.

The cat demon was not happy with the way Valentino was treating Angel, or he just wasn't happy with Angel being present in the room. Well, did this really matter? After all, he allowed him to be there, and there was nothing now that he could do.

The game began. From time to time, Angel would pay attention to Valentino's cards. After all, he knew how to play poker. He learned that a long time ago, when he was still alive. Actually, he learned that skill three times: once when he was a kid, he was taught by his older brother as a fun game; once when he was a teenager, he was taught by older members of the mafia he was a part of; and once when he was already an adult, he was taught by a friend. He had three different teachers, and all three of them gave him different instructions and different strategies for winning. The only teacher that he fully remembers was his brother; the other two faded through years and years of abuse and drug use. He remembered not to show his emotions, not to react to any cards, how to properly read the other player, and how to even trick them.

Although none of those skills were present with Valentino, his poker face was terrible; he would always show his emotions when he got good cards, and his face would fall if he got bad cards. Angel wanted to help him win the game because he knew that if Valentino lost, all of his frustration and anger would once again be thrown at Angel.

Angel didn't realize that his face became stoic; he suddenly realized that his fake smile faded and that his eyes were looking carefully at each and every card, creating a strategy and different ways to win. He thought of what he would do if he had those cards, how he would react, and which move he would make next. But none of those matters; after all, he was not the player, and he could not control his own fate. Husker was paying close attention to Valentino, probably trying to read his cards just from his expression. And by the movement of his tail and ears, Angel could say that this Overlord was happy with the results of his cards. Great, this will be a night that ends terribly. Suddenly, Hiusker’s eyes gazed towards Angel, but just for a tiny portion of a second. If Angel did not have all his skills and senses to notice when he was being watched, he would not even realize it. It seems that the overlord was scanning both Val and Angel, which meant that Angel needed to make sure not to show any knowledge of Val’s cards. He needs to do whatever he can to help Val win.

Game after game, Valentino was losing, and he was getting more and more frustrated. He was pulling up more and more chips and losing all of them one move after another. Angel already prepared himself for the torture that will come later and for the suffering he will have to indulge in because of this man's idiocy. He wanted to look at the gambling overlord and give him a sign to please let his boss go. Just once might be enough. But the cat was not doing so. He was playing with Valentino as the cat would play with the moth. He would break his wings and then play with his body between his paws, not killing him, just putting one blow after another until the insect would become a carcass.

After checking a few times, Angel noticed that Husker had stopped expressing himself completely. The relaxed face he had before suddenly stopped and became neutral. He noticed that Angel was watching him too. Oh, this guy was very good.

After who knows how long Valentino had no chips left on his side to play, he lost everything. It was now clear to Angel that he would suffer through this night, and he would suffer enormously. There is nothing he can do to stop the abuse that will come later. There is nothing that can protect him or turn ties in his favor. All he can do now is hope for a miracle. Even though he knew there was nothing anyone could do,.

He was preparing for an attack the moment Valentino got up with both of his hands on the top of the table. Angel lost the balance and fell to the floor, the falling chair from which Valentino got up, crashing his hand—not the break in it but hitting hard enough to cause a bruise tomorrow.

He could hear his overlord screaming at the other one. He was yelling about how unfair and rigged the game was, squeaking his moth’s sound, showing that he truly was deeply angered. It was getting worse and worse with every second, and Angel lost all hope of this night ending nicely.

The gambling Overlord did nothing; he did not defend himself; he simply stood there watching Valentino throw a tantrum like a little child. His eyes turn to Angel, and they stand there for a second before he finally raises his hand, giving Valentino a sign to shut up.

This will not help anyone, Angel thought. After all, Valentino doesn't listen to anyone, not even himself. He will take this shushing as a sign of disrespect and probably yell some more before he turns all of his anger on Angel. Angel was too afraid to get up from the floor he was sitting on; he was afraid if he came closer to Valentino or if Valentino noticed his movement, he would strike him.

After a few seconds, Valentino finally shut up, taking a deep breath and looking angrily at the gambling Overlord.

“Tino, how about we play one more game?” The tone was silent, relaxed, and yet not threatening.

“What do you want from me?” Asked Valentino.

“I will give you one chance to see what's right, but first you need to shut up and act like a grown man," he said, walking around the table to come closer to Valentino. Once again, he looked at Angel and offered a hand to help him stand up. ”I don't think letting such a lovely companion get hurt is a gentlemanly thing to do.“ His voice was intriguing. Valentino and Angel knew that, but still, once again, it was not doing anything good for Angel; it would only make things even worse, so part of Angel wanted this cat to shut up, and the second part wanted to take his hand since he was treated like a proper human being now. In the end, he took his hand and stood up. “You know that you never noticed the high quality of the souls you possess. This one has more than one trick in his sleeve.” Husker had a light smile and looked directly at Angel.

Oh, so that was his true motive, Angel thought. Getting Val to lose all of the money and then getting Angel for one night for free. Couldn't he just do this earlier without all the drama and problems he caused Angel? Even if he gets a night with an Overlord, Valentino will save his anger for the next day and then once again throw all of it at him.

"Oh, so I see you want one of my best whor*s.” Valentino said he was changing his attitude completely. He walked behind Angel, and all four of Val’s hands crawled over his body, making him shiver and flinch a little bit. “All you have to do is ask Gatito.”

“That is not what I require. Would you please listen to me before you make your own ideas in your perverted head?” The tone of the man became more disapproving. And there was a slight frown on his brows. “How about we play doubles or nothing? If I win, you’ll give me double the amount you owe me. But if you win, you get back all your money and a part of the deal you already asked for.”

Valentino thought for a second and then spoke again. "So if I win, I get back my money, and you will allow my whor*s to get to your casino and take some of your clients?”

“There will be three conditions. No. 1, you will only send your most popular one—three of them, to be precise. This is not a brothel, but some fun of that kind cannot be harmful. No. 2, they will be here only once a week.“ Val did not like that. He opened his mouth to say something in protest, but Husk continued. “A special night will be announced. Trust me, it will make their prices rise. After all, a special delicacy is only special if it's served rarely and is reserved for special guests. and no. 3, they will need proper attire. I think you can get them something to match my aesthetics. Quality needs to be seen. And no offense, but your style is not really screaming elegance.“

The last comment was unnecessary; it was only added to insult Val, and both Angel and Husker knew it. But it seems to Angel that Husker lost his patience with the pimp.

While this proposal calmed Val down, Angel was feeling even more anxious now. Losing all his money was bad, but losing twice will be a free ticket to Angel’s doom. He was praying to someone or something for Val to say no, even though no one listened to his prayer for almost 100 years.

“Fine.” Val said it suddenly and put his hand up to make a real deal with a gambling overlord.

"Oh, one more thing before we shake. I want...” He pointed at Angel and said, “He told him to play this game.”
I’m sorry, what? Did Angel hear him well? He wanted to play with Angel. Why? To sentence him to ever bigger doom? What did he ever do to this grumpy cat? All he wanted was a night of sleep. How did it all go so bad so fast? No, he can’t do it. He will be signing his death warrant.

“What, no. He is just a dumb whor*, a loser with some mildly entertaining holes, only good at using them.” Valentino spit back. Every word burned like poison. The man Angel once loved so dearly was using every word in hell to insult and humiliate him. It was bearable when they were alone, but here in the presence of another person, it hurt beyond that. “Why would you even suggest it?”

“Oh Tino. You are obviously too young and naive to understand how the world works. As I see, you have so much; everything is given to you; all those things blind you, so it is easy for you to not see the things in front of you.” Insults were spilled again, his voice mocking Val. This Husker would be able to kill Val with just words if he tried.

“You know how to play, kid?” he asked Angel, and Angel only nodded weakly. Husker gave him a small smile that disappeared fast. ” I wouldn't even notice him, but he did surprise me. You see, the main reason I do not allow hand candy in my games is because most of the time they show players cards without even noticing. Their faces, their eyes, and their movements—they all say it—make the game less challenging. But this kid did his job well. He didn't tell me even one of your cards, and even better, a few times he was sending me mixed signals, and it was a bit confusing and difficult to read.

“So you were cheating?“

"No, my dear friend, I was simply observing you; having the skill to read is not cheating. It is a talent that grows with years and experience. And this kid has it more than you think. I'm not sure if he's a very good actor or simply has a good poker face, but he is good. Believe it or not, he might be your only ticket out.” The overlord put his hand behind his back and simply walked around Val like a cat, looking for attention. “Of course you can just go back to your tower as a loser without any prize in your pockets. Or you can bet all of it on this kid, who is your biggest earner. Maybe you should put some faith in your souls."

Val was taking deep breaths; he was fuming, and Angel was scared that whatever he decided to do would only become a problem later. He gave Angel a death glare and pulled him up by squeezing his hands, even scratching them with his nails. It hurt, but Angel was not allowed to speak. He only gave him pleading eyes, even though that look lost its strength a long time ago and had no influence over his master. Angel could see that the man was thinking of the offer and rethinking it over and over in his head. There was just one thing that needed to push him over the line.

“Or maybe you are not the man of your word and you are all talk, an Overlord who is nothing but a supporting character to Vox.“ That was the push Val needed to do something incredibly stupid. He pulled Angel one more time and threw him on the chair. “He will play.”

Angel was beginning to beg Val for any way for this game not to happen, but it was too late. Val had already put his hand up to shake Husker’s.

“Oh, yes, and if he loses...” Husker began. “He will not be punished.

Val once again tried protesting, but Husker stopped him. “You lost your bet; it’s time to face consequences like a man and take responsibility for your own doings.”

Pink and gold light came from their arms, eliminating the room and making Angel feel the strength of both overlords. He was scared, and he knew this was literally the last thing he might see tonight or ever again. "Well, then, shall we play?”

Angel sat down on the chair, shaking and trying his best to stop. He felt Valentino's touch as his lips came closer to Angel's ears.”If you lose angel cakes,” Valentino begins. “There will be nothing in this world to save you from my wrath. I will cut you, I will make you bleed from all of your holes, and I will make you regret ever existing, sinning, coming to hell, meeting me, and signing your soul off. I will give you to each and every soul in this hell to f*ck you until they break you apart.” His hands were caressing his cheeks gently, like he was a gentle lover, like something he used to do a long time ago. But the gentler those touches were, the deadlier the words were, and Angel knew it.

Angel's jaw was shaking, his legs were shaking, he was afraid, and he hoped for anything to happen to stop this madness, but he knew nothing would come. He was hoping that maybe somebody will come and say that there's another important meeting, an assistant that will stop this game, set an extermination that came earlier, anything to stop this. But nothing came.

As Husker took his seat and the dealer began shuffling cards, Angel had to find a way to calm himself down. Of course, Val will not hurt Angel for losing the game, but they'll find another reason to do so if Angel loses. Or, even worse, he'll find somebody else to do so.

Angel took a deep breath.

Suddenly, an echo of memory. Take a deep breath, Anthony. Everything will be fine. Straighten your back, put your hands close to each other, relax your eyes, and keep your breath steady. He even felt the ghost of two hands on his shoulders. Was this the memory of his brother? No, it was somebody else's. Oh yeah, it was the memory of that guy.

Angel did everything as his memory told him; he took a deep breath, put his face in a neutral position, and tried his best to forget about Valentino's threat. Put your mind in the game; think of winning; nothing else matters. Angel looked up to see what Husker was doing, and he was mimicking Angel, or was Angel mimicking him? He watched carefully how Overlord's body was moving, and he was doing the same, and it seemed that Overlord noticed and gave him a quick little grin. Having fun while Angel was having the fight of his life. Of course, he is an overlord and a complete dirtbag.

Husker gave Valentino a look. It was stern, and the warning one he was telling him to back off, and to Angel's surprise, Valentino actually did it. He took a step back, pouting like a little child. He sat at the bar and began drinking the drink he had taken from the poker table. He was watching as Angel and Husker began their game.

Valentino actually said a few encouraging words, such as That's my baby; go get him, Angel; daddy loves you, baby; make me rich slu*t. And for just a few seconds, it did make Angel happy, although those words were just an illusion.

Because then he got a huge wave of insults coming from Valentino, and I even saw one broken glass flying over his head.

But it didn't matter; he had to make himself stay calm. Everything will be fine. He is not losing it; right now he has his fate in his hands. After so long, he has some kind of control, and he will not let it slip. He will let the ghosts of the past guide him; he will put on a mask he wore so long ago, a mask he hated and almost forgot. The mask that Anthony was wearing almost every day to hide from his father and the rest of the “family”. This mask, once broken when he arrived in Hell and forgotten after meeting Val, needs to be back on his face. As he was putting it on and taking a deep breath, he noticed a slight change on the gambling overlord’s face. It was nothing big, but it was nothing he showed before.

Angel did everything he could to pay closer attention to the gambling Overlord. A few times, he took a deep breath while keeping his eyes closed. To everyone else, it looked like he was trying to calm himself down, but it was actually a trap that the Husker did not notice. In those few seconds while Angel's eyes were closed, Husker would relax and show some of his giveaways. He didn't notice that Angel's freckles were actually an extra pair of eyes, and they were always open, all the time watching carefully for every move that Husker made. Angel noticed a twitch in Husker's ear and the slight movement of his tail; all of those things showed Angel exactly what was happening in Husker's hands. Angel focused on his own cards. They were perfect, and he tried his best to show his happiness, which was the complete opposite of what he was doing at his job. He was taught never to show sadness, pain, or suffering but always to show pleasure, happiness, and joy. Now the tables have turned, and he has to do all of that in reverse. He had to hide all of his happiness and joy from this powerful man, and he did it so well that he was pleased, or at least he felt like he was doing it well.

Finally, it was time to reveal the cards. Husker did it so willingly, showing off his cards, and they were good, but Angel has better cards. He could already hear Valentino screaming and yelling as he came closer. Angel, without showing any emotions, simply put his card showing and said quietly yet confidently, "Royal Flush, bitch."

The room stood silent. Angel Dust won; he just didn't know how to feel. He just saved Valentino from huge embarrassment, and he did it with his own skills. He did something well, and he was still capable of doing something good. Valentino was shocked too; he was staring halfway toward Angel. He was already ready to beat the sh*t out of him, but he was surprised as the dealer said, "The win goes to Angel Dust." The gambling overlord was shocked, looking at them and saying nothing, and then suddenly he closed his shocked mouth and began laughing.

He was laughing freely, without any fakeness. He was shaking and holding his stomach. He sounded happy and fulfilled, like the best thing in his life happened just before his eyes. He even lost his balance from laughing and put his head in his hand, now resting on the poker table, trying not to fall from his own chair. "I like your kid; I really like you," he said, still laughing. "Tino, where were you keeping this one?" He just kept on laughing, and even the dealer was shocked. It was obvious that something like this was not normalized; he did something that probably nobody has done in decades. He wasn't sure how to feel scared or happy.

The gambling overlords' laugh continued, but it was getting lighter and lighter. It took a deep breath; it felt as if he was finally calming himself down. "I must say, kid, this was one of the best games I have had in years; no scratch it, in my entire afterlife. If you are expensive, you are worth every penny." was a compliment Angel never got or didn't even expect. It might sound sexual, but Angel didn’t notice any sexual innuendo in it; he was actually telling Angel that he was worthy of something, and Angel blushed just a little bit.

“So Angel won. This means I get my part of the deal right." Valentino suddenly started squeaking again, trying to get his part of the deal put into action as soon as possible.

"Yes, yes, Tino, you got part of the deal, heh.” Husker's head was still in his hand while he was using the other one to wave Valentino off. "Actually, how about something even better? We will keep the deal, and tonight both of you will have drinks for free the whole night, so stay as long as you want. I have not felt this good in years, so tonight your fun is on me." He got up from the chair and once again came close to Angel. He offered his hand, and Angel took it once again. He shook it and congratulated Angel before once again kissing it like Angel was a proper lady. "Now, shall we all get the drink on the main floor?"

Angel and Valentino began following Husker one more time. They followed him outside of this room to the VIP lounge. Husk was using his walking stick, and he had a big grin of satisfaction on his face. The people from the VIP lounge were still there, but some of them were missing. Once again, they got up from their chairs and gave their respect to Husker, but the moment they noticed his grin, they all had a surprise look on their faces. That's when Angel realized how much of a deal he made tonight. Although it almost cost him his life, he's already almost had a heart attack multiple times.

They got into the elevator, returned to the second floor, and walked back to the bar where they met that night. Suki was waiting, and then there was a big fake smile on her face until she noticed Husker, and then her face turned into a surprised one too.

“I see you had fun tonight.“

“Yes, Suki, I did. I had a wonderful night tonight, and I hope you take care of our guests now. Please make them feel welcome and let them have as many drinks tonight as they want; it’s on the house.

Suki’s eyes widen even more, and she tries to say something, but she is lost for words.”Yes, of course.” She was staring a little bit longer before she found her lost words: “What about Poppy? Will she be punished for what she did tonight?”

"Nah, I have to say her mistake made this night amazing, so no punishment?

"Oh, I see.“ She put a sweet smile back on her face, but her voice was definitely angry. Well, sir Valentino. Shall I show you around?“

“Of course, Suki.” Valentino answered by putting his own hand around hers. "Angel, you can have some time off and then go back home alone. Daddy will stay here longer.”

“Yes Val.” Still not sure how to feel, Angel watched Valentino disappear into the crowd. Suddenly, he let go of the breath he didn’t notice he was holding. He sat on the chair and took multiple deep breaths while putting his head in his hands. He realized he was shaking, his brain brainstorming ideas of what kind of punishment he managed to escape, thanks to those fading memories. He was thinking of everything, and the memories that he let in tonight were squirming in his head, making his heart hurt with a pain long forgotten. He realized that he won and just got a pass from Val, but now what? It felt like losing his high, like a drug with an expiring effect. He was coming down from his adrenalin, and he did not like the feeling.

He heard a loud click in front of him. He took his face out of his hands and noticed the drinks sitting in front of him. It was the same drink he ordered while the poker game was being played. He looked up next to himself and saw the gambling Overlord sitting and drinking his own whiskey.

“Sorry about that kid. I didn't really mean to cause you that much trouble.” His words were quiet, his face stern, and there was no trace of the grin he had just minutes ago. ”I knew that Tino was an idiot, and he might hurt you, but I guess I was selfish and put too much fate into the idea of me having a good challenge.”

Angel was still trying to calm himself down as he took the drink. He was silent; he didn't want to talk with this man; he just wanted to go back home.

“Do you want something—another drink, drugs, or both?

“I just want to go home.” Angel’s voice was weak and tired.

“I can arrange that.“ They did not look at each other.

“Yeah.” Angel couldn't even fake his flirtiness; he could not put on his mask now. It broke somewhere while he was putting another one on; he wasn't able to put any of them on right now.

“My driver will take you to the tower. Don't worry about Tino; go home and take your rest.“

After a few minutes of deep breathing, Angel finally managed to calm himself down and gave the Overlord one more look. Husker's neutral face was back, his big smile was missing, replaced by his calm look, and his eyes were no longer shining with excitement but cold and distant. Still, Angel noticed something—a glimpse of regret in them. Well, Angel was glad to make this bastard feel at least some sort of remorse; after putting him through this torture, he deserved it.

“Thank you, sir. I will take my leave now.” Angel picked up his things and walked out through the main door of the casino. In front of the door, a limousine was waiting for him. This one was not Val's; this one was Huskers. After all, it has a sign of his casino: a big red heart with the golden word Soleil in it. The driver of the car opened the door and let Angel in. He got in and went home, thinking of how he would play with his pig and forgetting about tonight's night, hoping that tomorrow would bring something better.

Chapter 3: First night


Sorry if some parts are cringy. I'm not good with dialouges. Most of chapters are rewriten multiple times in order to make sure they seem good but I'm not best at writing conversation.

Chapter Text

The day after the gambling night begins nicely. Valentino was still not back from the casino, or at least he ended up sleeping somewhere else, so Angel had the entire bed for himself and his little piglet. He looked at his phone to see what time it was. It was already 10:00 a.m. No new messages from Val or Cherry Bomb. That meant he could do whatever he wanted; for now, he was just hoping that Valentino would not come back angry at something and then once again take it all out on Angel. He kept on laying down on the bed thinking of things that happened last night; no matter how hard he tried to forget, he couldn't. The Amber eyes of the gambling overlords were haunting him in his dreams; that masculine, deep voice somehow endearing yet intimidating was echoing in Angel's ears. And finally, the laugh of pure joy that Angel never heard came from anyone in hell. Why did Angel feel good from making that man laugh so much, and why did that laugh feel so...

It felt like what? Did it feel familiar? No, he couldn't remember anyone smiling like that, but the feeling of making someone smile like that was familiar. Did he used to do that to other people? Did he do that to his sister? Or maybe his brother while they were still having a good relationship in their childhood? He wasn't sure, but whatever it was, feeling nostalgic about those memories was good and bad. He knows that if he keeps remembering, he will regret it once those memories fade away, but he still doesn't want to let go. What if, once again, when he needs them in the future, he will be helpless? He remembered how to use the gun, how to play poker, how to hide his feelings, and how to lie so well; all those skills helped him survive longer than anyone he knows. He's survived long before he met Val, and he will survive long after that. Nothing in this hell will kill him. He will keep on living and living until he finds a way out of the contract or breaks himself apart.

No, he cannot let go of those memories; they kept him alive, and they will keep him alive forever. He will never forget what he learned, and he will never forget where he came from.

He took a few more deep breaths while petting his pet pig before finally deciding to get up and wash himself one more time. He realized how much he was sweating through the night; he couldn't remember his dreams, but it seems that they were not as pleasant as he wanted them to be. Although Angel could not truly remember when the last time was, he truly had a pleasant night rather than a nightmare made from memories or a mix of experience and fear. While he was in the shower, he heard the doors of the studio opening and closing. Soon after, he heard Val calling for his name, "Oh angel cakes." It seems that he was still in a good mood. "Where are you, baby? Daddy missed you last night. " Was it a warning? Was Angel not supposed to go home alone? Or was he simply missing all the fun he could have with Angel? Not many people would allow him to do the same thing to them. After all, Angel does not like sex with women, so usually when Val chooses a female lover to spend the night with, he does not include Angel in it.

"I'm in the shower," Angel answered. He did not want to risk it and make Val angry or dissatisfied; after all, the morning started well enough.

Valentino opened the bathroom door and entered without asking for permission, then moved the curtain of the shower cabin. Angel was there, still showering, trying to cover himself with his arms, even though there was not really much reason for it; after all, Valentino saw every part of him. Every part of his body was kissed, hurt, scratched, or licked, and finally f*cked by Valentino. Val was not happy to see Angel cover or shield any part of himself from Valentino. Angel realized what he was doing and right away changed his face into an innocent one trying to play a little game. “Oh, my Mr. Pervert." He put his acting voice on, releasing his lower hands. Allowing Valentino to see his private parts. "I was not aware that this was a shower for two." He relaxed his second pair of hands. "Do you want to join me?" He didn't want it, but he had to play along and hope that Valentino would not get upset.

Valentino put his smile on, letting Angel realize that he was doing a good job calming his master down and doing everything right to get out unharmed in this situation. Or he could at least hope for the minimum amount of hurt. No sex with Val has ever gone by without a scratch, bite, or bruise.

"It will be my pleasure, baby." He got rid of his clothes very quickly and split into the shower cabin, making sure to take pleasure in Angel before actually taking care of his hygiene.


"So how was your night?" Vox asked. Angel was sitting on Valentino's lap in the meeting room, and all three of Vee’s were sitting there with their favorite employees. Vox with his little assistant, Velvet with her model, and Valentino with Angel. But only Angel had to sit in his boss's lap. Everybody else was just standing next to them, another great part of being the favorite of Valentino.

It was actually very good,Valentino said, cressing Angel a little bit too rough on his thigh. The other hand was creasing his face gently. "Angel here did some parts of the job too, but I can say I dealt with everything perfectly." Yeah, right. That was a perfect lie. If it were only Val last night, they would lose their bet, and there would be no favor coming from gambling Overlord. It was Angel who won the game; it was Angel who even managed to let Overlord think about the offer and even accepted the slight changes. It was all Angel's work, and of course he will never be praised or rewarded for it. He will be put on the side while others steal his victory. He hates this, but this was the only thing he could do.

Well, I'm glad to hear that." Vox was already rubbing his hands, preparing for the next strategically constructed move. "So now we can work with the gambling Overlord?"

“I'm afraid not. I'm afraid he only accepted my offer and not even filled it out as I originally asked. He only allowed three of my whor*s to work there, and only once a week he also called my clothes tacky." Valentino was obviously emphasizing the last part because it was the only part bothering him.

“What about the rest of our deals?“

“I'm afraid he was not willing to talk about Alastor or anything else; after all, don't forget they are still on good terms."

“That f*cker," Vox said, slaming his fist on the table.

Who the hell was Alistor? Angel did not notice that name before, but it seems that it was important if it was letting Vox let go of his control and fake calmness. Angel also couldn't remember Valentino ever mentioning Vox or Velvet; maybe he did it before the meeting. He wasn't sure, but it was best not to mingle in this problem. If Valentino actually messed up, it's better for Angel not to know anything and to pretend to be a dumb whor*.

"Well, maybe," they continued their discussion, "we can try using whor*s to seduce him and to put our other plans into action.“

"Nice idea, Velvet. Unfortunately, that neutered prick is completely immune to the charms of the ladies or boys. I tried sending most of Valentino's whor*s there as spies, but it never worked. Nobody got his attention." neutered? Angel thought it was another stupid rumor about the gambling Overlord, or was it an insult people used for him because nobody was familiar with any of his lovers? It wasn't affecting Angel's case. He will not be one of those three who will join the casino, even though he is the main face of the brand. After all, Valentino doesn't want him too far away from him every week.

"Well, since Angel managed to get a game with the man, maybe we should use him," commented Velvet once more, not really looking from her phone. '' After all, you little bitch did get a free ride from this neutered prick."

sh*t. It was something that Valentino was not familiar with, and Angel was actually afraid of his reaction. Rightfully so, because right after those words were spoken, Valentino's grip got stronger. His claws are now scratching Angel’s skin, letting the blood out on the surface of the skin. "He what? Angel, why was I not informed about this?"

“I'm sorry, Val." He tried to put on his best pleading voice. "He offered his ride to go back home, and I did not want to disturb anyone. I thought if I said no, it would be impolite and rude; after all, we tried so hard to get on his good side."

I tried to get on his good side, you useless slu*t." Angel felt a strong slap on the face and fell to the floor. "You were there just to be eye candy, not to think."

"I'm sorry, Val," he said one more time, hoping that this would just pass. But it didn't. Valentino got up from his chair and came closer to Angel hovering over him, his shadow covering him completely like an eclipse. He was ready for the beating.

“Before you ruin his face, please remember that he is shooting today and he might just be useful." Vox said dryly, not really paying attention to Angel being beaten. He didn't do this to protect Angel but rather to stop more of Valentino's outbursts. “If he took some liking to him, maybe it's better to let Angel join the group of three. He really has a higher chance of seducing him and influencing him. I believe it will take some time, but if your whor* is as good as people say, it will be no problem for him.“

“I don't think even a whor* as good as Angel can make an overlord change his mind about working with us against his own friend." Velvet added once again, "No offense, darling, but not everybody is addicted to sex like you." She pointed her phone at Valentino. "Some people are addicted to other things. Like social media or gambling. I think right now it's better to just wait; after all, we have everlasting eternity.

"That is true, Velvet; however, I do believe Angel should still be part of three of them; he still has chances to do something and speed up the process."

"No f*cking way." Valentino screamed, "He is mine! He belongs to me and only me!! I decide what he will do!” He was now holding Angel by his hand, pulling him off the floor, and throwing him on the table. The pink chains appeared around Angel’s neck and arms. ”His soul is mine, and I am the one controlling him.“

"Nobody denies that, Val, but think about it: if Angel actually becomes unavailable for one night, he will get us even more money. Your movies will become much more watchable now that there is a limit to them. Vox was using his strategy and manipulation to calm Valentino once again, not for Angel’s sake but for the sake of his own nerves. A little electricity appeared at the end of his antenna. It was obvious that he was losing his patience with Valentino. "Think about it; you can even make some of the movies that come out explicitly on his missing days so that their prices would go up; after all, that will be the day that nobody except a few lucky winners will be able to have a taste of angel dust."

Valentino did not like this idea, but it seemed that mentioning money did sway some of his thoughts. " Maybe. Let's see if it will work; if it doesn't, I'm taking him back, and he's never going back to that casino."

Why are things getting worse and worse? Why did Angel have to go to that casino that night? Why did he have to show his skills? Why did he have to play that stupid game and win? Why did all this go so far when it was only supposed to be a small game and one night spent in the casino?


For almost the entire week, Angel did nothing but shoot movies, play with his pet pig, and think of the inevitable day when he will be forced to join two of Valentino's p*rnstars at the casino to get some new customers. Well, one good thing is that the casino will be warm, and he hopes that the men in there will be a bit more gentle than those on the streets.

Three days before the big day was coming, Angel was suddenly summoned by Valentino to the main hall of the tower. Angel hurried up there fast, noticing another two of Angel's most popular colleagues. Of course, bitch Tiffany and another kid Jack; he was a new one, but he was popular with people because of his freshness. Angel wasn't trying to learn much about him; after all, he will not be here for long. Most of the kids like him are not popular for a long period of time. He wasn't pretty like Angel, and many people who tried him returned to Angel fast.

Angel was wondering why he was summoned here, but soon after he got his answer. At the bottom of the stairs, he notices all three overlords receiving Husker and his assistant. Of course, Vox has his big fake smile all over his face. They were talking about something, but the three of them could not hear what the conversation was about. He noticed the three big boxes Poppy was holding. Vox looked at her and then pointed her towards three p*rn stars. She took her boxes and went up towards them. As she was doing so, Angel noticed that Husker took a glance at him. There's still a bit of that guilt he saw a few days ago, but Angel was not interested in it. He caused Angel almost irreversible damage; he was not really willing to forgive this man. After all, this is hell; nothing is forgiven here.

Poppy finally reached the top of the stairs and gave them the boxes, wishing them all good luck on their new job with her honest, cute little smile. Angel was surprised that the boxes were not heavy at all, which was how she managed to get them all to them. They were long but not heavy. It made Angel think that there was clothing in this box—probably dresses that they have to wear while working at the casino. How much did Husker not trust Valentino to choose clothing? It could be the right choice to do so. Yes, Velvet could have made something for them, but maybe Husker didn't trust her to not put some kind of chips or Vox tech microphones to spy on people while the three of them were working.

He was woken up from his thoughts when he heard a strong thumping sound. He looked down the stairs and saw Poppy tripping over an uneven carpet and falling to the bottom of the stairs. While the other two p*rn stars were laughing, Angel actually felt bad for the girl. She just seemed to have bad luck, ironically for someone working at the casino, where luck was everything. The gambling overlord looks at her, offers her a hand, and helps her get up. Just like he did a few nights with Angel. Although this time he did not kiss her hand but rather just patted her back to clean up the dust from her uniform. She was definitely blushing, using her long ears to cover her face from embarrassment. It was kind of cute but also sad; she seemed like just a normal girl, without any evil bones in her. How could somebody like that end up in hell?

After finishing their agreements with the Vees, Husker and his assistant left the premises, and Angel and his co-stars returned to their working place. Luckily, it was almost the end of Angel's shift, so all he had to do was go to his room and check the box he received. As he did, he was surprised with a beautiful black dress. It was shorter up front than in the back, sleeveless, with a very elegant heart-shaped upper part where a golden heart was embroidered. It was all good quality, something that he didn't get often. But it was also a dress that's easy to take off, very practical clothing for someone in Angel's career. There were also two pairs of black gloves that went with the dress, and Angel was happy about them. He always liked long gloves. It was saying that they were getting out of style, but even if they were, he was still wearing them almost every day.

Angel took out his clothes and put them in a safe place where they would definitely not get dirtied or ruffled by anyone. Only then did he notice a little message at the bottom of the box. It was a small piece of paper with a few written words on it: "I hope you will find this dress to your taste; another apology I wish to give you, Husker."

Oh, how sweet of him! Angel thought sarcastically. It was not enough to give him a free drink; now he's giving him free clothes.

Angel was familiar with this type of game. Husker will play a nice gentleman and do everything to get under Angel's skin, and then he will take advantage of him. Some simply like to do that because they like to believe that they're better than others, so they play little games to make themselves believe that they are actually good people.

All he has to do is tell Angel to open his legs, and he will do it. It's not like he owes anything to Angel; after Husker was an Overlord, he was not entitled to apologize to anyone. But to be honest, pretending to be aware of the Angel situation and feeling guilty about making it worse did feel like a consolation prize. As long as it doesn't go down the hill fast, it can be fun.

Angel put the card in the trash, not believing a word written on it, and prepared for his next shooting. It will not take long after all; it was his last role for today, unless someone doesn’t make last-minute changes. He will do his job, smile, open his legs, moan, and pretend to be satisfied. When he's finished, he'll try to take some time with his little piglet and maybe go somewhere to eat. It will be a normal day, as normal as it can be in hell.

Angel went to his dressing room to cover the bruise that now appeared on his face thanks to his previous scene. It was easy to cover, and while he was doing so, he noticed someone in his mirror reflection. Of course, the Tiffany bitch. ”So how is this new overlord guy?”

“I don't know; we are not on good terms.“ Angel answered, not really even thinking about the answer; he just wanted her outside of his dressing room.

“Why is that? I heard that you actually impressed the guy.“

“The guy almost put me on my deathbed. I'm not going to be happy nor even try to get close to that grumpy, selfish cat.“

"Oh, come on, Angel, he is an overlord; at least he sent us some clothes; I guess that counts as being a gentleman.“

“Or he's just overbearing and controlling like others are.” He kept putting on his makeup, not paying any attention to her.

“It may be. But it can be nice letting him play a knight in shining armor.“

“What do you want?” Angel asked, putting down his brush. “If you're trying to seduce him, it will not work. It seems that he's disinterested in anyone; didn't you hear that he might be neutered?”

“I did. It doesn't mean I have to stop trying; it can't do any harm. I can get on his good side and get a lot of money out of him, or he will say no, and I'll go my own way. Besides, the man doesn’t need his co*ck to please me.”

“So, since you could not get your movie awards, you're trying to get this award?”

“Why not? After all, I'm trying to be the best.”

"Well, then good luck on your little quest.” Angel continued on working on his face as she left the room, closing the door. He took a deep breath and thought about her words. Yes, getting on the overlord's good side might actually impress Vees and even have some benefits, but Angel was not interested in it. He doesn't want to get into any more trouble or whatever is happening between them and the gambling overlord. He did his job and did it well. Nothing else has to be done; he will just be a little dumb whor*, make those people from the casino happy, go back home, and relax as much as he can. It will be just like making a movie.

When he was done with the make-up, he got up from his chair and went to the movie set.


Husk was lying down on his bed, looking up to his ceiling. It was dark; the lights were out in his room. The only light came from the huge window. He was able to see anything from there, even the V tower. A place where Angel Dust was resigning right now.

Bottles of whiskey were all over the floor, a music box playing the tune on his desk.

He was thinking about the unusual young spider, and what could he be doing right now? Was he making another one of his movies, or was he simply preparing for them? Did he like the dress he sent them, or was he still angry? Of course, Angel had all the rights to be angry at Husker. All Husker did was create even more problems for Angel. He didn't mean to do that; he simply wanted some fun, but the look of the shaking young man at the bar brought Husker to reality. The deep breathing of Angel as he was trying to calm himself down made him realize what he had actually done to the poor soul. It reminded him of himself ten years ago. What's more, it made him feel like he lost a piece of his own humanity and came one step closer to becoming a full demon. It was something he was struggling very hard not to do again.

He did not consider himself a good person. He knew his sins and what kind of monstrosity he committed during his life and afterlife. He has been killing people for one part of his life. It wasn't really his choice, but it was his choice to be a part of that war. He was betting souls away as they were nothing.

He knew that Valentino could be cruel, especially with his favorite toy. But he couldn't imagine what kind of torture he would make this young man go through.

It's not like he never punished one of his souls. He did it a few times; he even sent them to the radio demon. That was the hardest punishment he ever did, but he considered it to be the right one. The only reason Husker hated more than anything was betrayal; everything else was forgivable.

The kid was probably terrified and angry, even though he was trying to hide in his voice.

He remembered those eyes on that scared young face, and it reminded them of something he saw a long time ago. Was it the face of the young soldier facing the possible death of the enemy soldier? He didn't feel this way for a very long time. When was the last time he truly felt sorry for somebody, or where was the last time he felt anything longer than a few seconds?

Ten years ago.

Ten years ago, he did not care for any souls he owned. But on that fateful night, when he almost lost everything. That night changed him. It returned the empathy he exchanged for power and made him feel bad for those young souls under him. Most of them were just young people who f*cked up early in their lives without any chance to do anything good. But feeling bad was still the only feeling he possessed. But empathy was not enough; excitement was something he craved far longer, and that craving brought him to that uneasy situation.

Husker did not judge those lost young souls, even though he wasn't like that when he was younger. Not everybody was lucky enough in this world. But this kid, this Angel Dust, was probably another one of those, but maybe a little bit different. A kid still had a spark from his life; he did not let go of the hope or memories; he was Husker’s opposite; that is what made him so exquisite. The confidence in his eyes, the cold yet hot fire burning in those eyes. The way he was positioning his body and the way he was holding the cards all felt familiar. Yes, it has been a very long time since he played as a real player. There were some good players in Hell, of course, and Husker played with many of them, but this spider played differently. He was not using one strategy; he was using multiple ones. It was obvious, and that's why it was so intriguing. He would love to play some more games again, but he doubts he will ever have a chance again.

Yes, it would be easy just to come to him and give him an order. Even though Husker does not own Angel’s soul, he's still an overlord, and somebody like Angel cannot fight him back; after all, he's just a little soul powerless to fight the great overlord. Not what he wants; he doesn't want to force him, but maybe if she apologized properly, he could have another chance.

Or maybe this was the final chance, and he blew it up, and never again will Angel play with the passion he played that night.

There was a flash of memories in Husker's head. He remembered a young man playing cards against him. He was nothing like Angel, but maybe the desire to win was similar. As soon as he remembered the boy, he remembered millions of other things. There were millions of memories floating in his mind, but he was struggling so hard to forget them, to forget the color blue, to forget those blue eyes that belonged to her.

He didn't want those memories. He did not need them; they were the biggest punishment in hell for him. The guilt he was feeling and the shame he felt a long time ago still did not leave his heart. And this spider, this Angel Dust, who came there posing as an arm candy to do such a grand thing and make Husker feel alive one more time after so many years. He had so much passion and a fire in it.

He put his memories away using his powers and alcohol. He erased the faces, eyes, and voices of everything that he could remember from his past. There were still some memories in there, holding on to the threat, making sure to keep him as human as he could be. The feeling of loving and losing someone he loved so dear. Even though he knows this power will not keep him steady forever. The longer he stays in hell and the longer he's using his powers to erase his memories, the sooner he will forget and become heartless once again. If he keeps his memories, they will keep hunting him. He needs to find a way to forget and yet stay who he once was—never to become cold and heartless like many other overloads, unable to show any kind of mercy or compassion to the souls he owns.

He closes his eyes. Taking a few deep breaths, in and out, he tried to think about anything else but the inevitable demise of his soul.

In a few more days, Angel will come back to the casino with two of his colleagues. Husker knows his job will be doubled this time; after all, these poor sinners are pathetic, and for every little piece of happiness they can reach, they are ready to pay twice.

It will be fun to see what will happen in the future after all the best tricks are always left for the final act.


It was time for Angel and two of his colleagues to finally go to the casino and do their new job. He puts on the beautiful dress he was given by the gambling Overlord; it suits him perfectly. He also put on a lot of makeup to cover some of the cuts, bites, and bruises still left from yesterday's shooting. He was glad that today there was no shooting; after all, Val did not want his whor*s to be tired and weak in the eyes of the customers. The good part was that he already knew that this job would only take 8 hours to finish, which means that the working hours are fixed. It will be much less dirty and warmer than doing it on the street, and he hopes it will also be less crowded. And it wasn't that exciting about seeing the gambling overlord once again, but it has to be done.

He kissed little Fat Nugget at the top of his forehead and departed from his apartment. Val was in the main hole of the tower, waiting for him with the rest of Angel's colleagues. He gave them instructions on what to do and to try to get under the overlord's skin, but Angel already knew it was a dead-end race. The only thing they could do is not bother him and try to stay away from him as much as they can, and maybe Husker will respect them enough to show them some kind of gratitude for it. The most likely outcome will be that they might not even see the gambling Overlord tonight; in fact, he was usually hidden somewhere in the casino, far away from public events and eyes. Most likely in his VIP lounge, playing games with the more important people. Angel wondered if they would be allowed to go there; after all, the most important and richest customers would be in that area. Well, it doesn't really matter as long as none of them are too much of a freak. Maybe they will be just a few people too tired from gambling and trying their luck with the new lovers.

In front of the V tower, there was a limo waiting for all three of them. They entered it, and the driver turned on the car. They were driving for some time, with Tiffany and another colleague just looking around and admiring the gambling district. The new boy admitted that he grew up in Vegas, so this was making him feel nostalgic. Something new for Angel to learn, although that information doesn't have much power, but you never know. Angel also looked outside, making sure to remember new things that he skipped last time, and to be honest, it was actually a completely different scenery going through the district before the night came.

There were many people walking around, many shops being opened, and people just doing normal things; they were people from other districts, mostly from cannibal towns. They had their children with them, and there were also a lot of teenagers just hanging around smoking and making small menaces. Angel wondered what it would be like to come here once during the day and once during the night to see the differences between the worlds of the gambling district in both lights. After all, if his memory serves him correctly, he couldn't remember how Vegas looked completely different in the night and day. It looks like an ordinary town during the day, and yet when the night falls, all of the buildings would shine like stars themselves. This district did function in a similar way, or at least it seems that way.

They finally arrived at their destination, but the driver took them to the main entrance of the casino, but after they were greeted by the hostess, she took them to the different hallway. This one was taking them to the reception, where another hostess and bellboy were waiting for them. The hostess took them to the elevator, put her card in, and took them to the second floor. It was a long hallway reserved for employees only.

They were welcomed by Poppy. She was dressed up in the suit completely black except for a little golden heart on the chest pocket, but once again the sleeves were too long, completely covering her hands. She wasn't wearing any makeup and had a magician hat on the top of her head. Even with all these outfits, she's still looking incredibly young and naive. It reminded Angel of Molly when she was younger.

"Hello there, and welcome to Soleil." Poppy said it excitedly. "It's very nice meeting all three of you. My name is Poppy, and I will be your guide tonight. I'll explain everything about the rules, and I will be glad to answer any additional questions you have." It was the first time for Angel to hear her voice without sounding scared. It was still kind of squeaky, but less than he expected. It was obvious that she did not go through puberty, so her voice was stuck somewhere between childish and adult. Angel kind of felt bad for her; after all, in hell she will never get a chance to grow up and change it. She's stuck in this form, but this voice has the mentality of the child who died, never living a full life.

"Well, aren't you cute little things?" Tiffany said, coming closer to the girl. "You look young; so are you your master's pet.”

Puppy blinked a few times, looking directly at Tiffany with huge, confused eyes. "Well, I guess he does own my soul, so he is my master. Does that make me his pet?" She whispered the last sentence to herself, thinking, one of her brows going up and her ear doing the same. Her eyes looked left and right, trying to fully analyze the information she just said out loud.

"Oh, you like playing innocent ones; that's cute." Tiffany continued, "Does he like it when you play like that?"

“I am not allowed to play any games in the casino. After all, I have extremely bad luck." Once again, she acted as if she wasn't sure if the answer was correct. Either she was playing dumb or she really could not understand that she was being teased.

"Okay, I'm getting tired of this." Tiffany said, putting away her acting mask, "Does your boss f*ck you or not?"

On that question, Poppy became extremely red in her face; both her ears went up. She suddenly started stuttering, and a complete confusion appeared on her face. It was enough to give them all a clear answer. No, he was not.

"What? No, no. I am 15; my boss... I can't; he wouldn't. He's not like, What?" Where did you hear that?" She was squeaking like a little bunny caught by a hawk trying to escape from its claws. "Seriously, who's making up these rumors? They make him sound like he's a terrible guy; he's stern, strict, and grumpy, but he would never do that. And could you please use less foul language? Please." For the last words, her voice became silent, and her ears dropped. She raised her cliff board and hid her face with it. After a few seconds of silence and her trying to calm down herself, she finally peeked out behind the clipboard. "I'm just his assistant. I tell people things when he's not available, and I try to take reservations for his games; everything else is outside of my hands. Although I am the fastest way to send the message to somebody or to ask for certain requests," If this girl was not under the contract, she would be dead in 5 seconds. People like her cannot survive in hell mentally or physically.

"Well, then, aren't there other guys who might interest you?"

“I'm 15; I don't think I'm allowed to have a boyfriend." There was silence, and all three of them stopped talking. Yes, she was 15, and that was obvious, but this is a hell; she doesn't have to follow any rules, moral codes, or anybody else for that matter. She was being silent, looking like whatever she said was perfectly reasonable. All of a sudden it clicked; she was probably new here.

"When did you arrive?"

"I arrived here about 4:00 p.m., although I do live in this hotel, soo…"

"No, I mean, when did you arrive in hell?"

"Oh, a year and a half ago."

All three of the p*rnstars looked at each other and gave themselves that familiar nod. How could someone so naive and so weak survive for a year and a half? If Angel has to guess she was found by the gambling overlord fast after she fell here, he probably promised protection, and unlike Valentino, he seemed to keep his promise. It will be wise not to continue this conversation. It will go nowhere, and they will just lose precious time.

They all got quiet for some time. Poppy cleared her throat and continued her monologue. "All right, if there are not any other questions, I would like to show you everything and explain everything you need to know." She turned around and told them to follow her, and they did. She took a look at her little clipboard and began reading it while walking. "So, as you know, you will be working 8 hours a day. You can take the limo back or walk home. In case you go home with the clients, you just have to notify me, okay?

“You see, you will be working under the rules of your boss, but while you're under the roof of my boss, you also have to follow his rules. Is that clear?" She asked, looking at them with a sweet smile.

They just nodded.

"Number one, you are allowed to sleep with any patrons that are in the casino, but you do not stop the game while they are playing or disturb them during the game in any case." They entered the big golden door and reached the main room of the casino.

Number two, you will be stated at different parts of the casino; this was done so that there will be no fight between you or between patrons who wish to share you. All three of you will be seated at the bar, where you will be able to sit as long as you want and take drinks. There are three main bars, and you will be seated at them; there will always be a special seat just for you." She took them to one of those bars and showed them the chair with the golden heart matching the one on their dresses, which meant that it was reserved for them."Of course you are allowed to move anywhere around the casino. You can sit together at the bar, of course, but at the beginning of each shift, you will always be stated separately.

Number three You are allowed to drink or take drugs, but don't come to the floor if you're too intoxicated. We have an infirmary where you can ask for any kind of assistance with injury, poisoning, or intoxication. You are allowed to use it anytime while you are here. Just ask security. There will always be one on the floor where your rooms will be.

Number four: We also have prepared the rooms you will be using to take your clients in." She took out three card keys and gave them each one."These keys allow you and only you to enter these rooms; nobody else can go there without your approval. In the rooms, you will find everything you might need for your" She stopped trying to think of the correct words to use "job-required activities." After finishing the sentence, her voice got softer, and her eyes were looking at them to see if she had insulted them. After she realized that there was no negative reaction coming from three stars, she simply cleared her throat before continuing. "If you need something else, you can ask for it or even bring some of your own...items," she was blushing, trying her best to obviously not use the word sex toys. It was kind of endearing after all; seeing somebody so innocent try to explain the job to three p*rnstars was ironic in a way.

"Number five, you will also be allowed to attend the restaurant and the bar if you feel thirsty or hungry once again. Please make sure that you are not too intoxicated while performing on the casino floor. You also cannot have an intercourse on the casino floor, hallways, infirmary, kitchen, restaurant, bar, or any other places, only in rooms.

"Oh, so we cannot have fun with the cute bartender over there." Angel teased, pointing at the hunk of a guy preparing himself for his shift by cleaning glasses and cutting lemons.

"Of course you can; you're allowed to have intercourse with all the employees; however, you can only have intercourse with them after their shifts are over.

“Now follow me to the stage.” She took them to the stage in the center of the casino, from where they could see the entire floor, including a part of the VIP balcony. You see, sometimes we perform certain shows like karaoke, drag shows, dancing competitions, and similar things. Employees are allowed to compete in these shows, which means that you are too. Of course, if you're not interested, you do not have to do so, but my boss always says that showing your talents can help you reach a better clientele."

Maybe in another world where people actually care for the talents of the prostitutes, but in hell all people care about is how many holes they have and how many dicks they can suck. But even though that was the case, Angel wondered how it felt to be a part of the show and try his own talents. Although he wasn't sure if Valentino would allow something like that, maybe he cannot influence what Husker allows, but he can definitely punish them after they return to the v tower, so Angel doubts that any of the three of them will try themselves in these competitions. Although he could easily see that even Tiffany and another colleague wanted to do so, they all wanted to be stars and not just the p*rn ones.

“If you look at the balcony,” she pointed at the VIP lounge. “You will see some distinguished gentlemen over there during the casino's working hours. They're not here right now, of course, but it is a special place for only our most important guests. You are not allowed to go there unless you are being summoned."

"Also, in case something bad happens to you or somebody tries to harm you or do something you do not wish to be done to you, you can call for security at any time of the day in your rooms and outside of them. We do not wish to have any kind of problems with your boss, so we made sure to make your security our top priority.” Well, that was new. Never before was Angel offered security during his job.

"Also, if somebody is harassing you on the casino floor, you can also ask for security to stop them. They are not allowed to abuse you or disrespect you in any way. This is your job, and Mr. . Husker wants to make sure that you three stay as safe and comfortable as you can.”

Isn't that sweet of him?

"Oh, the one and final thing, please, no matter what, do not use the weapons. We understand that your jobs can sometimes be dangerous, and I understand that if you use the weapons, you can have them in the casino, but do not use them in any case. If you have approval from our boss, then it's okay if the case was self-defense too, but there will be some deductions and penalties. Do you understand?"

“Yes,” they all answered.

“Great, now that we have settled on that, I want to show you...“

Her last words would be cut short by something falling on her head, making her lose consciousness and fall on stage. Tiffany let out a little scream of surprise. There was a lot of blood coming from Poppy's head; she was definitely no longer conscious.

"Oh, my God! Are you okay?" They heard the boys coming from upstairs and saw a young man who was putting on the spotlight. "I'm so sorry it slipped right out of my hands. I did not mean it."

Angel and his colleagues were confused, not sure what to actually do with this. He kneeled down to remove the big spotlight from the girl's head, knowing that if they did, she would most likely come back to life once again. After all, you can't die in hell for something like this. You might die at the moment, but she will come back in a few minutes or hours. She truly was an unlucky rabbit.

"Really? Again?'' Another voice came from a different direction. They all looked up, and Angel recognized the owner of the voice; it was Suki. She was wearing a very beautiful long all-red gown, with her long black hair put on one side, covering one of her eyes and making her seem more mysterious. She was wearing a diamond necklace around her neck, showing her power and influence. "This little bunny just can't get out of trouble, can she?” She walked up to the stage and simply walked over the now unconscious girl like she was nothing but a carcass on the road. "All she is is a troublemaker; look what she did to my stage. I hope she at least explained everything to you three before she went off."

Angel was pissed at the woman; Suki was obviously just a bitch doing this because she can.

The boy who was working on the spotlights came down, apologizing once again, "Miss Suki. I am so sorry. I swear it was an accident. Please don't tell this boss."

"Don't tell him what?" A familiar, deep voice came from the balcony.

sh*t! Angel thought this would become dramatic.

"Nothing boss. Poppy just had one of her moments again." Suki was unbothered by the scene playing in front of her. She answered plainly, like this was something that happens every day.

Husker used his wings to fly down from the balcony directly in front of the stage. Kneeled down next to Poppy's unconscious body and checked her up; she was finally breathing."It seems she's already putting herself back. Call Max and tell him to take Poppy to the infirmary and make sure she stays there until she fully regenerates.

Suki took a deep, unhappy sigh and took out her phone to call Max for help. In less than 5 seconds, Max appeared from the main entrance. Max was a big male hellhound. He was used as a security guard like they usually are. He came on stage, picked up a little bunny in his arms carefully, and took her away through the same doors Angel and his colleagues came through.

"I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Things like this usually do not happen, but I guess when your workers are not as careful as they should be, things like this tend to happen." His voice became dark as his eyes turned towards the poor boy, who was now terrified. There was a warning in those eyes, but the overlord did not do anything, or at least he didn't want to do anything yet in front of his guests—something other overlords would do. They love to show their power and punish their underlings in front of others to show their influence over souls. "I hope she explained everything to the three of you." Huskers said, looking at Angel and his colleagues. He came closer to all three of them and made a little gentleman bow, something that was very fashionable to do when Angel was alive and young. He probably would kiss their hands like he did with Angel, but considering that he would take some time to do so, showing all the respect with just a small bow was enough. "I hope you can forgive us and that you can enjoy yourself as much as you can."

"Yes, she explained everything to us." Tiffany said, flirting and trying to seduce the overlord, even though Angel now thought it was probably useless, although maybe the guy was into boobs. Since all three of them were taller than Husker, she bowed a little bit in order to expose her cleavage even more. But Husk did not seem to react to her advances.

His face was not as neutral as it was when they met. He was having a small, polite smile on his face and doing his best to show that they are welcome and that he's not trying to be intimidating. His voice was also softer than when he was talking to Valentino or Angel while Val was there. The thought went through Angel's mind. Maybe he just hated Valentino. And as much as he was trying, he couldn't fully hide his dislike for the moth. That seemed to be the case, and to be honest, right now this man was looking even more attractive than when Angels first saw him.

"Now I'm not sure if she mentioned anything about the games. You see, you are allowed to play games and keep the money for yourself. This can help you get the attention of the customers. They do seem to like challenges, and if you challenge them in the game, even if you lose, they might show great interest in you. The room and the drinks that you will be taking are free for you, but your customers will be paying for them. Don't worry; we will make sure to charge them without putting you in any kind of danger or uncomfortable situation. We want good cooperation, not problems or troubles." The overload explained it to them; it did seem like a good offer, although neither three nor one of them would be allowed to keep the money for themselves. It would probably be taken away in the morning by Val, so it didn't really matter if they played the game or not.

“I will not be taking any of that money; it doesn't belong to me. I can only tell you that if you want somebody who pays more, try keeping yourself next to roulette and poker games. Please be careful; these people can be aggressive when they lose too much. Security will provide assistance. But even with our biggest attention, I am afraid I cannot control everything they will do, so I cannot promise 100% that there will be no harm done to you.

"Don't worry, big guy," Angel said. "We can take a few punches, and in the worst case, we might even like it." He said his last words with a silky voice, trying to get a reaction from the overlord, and he did. He noticed his ears flinching in an uncomfortable way.

“Then we made a deal. The casino will be open soon. You can go and take your places, and please try not to cause any kind of trouble." The overlord bowed one more time and then turned his back towards them, moving back toward the elevator that will take him to the balcony.

"Yes, daddy,” Angel said teasingly, but it made Husker stop in his tracks. In the blink of an eye, he turned back sharply, giving them all furious looks. His eyes were golden, surrounded by traces of electricity.

"No, never again.” His voice became cold in just a second. It was a warning—a fair one and a dangerous one. There was no warmth in it, no welcoming look that was there a moment ago. It took all three of them by surprise. “You will not use those words towards me; you can call me whatever you want, Boss, Husker, Husk, Grumpy Cat, but don't use that slang on me. Understood?" and all three of them simply nodded without saying a word. Husker turned his back towards them and continued his way to the elevator. All three of them were standing there scared but surprised that there was no punishment. After all, they got used to Valentino's outburst, but this overlord was trying to control his emotion and not do anything reckless towards his employee or someone else's employee. He might have seemed decent enough, but he was still an overlord.

"You shouldn't have done that." Tiffany said, crossing her arms over her chests.

"Well, if I didn't, you would, wouldn't you?" Angel was not really happy with the results of his tease. But he did not let it stop him from having a good time, or at least try to have a good time.

"Don't take it too hard," Suki said, giggling from behind them. "He hates being called daddy or anything with the father title, but I guess you whor*s did not know that. After all, all you guys are good at is f*cking and sucking dicks." She leaned on Angel's shoulder and whispered those last words, but she was heard by other colleagues. It seems she was trying to sound intimidating, but she failed miserably. They ate bitches like her for breakfast. She was warning them about something, maybe to stay away from her prize and territory.

She moved past them, pretending to ignore them. She flipped her hair, not paying attention to the other employees who were coming and preparing the room for the new day off work.

"Wow, she's an even bigger bitch than you, Tiff." Angel said it dryly, not really impressed or surprised by the way the girl was acting.

"I thought that was impossible, but it looks like it." She agreed with him.

"Well, then let's be careful around her. I don't like playing with dangerous dogs." Jack said.

Angel took a deep breath. He will not think too much about what happened just now. It was not the first time for him to see this overlord change his emotional state in such a short period of time. Valentino did it all the time too, but the only good thing was that this one was not fast to strike. Angel learned his lesson; he will never use that nickname on this Overlord.

They all did as they were asked, and they all took their places in the main bars, waiting for the customers to come.

Chapter 4: knowing you

Chapter Text

Again, he f*cked up again. How is this possible? How does he always do something well and then f*ck up just a second later? It wasn't really his fault that the spider had to say that stupid title with that flirtatious voice. He hated being called that way, especially by lovers; it is not a title that the lover should give to another one. Husker was always disgusted when somebody else was trying to use it while trying to be intimate with him. If only he had acted a little bit better and not had an outburst like that, he might have had a chance with getting closer with Angel Dust, but now he's screwed up, and there is no way that can happen again.

He took another huge gulp of whiskey directly from his bottle. His head was resting on his desk, and he was hating himself right now. Everything was going perfectly. He was trying to not be intimidating; he was trying to welcome them properly and to be a proper gentleman, but of course that had to happen; everything had to blow up. Why did he have to do that fake act again? Angel is so much more interesting when he is being himself. Why do this?

Another gulp from the bottle before he realized that it was empty. He drank his second bottle of whiskey like it was just an orange juice, and it was still not enough to make him feel less embarrassed. He was an overlord; he was not supposed to feel this way. He was supposed to feel confident and sure in his words, but once he saw those scared eyes once again, he felt like a piece of sh*t. They were just three confused young people trying their best to survive in this hell. They already worked hard for Valentino and sold their bodies 24 hours a day; why did he have to make it harder? He didn't mean to.

There was a knock on the door.

“A pair of bunny ears appeared, followed by big eyes and a shy face. “Sir, it is time for your game with our new VIP guest." She easily realized what kind of state he was in, and it was only making the situation worse.

He was drunk and unprepared for the next game. “Just cancel it.”

“But sir, if I do that, we might lose this client, and he is very important to us.”

“Who am I playing against?"“ The ambassador from the lust ring. Remember, you wanted to talk to him so that we would have access to Asmodeus’s technology?

God damn it. Husker had to find a way to sober himself in the next few seconds; it was important, and he could not f*ck this up either. “All right, a glass of water and something for my headache.” It's going to take some time, but he will be able to put on the mask and play the game. He might not win, but it doesn't matter. This is not a game for souls or money; it's okay. It was for the deal. He did not have time to wail in his failure to present himself as a rational man.


Angel didn't know what to expect from today's night, but this was definitely not what he was imagining at any point of his life. He was sitting at the bar when the guests arrived. They sat in the different parts of the casino, playing games. Many of them paid close attention to him but seemed too scared to come close. Some of them seemed too hesitant, and others probably thought that without playing a game, they didn't have a shot at him at all. Angel was happy about this but also unhappy at the same time. If those suckers do not start coming to him soon, he will not be able to earn any money, and Val will not be happy about it. If not, then maybe he could try walking around trying to get more intimate with the customers in order to persuade them to make the first move. He got up from his chair, took a drink in his hand, and walked around, looking closely at the people playing the games. If he already has permission to choose somebody, maybe he can choose somebody who looks presentable. Many people were dressed in suits, and they did not look as gruesome as the people did in the studio or in the streets. There were some young men who were very attractive, and there were some older gentlemen who were probably not very high in energy. Taking money from them would be easy. He would just have to take some little action, and it would be done. They will be satisfied and might even give him a tip. He also noticed that sinners were not the only demons in this casino. There were many demons from other parts of hell, which might be another new thing to try. Why not try succubus? He never did, and he heard about those amazing lovers. So having good sex while getting money would be a plus.

He finally noticed a very rich-looking, handsome man sitting on the roulette table, playing the game. He was there with another woman, but Angel thought maybe a challenge could be fun.

He sat next to the man, putting his fluff on display, drinking seductively, and looking directly into the man's eyes. The man noticed him; his grip on the woman loosened as he was looking directly at Angel. It worked. He let go of the girl he was holding, turning her full body towards Angel. "Well, look what we have here, a little angel,” the man said. He was trying to sound confident, but it was obvious that he was nervous. “Did you fly from heaven just to see me?" Angel cringed.

“Yes, daddy, I did. Will yer do me an honor and let me take you to heaven after this game?”

“How about this? Pick a number, and if I win, I will take your offer and pay half of whatever I earn.

It was an interesting challenge for Angel; he did not hate it, so why not try it? Angel leaned on the man's shoulder. Whispering the number and the color, the man repeated them, and in the next few moments, as they were waiting for the ball to stop, it actually stopped exactly at the number Angel chose. Well, that was surprising. Not really what Angel was expecting, but it will be a good idea for Angel to be represented as a lucky charm. The man happily took his chips and took Angel by the hand. Angel got him to the elevator and then took him to the room with his number on it.

He opened the door of the room, not truly knowing what to expect inside, but he was not disappointed.

The room was not too big, not too small—the perfect room for two people to have a passionate night. There was a big bed, a minibar, and all the necessities people might need for having good sex. Poppy was not lying when she said everything would be prepared for them. There were some toys prepared just in case; there were lubes and condoms placed in the basket next to the bed. The lights in the rooms were dim but not completely turned off. The atmosphere was very pleasant. It was obvious that the place was created to try to make Angel and his colleagues feel as comfortable as possible. It was good; it was much better than what he expected, and it was millions of times more comfortable than the streets.

It didn't take too long for Angel to finish with the guy. He was an okay lover, nothing too much, and just as he promised, he left half of his earnings to Angel, which was a very fair amount of money. He really did get lucky on his first shot, but maybe that was beginner's luck. He shouldn't rely on it too much, even though it was a casino.

After they finished, the man left the room, leaving Angel there for a little bit longer. Angel took some time to go to the bathroom and fix his makeup. He was thinking of taking a little bit of drugs to make himself relax, but he wasn't sure if he would have enough for the whole night. The guy was an okay lover, so there was no need for drugs, but who knows, maybe the next one will not be like that. On the counter, he noticed there were actually prepared drugs for him to take. The counter was cleaned, and everything was ready for him. He was thinking about it for a second, but then he thought that if he takes drugs now, the effect might go away when he needs them more. It's better to wait a little bit longer, and then if the night goes out, he can always take them.

He fixes his makeup and returns to the casino. He sat at the bar and asked for another drink.

Angel did the same thing a few more times, every time managing to find a customer, but the last time he got a guy, it was a rich, fat old guy. Angel did not get lucky with this one; he misjudged him completely. Well, the man looked old, but he was in full strength, and he was into some weird things. He took Angel and made him spend some time there playing with multiple toys. It made Angel feel like he was on the set of the movie; he just waited for it to be over. The guy was like an unattractive, older, fatter version of Valentino. He really hated the mistake he made. It will be over soon. He told himself multiple times through the never-ending hour he spent in that room.

After the guy went, Angel had to take a shower, and with another line of drugs, he had to numb his senses just a little bit.

He left his room and noticed that Tiffany was in the same condition. She did not look happy either; it looks like she made a mistake with the similar guy. They even look similar, probably brothers; at least they did not ask for swings. They gave each other unhappy looks and just continued toward the elevator. The security guy gave them a look, but they waved their hands, showing him that everything was ok. After all, they went through worse. They did not talk to each other in the elevator; they just wanted to go back to the casino floor.

Angel reached the bar and once again sat in his reserved chair, asking for a drink.

“You seem to need something stronger this time,” the bartender said. He was a hot piece of meat. He had the Latino accent, not the same one as Val, and a much more human form than Angel did. He was obviously very handsome, with the black hair and those dark black eyes. Ram horns decorate his head, like some sexual deity from ancient times. Angel did notice him before, but right now, after sleeping with that old hog, seeing this young man give him a drink feels like long-needed therapy.

"Oh, and why do you think so?” Angel answered.

"Because," the young bartender answered, putting another drink in front of Angel, “I used to do your job." Angel raised his eyebrow, not really voicing the question lingering in his mind. ”As you can see, I'm a hot piece of meat. I used to sell myself to rich ladies; sometimes those ladies like to share me with their husbands, so a simple drink could never numb the pain enough, and considering that you just exited the room with the man who used to be my customer, I know that you need something stronger.”

huh. That was an interesting development that Angel did not see coming. “So you know Mr. Ferrero?”

“Outside and inside, unfortunately,” I wanted to tell you to not go with him, but I don't really have permission to do so.” The boy was cleaning the glass in his arms. “I wasn't sure how to give you a warning, but maybe you and I can create some kind of code.”

“Don't worry, honey, I'm here longer than you can imagine, and I go through way worse sh*t every day. Thanks for offering though.” Angel tried his drink, and it was really sweet.

“It's a co*cktail with a little bit of “dust.“It numbs your senses just enough to feel like you took a long shower and cleaned every part of you inside and out. Don't worry, it will not knock you out. I tried it; it took me years to perfect the drink.”

The drink was sweet, and Angel started feeling the effect of the drink right away. It really did feel like taking a long shower. “You should be working for Valentino. We would be endlessly happy to have someone like you on our team.”

“Thank you, but I like it here," the bartender answered while making a co*cktail for another customer.

“Oh, is the big boss treating ya well?”

"Si, he is, though he wasn't in the beginning.”

“Why is that he does not like prostitutes?”

“He doesn't really hate them. It's just that I just tried to suck his co*ck, so it took some time before I was allowed to approach him at a distance less than 5 feet." Angel giggled at the story; he imagined the prude overload using his walking stick as a measurement to stay away from his employee. “That is why he put me behind the counter; here I cannot touch him.” That gave Angel a good amount of laugh—not too much, but enough to relax more.

“So is it true he doesn't take lovers?”

“I'm not sure; I think it's more like he doesn't want to take lovers. I know that he was married before, but he never talks about it. We all know he was married. A lot of people used to know it, but it seemed that they all forgot that and replaced the truth with a lot of rumors. Most of them are stupid and not true.”

“So he's not neutered?” Angel asked half jokingly.

“I'm afraid I am not.” Angel jumped a bit when he heard the familiar, deep voice behind him.


“Welcome boss, did you have a nice game?" The bartender asked, looking at his boss and bowing politely.

“ No. I managed to win the game and get a lot of favors while being half drunk,” Husker said with his unsatisfied voice.

“So how many bottles did you drink? five?”

“Nah, just two of them.”

“Boss, that's not even a proper drink. I'll give you a good one." The bartender put the drink in front of Husker. It was a bottle of whiskey. But Husker raised his hand and gave a bartender a sign to get him a glass. He poured himself a drink before taking it and drinking it slowly.”

Angel was unsure how to proceed with this; he wasn't sure if he insulted the man or should he simply find another guy and just take him to the room to run away from the situation.

It seems that Overlord noticed his struggle before commenting, “Don't worry, kid; I heard worse. I'm just interested in finding out where you heard these.”

Angel did not answer. He wasn't sure what to say, so instead he put out his mask and said, “Well, it would be my pleasure to check on the rumor and make sure to tell everybody if it's true or not.

“Don't do it, kid." There was no anger in his voice; he simply kept on pouring and drinking his whiskey. “I know what you're doing, and I understand and appreciate your hard work, but you don't have to do that with me; I'm not interested.”

Great, then why are you sitting next to me? Just move along; there are plenty other bars in this Lucifer damn casino! Maybe Angel should get up and move along by himself?

As if he could hear Angel's thoughts, Husker answered. “I'm here to apologize for being rude toward your colleagues and you; I didn't mean to cause you any inconvenience.

The guy looked honest, so Angel took upon his apology, “Don't worry, big man, it wasn't that bad.”

“It was still not a proper reaction towards my guests. I guess in your job people say things like that all the time, but here we do not do that. I guess instead of lashing on to you, I should have expressed my feelings about it in the proper manner.”

Angel was looking at him a little bit confused now. He wasn't sure which part of this conversation was more confusing: the part that he was in hell, the part that the man was apologizing to him in the middle of hell, or the part that the man who was apologizing to Angel in the middle of hell was an overlord who shouldn't care about what Angel thinks.

“I guess I forgive you." Angel said that she was really sure what to say.

“Thank you; now I hope you had a pleasant evening here.”

“I did. As pleasant as it could be. The room was kind of nice and comfortable, all of the additional gifts from the rooms were perfect, and the customers were not as bad as I thought there would be.“

“I'm glad to hear that.”

The conversation was longer than Angel wanted it to be, and he was afraid of saying something wrong again, so he tried to make an excuse to leave. ”I would like to stay and chat with you, big guy, but unfortunately, my time is money.”

The overlord took out $500 bills and put them on the table. “Would it be enough? For some of your time?”

Angel took the bill and put it in his chest Puff.”So big guy, what do you want to do?”

“Just talk.”

“Excuse me.”

“I just want to have a conversation with you, nothing else. You seem to be a bright young man, and I had a terrible game just a few moments ago. All the players were complete losers, and I am tired of feeling like I'm playing with myself.”

"Honey, for that thing, you need a gambler or a shrink, not a whor*.”

Husk took another glass. "I would disagree; I paid for your time, but I never said which services I wanted. When I was young, the whor*s were the best version of the shrink. I know from experience that whor*s were always the ones with the most information. You would be surprised at how much they knew and how much you can learn from such people.”

So he did not hate whor*s. “And when was that time 100 years ago?“ Angel tried to joke.

“Exactly” Angel was taken aback by the answer.``It wasn't that rare for people, especially men, to rent a woman or a girl to simply talk to her and exchange their thoughts with them. Most of the time, this was done when people were sad, hurt, or in some kind of emotional struggle. It wasn't really a typical way of using prostitutes, but it was still effective. I want the same from you. ``He stopped to take another drink." “I noticed that you are much smarter than you let on. I would like to see how much wisdom and knowledge you have. Considering how well you were playing the game, I would say there's a lot more of you than it seems. I know that there is no person with just one talent, and you seem to have multiple of them. I would like to see them. I would like to learn how you got them and in what way you are using them.”

Angel considered the offer. Why not? He might have a nice chat. He can treat this as a little break and have a conversation with Overlord to get on his good side; maybe even get some bonus points from Val for doing so.

“Well, as you know, I'm very good at sex. I can do whateva yer ask in any position you require,” he once again teased. As he noticed that the gambling overlord's face became a bit grumpier, he continued with the same teasing smile, “Same goes for the games. I'm very good with cards. I can play them, shuffle them, use them, or maybe do one card trick.“

This did seem to peak the interest of the overlord; his pupils seem to dilate just a little bit. “What kind of games do you play?”

“I know how to play poker, checkers, Go Fish, briscola, and scopa.”

Husker raised his brow with a pleasant smile. “Who is Italian in your family?”

“Tutti membri della famiglia,” Angel answered in his native language, his smile widening.

“Che sorpresa,” Husker answered, and his accent was very good. It surprised Angel in a very positive way. His big smile spread across his face. Now he was actually having fun and did not mind continuing it.

“All right then, big man, what do you want to know?" Angel prepares to humor him and see how well and how far this conversation can actually go.

“So, your accent...”

Just as Husker was trying to ask the question, Angel suddenly felt a sharp sense of pain on one of his left arms. He looked up and saw another man, a big, dangerous wolf with sharp teeth, grabbing him. He didn't even introduce himself. “Let's go whor*.”

“Wow, such a gentleman.” Angel said with a fake smile and a little bit of sarcasm in his voice, “Won't you at least buy Gal a drink?”

“No need for that; I just need you to f*ck. So let's get up before I get your body slammed on the counter and f*ck you senselessly right here and now." His grip was getting tighter. And Angel really did not like the look of this guy. Maybe he can just say no this one time, just until the pain from the previous customer fades away.

"Look, pal, I would like to spend a night with such a strong big daddy like you, but I'm on a break. I need to refuel myself, and then we can go and have some fun. Why don't you go and play some games until Daddy's finished with the refueling?” Angel was trying to calm the man down, but it did not work.

“I said now." He squeezed even harder, and even though Angel tried, he couldn't contain his whimper.

Right then, Angel realized that he knew the guy. He came many times to the V Tower, requesting Angel Dust to sleep with him. Valentino refused him simply after realizing how desperate this man was. He was also poor, so he never could pay enough. When the guy tried to apply to become a p*rnstar, Valentino told him he didn't have what it took. The only thing Val did that was actually partially nice for Angel. This realization made Angel understand that he would not get rid of this guy. It is better to just do whatever this guy wants and then face the consequences after it. Maybe he can take more drinks or more drugs.

“I believe he said he was on the break; besides, I already paid for him." Husker's voice came behind him.

“And who the f*ck are you, puss*cat?”

Angel turned his head toward the overlord, but the bartender and another guy sitting at the counter ignored the scene. Husker was simply drinking his whiskey, not really paying attention to the man. ”I'm just a man. I was taking a break from gambling and sitting here having a lovely conversation with an interesting companion before you so rudely interrupted us. And if I remember correctly, this young man said he was on the break, but even if he wasn't, you should listen to his advice and at least buy him a drink.”

“You think you're some kind of big shot?” The wolf leaned hard into Husker's face; he didn't recognize the overlord, or he simply did not care. Husker tried to ignore him completely until the wolf took away his bottle and spilled the drink into the overlord's lap. Husker looked directly into his eyes but still did nothing. The wolf grabbed two of Angel’s hands and pulled him up from the chair, putting his other hand inside Angel's dress.

“Young man, I think you should learn a thing or two about respect.” Before the wolf managed to answer or say anything, Husker picked him up by the shirt and simply tossed it like he weighed nothing; he was sent flying to another side of the casino, hitting the wall and splashing his blood all over the wall. Most of the people just pretend nothing happened after they realize who tossed the man.

“Sorry about that kid,“ Husker said, cleaning his paw on the top of his shirt, ”and Rico.” He raised his hand one more time,."Please give me another bottle; this one got spilled.

“Sir, should I call somebody to bring your new suit?” He didn't seem very worried, but he did not seem as relaxed as he was before.

"Yeah, you can do it,“ he said, still unbothered by everything. “Seriously, what is with the young people today? no respect, no manners. I'm sorry to sound so old when I say, "These young generations just don't know how to act.” Husker took the last bit of whiskey from the glass. “Are you okay, kid?” he asked Angel, who was now massaging his two arms. Angel wasn't sure whether he should thank the overlord. He wasn't really happy with what was done. He doesn't like making a scene or feeling like Damsel in distress, but to be honest, the guy did something incredibly stupid, and he should be happy to still be alive and breathing if he is.

“I’m fine. Thanks,” he mumbled.

“There is no need to thank me; I understand I got into your business, and I'm sorry, but when somebody disrespects people in my home, I do get angry easily. So while you are my guest, if somebody makes you uncomfortable, I will make it my business.” Husker took a look at Angels' wrists. “Does it hurt a lot?” Angel shook his head. “May I buy you a drink?’

Husker was still an overlord. That made him dangerous and powerful just as he demonstrated, but he also appears to be a gentleman not too keen on making a scene. He might not respect Angel truly, but he did a good job pretending to. Angel wondered how much effect his p*rnstar persona would have on Husker, so he made a little experiment.
“Are you changing your mind about my offer?” he asked as he put his hand on Husker's glass, brought it to his lips, and leaned them on the same place where Husker’s lips were just a minute ago.

"No, I just now realized I didn't buy you a drink either.”
Angel accepted the offer. Once again, he was asked what kind of drink he wanted, and just to be a little bit mean, he ordered “sex on the beach," which got the reaction from the Husker. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Angel got his drink and made sure to use his tongue to play with the straw, making lewd suggestions to see how far he can go with this Overlord. The results were just as Angel wanted them. The guy didn’t say anything, but it was obvious that he was annoyed. His tail was moving from one side to another, probably cleaning the dust from the floor while moving.When he was finished with the drink, Angel took the straw out and took a long lick of the entire straw. "Well, that was a very nice way to spend my break, but I think our time is up and it's time for me to go back to my normal duties.”

Angel got up and stretched himself a little bit, making sure to puff out his chest fluff, taking one more lewd look at the overlord.

“We could do this again, big boy.” Angel blew him a kiss and turned his back to Husker. He only made a few steps before hearing Husker calling him back.

“How about we do something else for more money in a more private place?” Husker asked, his voice getting deeper and more seductive.

Angel was sure that his advances did not really have any effect, but he was interested to see what this man had in mind.

“What do you suggest, Kitty Cat?" Angel leaned on the counter, putting his puff directly in front of Husker's face.

“What about another game?”

“Again? Listen, Kitty, I did show you my skills, and it was okay, but I'm not ready to gamble my entire savings to the gambling Overlord.”

“We will not play for money; I just need to play another game with you. As I said, I had terrible games tonight. I really wish to play with somebody who is a bit more serious. I will pay you for your time. Double it, actually.”

“That's quite a nice offer; I might even take it.”

“How about this? We will play a few rounds, and if you win, I will owe you a favor.”

“What kind of favor?

“Any kind you want, but it has to be something in the casino. You want access to VIP? You want a better room? You want me to find your best customers, no problem. As long as it is in my power as an Overlord, I will do it.”

This did seem like a good deal. Gaining a favor from the Overlord could also be something that an Angel might just need for himself; nobody else needs to know about this. Keeping it as an ace in the sleeves. And since he was already tired for tonight, maybe playing a game with an overlord could be fun.But it could also be dangerous.

“I have to disappoint you, but I'm a little bit numb from alcohol and drugs.”

“So, am I. I guess the game will be perfectly fair then.”

Angel laughed at that. The guy was actually much more relaxed than he let himself seem. “I don't mind it, but I'm choosing the game.”

“ Deal”

“All right, are we going to my room or do we get to do this in your special chambers?”

“We'll do it in my chambers." Husker said, getting up from the chair and offering his hand to Angel. Angel gladly took the hand and followed him to the elevator. Once again, they arrived at the VIP lounge and then entered one of those private rooms.

“So what is it that you want to play? Husked asked Angel Dust as he was taking the extra pair of pants that were left for him on the chair.

“Why don't we play something more interesting like strip poker; you are already halfway there?”

“I would love it, but I can't, and unfortunately, you are less dressed than me, so that would not be really fair now, wouldn't it?”. Husk was changing behind the bar, and Angel would be lying if he said that he was not intrigued to try and check to see how fake the rumors were.

“Well, considering what happened last time, it might be just a fair advance.” Husk was laughing at Angel Comment; it wasn't as loud as it was the first time, but it was still a nice smile. Although this time it was much more controlled and sophisticated. Angel actually liked it. Because it was kind of soft and warm, and Angel would not mind hearing that voice moan. “How about then we play scopa? Are you familiar with the rules of the game?”

“Yes, I am, although I have to say I have not played in many years.”

“Well then I would not mind having an advantage over a gambling overlord.”

“Alright kid Let's play.” And they did.

Angel did not expect the night to take this kind of turn. It let him relax and enjoy the night. He did not have to think about his next customer. He did not suck a dick or bend over. All he had to do was follow the rules of the game and try his best to win the game.

He was winning multiple times, and it was kind of cute. Seeing the frustration of the old gambling overlord appear from time to time. A very quiet grumble, a slight movement of his tail, a twitch of his ear. All of those were signs that he was not happy with the game, but he did not complain. It seemed like a gambling overlord liked losing from time to time. It represented the challenge, and he loved challenges, which was obvious with the smile he was trying to control every time he would shuffle the cards.

“I think I defeated you enough in this game. Maybe now we can start with something that you are more comfortable with.”

“How about we take a little break? I can make a drink; just choose your poison.”

“You know how to make a co*cktail?” Angel titled his head and raised an eyebrow.

“Of course, I used to be a bartender when I was alive. There were many co*cktails that I had never made while I was alive, but every new soul brought something new, and I continued practicing, and that's my hobby.”

Angel taught a little bit. He can easily do a malicious thing and ask for one of the most difficult co*cktails to be made. After all, he wanted to see how talented this gambling overlord was and what other talents he possessed.”How about a bloody Mary?" Angel asked with a huge grin. His eyes were looking directly into the huskers challenging him.

Husker returned the grin, showing that he had accepted the challenge. He was aware that it was one of the most difficult co*cktails to make, and instead of fighting back or denying the request, he simply walked to the small bar in the corner of the room, looked Angel directly into his eyes, gave him a sly grin, and began preparing the co*cktail. A few interesting moments later. The drink was poured into the glass and served to Angel. It was so good—actually, scratch—that it was the best one he ever tried.

Angel was pleasantly surprised, wondering what else this man could do. Husker did say that every person has more than one talent right now. Just like Husker was interested in Angel, Angel was growing interested in Husker too. What else can he do? What other ace can he pull out of his sleeves?

“Do you like it?”

“I'll be honest, it's one of the best. If not, the best I tried.”

“Thank you for your opinion. It is truly appreciated.” Both Angel and Husker giggled.

Angel wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or drugs he took before this game, but he was actually starting to see how attractive this man truly was. Before, his fear of unequal power was fogging his eyes, but now he thought maybe Husker is a decent guy, as decent as an overlord can be.

“Have you ever made your own shoot?”

“Yes, quite a few of them actually when I was alive. Sometimes I would do that for special customers; I would find out what they liked the most and try to create a unique mix that would suit their taste.

"Oh, that sounds amazing. Can you do that now?”

“I think you would have too much alcohol in you if I'd made it for you right now.“ Husker said, cleaning the table. “But if you come back again, I could make you a co*cktail that used to be my favorite.“

“Oh, so you want to see me again?” Angel said, holding a king of hearts card in between his fingers and playing with it seductively.

The gambling overlord said nothing; he simply looked at Angel Dust and smiled, not even nodding. He closed his eyes and returned to the playing table.

“Let's play a different game. How about we play poker for a few rounds? Actually, let's play three rounds. The loser will do the winner a favor. Any kind of favor that they are capable of doing.”

Angel said nothing about this; he wasn't sure about the game Overlord was playing. It didn't matter if he won or lost; he still wondered what kind of favor he would want from him. If he wants sex, he can just ask for it and pay; he has enough money for it. No, it wasn't that he didn't desire that kind of favor; something else was on his mind. Did he want that information about the Vee’s? Or he might ask Angel to betray them and give them some important information. Although Husker did not seem interested in Vees the slightest. He seems to see himself as stronger.

But on second thought, if Angel wins, he might get a few favors from the gambling Overlord, and that will not be a small thing. Being owed a favor from the overlord could be a great advantage for him in the future. It is risky, but that is the point of gambling—putting everything on the line. The rush of adrenaline hit his head one more time he was thinking about his answer. Was it worth the gambling favors with this demon? Was it worth it to put himself in danger and play the game in which losing could be the end for him?

Maybe Husker just wanted to feel some kind of satisfaction from the game like he did in previous times. That could easily be the case, but Angel did not know that for sure. Although he was getting very curious.

It could be fun; it could be dangerous; something new and exciting. It's not a typical experience in hell. Everything here stays the same: the age, the time, and the mentality, so feeling something new might just be the right thing Angel needs.

“All right, let's do it.”

Husker snapped his fingers, and the dealer appeared once again. He took the deck from the overlord and shuffled the cards. Then he split them among each player.

Angel put his best mask on, made sure to put his body in the proper sitting position, and always kept an eye on the gambling overlord. By the end of the first game, he had already noticed one thing: gambling. Overlord has already learned a lot about Angel. He was keeping even closer attention to him, and even when Angel was keeping his eyes closed, he did not let go of his poker face. Kitty was a very fast learner. But that did not discourage Angel. He still had a few aces in his sleeves, and he is going to use them all.

The first game went quickly, and of course Husker was the winner. Angel wasn't very satisfied with that, so he tried to play a little tease. He noticed that Husker had a huge grin, just like he did last time. "It seems there is something that makes you excited.” Husker simply turned his eyes toward Angel and looked at him confused. “Every time we play, you get excited. I know you are trying to hide it, but I can see it clearly on your face. I'm not sure about your other activities, but this one seems to get yer dick hard.” Angel raised his pinky finger as a sign of mockery.

"Well, in that case, I guess my money is well spent. Don't you think so?”

They played two games at the same time, with their minds and with their bodies, and to be honest, this one was more of an Angel's favor. He wanted to see what else the kitty had in his own sleeve.

Angel tried something new in the second round. Instead of using his old mask, he did something new; he changed his body position to be more seductive yet confident. After all, being seductive is his best trait. If the gambling overlord is not interested in sex, using his own talent can be a great weapon against him. Putting one leg over another, letting them be seen by both the dealer and the player, he also put one hand on the table, but his fingers were playing a seductive little dance. He put on a lovely little smile. Licking and biting his lips. If he's going to play anyway, he's going to do it on his own terms.

It seemed to work because the second game was won by Angel Dust. “It seems you owe me a favor right now, heh, Kitty.”.

“It seems that I do." He said, “Let's see who will be the real winner of the game. I have one more chance, right?”

“Yeah, you do, and don't worry, I will not forget that I owe you one too.”

Just like with the game Angel played last time he was in this room, the third round was the most difficult one. But still, he did his best; he carefully watched his opponent, he carefully moved each part of his body to send the wrong signals, and he tried to create the perfect strategy. But luck is a lady, and ladies always prefer gentlemen over other ladies. and it seems that tonight she was not interested in being very sisterly-like. Angel did not have good cards, and no matter what he did, he knew he was going to lose this game, yet he still did not show any sign of his defeat.

“Let's see who is the best.”

“All right, then let's see your cards.” Husker was happy to show his hand, and he seemed to be even more excited to see Angel's hand. He seemed too confident, even though his face was not showing anything, but his pupils dilated multiple times. Angel wasn't sure if it was because of the sheer excitement of the game or because he was confident that he would win the game.

“One pair.”

“For aces”

“Damn it,” Angel said, falling back dramatically. “You could’ve gone easier on the gal.”

“I don’t believe that would be fair.” Husker lit his cigarette.

“But the gentleman lets the girl be satisfied first.” Angel leaned on his hand. Still smiling and bashing his lashes.

Husker said nothing but offered a smoke to Angel, and Angel accepted it gracefully. It felt nice, but he has to be careful; overlords are not to be trusted. Val also started like this. With a sweet voice and honeyed words, gifts, and games. It was all nice and dandy until Angel gave him his soul, and that could present a potential danger in the future.

“Ok, so those are now two favors I owe you. Should I…” Angel raised his skirt just a bit to reveal more of his thigh. “...let you use one right now.”

“No.” Husker continued smoking. “I told you I was not interested in that part of you. But I would like to use your other talents and play again next time.” Angel kept his suggestive look on his face, accepting that Husker liked his skills. “I’ll pay, of course.”

“Then it’s not a favor. Favor requires nothing in return.”

“All right, then how about I ask you to do something with your other talents?”

“But you don’t know them yet. Do you?”

“I would like to learn them.” There was a pleasant silence. Angel did enjoy being here, playing with the Husker. It felt like something he felt a long time ago, before he died. It would be nice to feel it again. To feel alive.

“All right, big guy. Then does that mean our game is done?”

"Well, you see, I would like to...” He was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s me.” A squeaky voice came from the other side.

“What is it, Poppy?” He was not angry, but he wasn’t happy either. It was obvious that he wanted to continue their game.

“Umm, sir.. I just wanted to check on you. It has been 3 hours, and there is a guest asking for you. I had to check if you were available.”

Three hours! That was an unexpected surprise, and Husker had the same look of surprise on his face too. Were they too lost to notice time? Neither of them checked their phones, and there were no other clocks in the room or visible windows. “Oh my… I lost so much time. I have to go. Val will kill me,” Angel was thinking out loud. He screwed up, and he lost so many customers. It will be a nightmare explaining this to Val without explaining it. But telling him the truth will seem false, and Val will definitely not believe him. He will call him an ungrateful whor* and a useless bitch. He had to think of a good excuse, but there was none. If he said no one was interested, it would be too much of a lie. If he said a customer did not want to let go, he would have to explain the lack of money, smell, or other proof. Angel was brainstorming his exit but could not find it.

“Here.” Those words brought him back. He saw a big sum of money in front of him. Husker put it there. “For your time and some extra for your special services.” His voice was shushing; it seemed that he read the situation perfectly.

“I don’t need your pity or playing a hero." Angel feels weak; he goes into defense. A mistake he always makes.

“I am not. I asked for you. I used you for more than I paid, and I required something other people did not. Correct.” He was right. “Besides, I truly enjoyed myself, so the rest is a tip.”

“You enjoyed yourself?” His flirty voice returned, but his eyes were not as relaxed; he just had to take control again.

“More than I have in years.” He bowed down, and Angel humored him by offering his hand, which Husker kissed, looking directly into his mismatched eyes. It calmed Angel down and even made him blush a little.

“Well then, I guess I’ll see you in a week.” Angel left the room holding the money. It was nice to be treated as more than just a cheap whor*. Maybe it will be gone soon, but at least for some time he would like to enjoy this illusion.

He could still hear Husker and Poppy talking. He even turned to give Husker a look over his shoulder. But Husker did not notice him. He was checking on his assistant’s state. Making sure she was okay. There was no lust in his eyes, but there was a familiar, warm look of caring. Those rumors about him were more than just wrong. What else were people in Hell wrong about him? Angel would not mind finding out.

Chapter 5: second time together


a triger warnign: there will be mention of sexual abuse

Chapter Text

Sleeping next to Val wasn’t as comfortable as Angel would have liked. One part of him was always awake. Even though he wished he could comatose himself. Feeling Val’s hands all over him every morning was tiring. Not knowing when he would take him and how made Angel feel anxious, but he had to play the part. He hated sex in the morning. He always felt sore. Val would just take him; there was no foreplay, no love potion, or lube, and Val’s attitude was always sore too. This morning was no different; the only thing that was different was Val not waiting to be finished with Angel before interrogating him about his first work day at the casino.

Angel told Val everything, skipping the part where he played the card games with Husker for three hours. He made up a story about some hard-core fan who paid his whole earnings just to keep Angel for all that time. He wanted his story to match the truth as much as he could, in case Tiffany or Jack told Val what they saw. And it was the right thing to do. Val asked Angel about the big bad wolf and how he disappeared with Husker. Someone snitched, but Val did not mention who. He just became rougher, and Angel had a hard time answering while trying to please Val so that the torture could stop.

“The fan was some f*cking big shoot from VIP. Husker asked me to do this for him since the guy lost all his bets. He needed me to make him happy. That’s why he gave me money at the bar.

“I decide who you f*ck.” Val screamed, pulling Angel’s hair. “Not that piss-smelling cat.”

“Yes Val,” It was getting bad. Val was biting and scratching Angel’s neck and stomach. He had to find his way out, “but Daddy, I only did it to get on his good side. If I do that, he might be willing to partner with Vees. You said to get his attention.”

Val finally came. “I did say that, didn’t I?" He let go of Angel, and Angel fell hard on the pillows, trying his best not to drop the act.

“I’m sorry, Val; I won't go near him again.”
‘No, Amorcito, I’m sorry.” He planted a kiss on Angel’s back. “I’m sorry; you know how jealous I get. You did well.” He got up after petting Angel's ass. “Now hurry up; we have a lot of movies to shoot today to make up for yesterday.

“Y…yes Val” Valentino left the room, and Angel let a few of his tears out. He wanted to sob more, but he was afraid that if he started, he would not be able to stop. His hand was dangling down when he felt a light lick from his little pet piglet. He was trying his best to cheer Angel up. He was indeed the best thing in this hell. Angel picked up the piglet and petted him a little bit. Fat Nugget licked the back of Angel’s hand again, and it reminded him of the kiss Husker left there last night. It was not the first kiss, but it was a more sincere one. Angel knew it; after all, it was the most gentle one, and the way Husker was holding his hand was different than the previous two times. Also, the look of those amber eyes... They were so warm, he could see the light flame in them.

Wait, why was he thinking of that kiss? He has to come back to reality. But right now, those memories of last night are like a bandage on the wound. He needed them to feel more than just a hole to f*ck.

He took a deep breath as he got up, fed his pig, and then went to prepare himself for the next, who knows, how many hours of shooting.


The week went by fast. He shot many movies, took Fat Nugget on walks a few times, and texted Cherry a few times. Even though she was unavailable most of the time. It seems that she managed to get into some really fun turf fights, and Angel was unable to join her. Shooting some f*ckers in the face with his Tommy Gun did seem really therapeutic right now, though. He once again put on his dress and went down to wait for the limo to take him and his colleagues to the casino.

Right on, the limo appeared, and they all got in. Before he started driving, the driver asked them if they might feel hungry or if they needed something from the tower to take to the casino. They all said they were good and continued on their merry way.

They reached the casino, and just like last time, they were welcomed by Poppy. She was wearing new bandages all over her face. New cuts, mostly surface wounds.

What happened this time?” Angel asked, actually interested.

“A chandelier fell on me.” She answered without any hesitation.


“I went shopping for new chandeliers with Suki, and one of the exponents was not very secured, so it fell on me. It actually happened this morning. Sorry if it disturbed you. It will heal soon; I look much better than I did this morning.”

“You should wear a helmet,” Angel said. “And armor, and some lucky charms, and probably some pain medicine.”

“That does not help. I just have a lot of bad luck.” Poppy scratched some of her wounds with her sleeves; they were still too long, and only then did Angel realize he never saw her hands. Maybe she was insecure, like he was with his feet? "Anyway, I hope you will have a nice time here. As you know, all the rules stayed the same. If you need anything, just ask me. I’ll try my best to fulfill your requests.”

Angel did not care too much for her speech. She was a nice girl, but for him, every day in this hell is the same. Pain, sex, drugs, numbness, and sometimes something else might happen. Maybe he will play a game with a big boss again. It could be fun to do so. After all, it was something Husker asked him to do.

He took a deep breath and moved through the main floor of the casino. He sat in his seat and waited for the show to start.

This night was not much different than the previous one; the only difference was that he actually asked the hostess and weithers for some advice on customers. He was not really interested in making his previous mistake and ending up in pain with some old, fat swine. It was a good decision. Most of the girls and boys slept with some customers. It was consensual, as they said. After all, the big boss does not stop them from sleeping with customers, as long as it is outside of their working hours. He took a few guys to the room, and more than three times he was rewarded with a good tip. One of the guys did ask for shower sex, and while Angel was not a fan of it, he did not comply too much. This was ok, but since he was some kind of fish, he might like water more. Some of the guys were Angel’s fans, but not too crazy. All in all, it was an okay night. But Angel was more interested in Husker. He was nowhere to be found. Not in the main casino, not in the restaurant. He was not in the VIP, and to be honest, Angel kind of missed the kitty.

He wasn’t sure why. They were not friends; they were not even acquaintances, but Angel did miss the game if they played the previous week. He would not mind playing a game and having some fun with him. So Angel tried another adventure. He took the seat at the poker game and tried playing a game with one very good-looking rich man. He realized through the first game that the guy doesn't like losing, so Angel pretended to be just a lucky gamer and played the role of a very dumb bimbo and lost a few games on purpose. He struck the guy's ego, so the guy asked for his services and once again paid very nicely.

He was finished with the guy. He returned to the bar one more time. He counted all his money, and it was enough for one night. He might take a break or just not take any of the customers tonight if nobody asks for him. He was taking a break, drinking the special co*cktail Rico made for him, and I shared some information about their experiences. It was a pleasant feeling, but it still felt lonely without Husker sitting next to him.

Finally, Angel could not take his curiosity anymore, so he asked Rico. “So is the big boss hiding somewhere, or is he not home?”

“I'm afraid the boss was not able to come tonight. He had some urgent work to do outside of the casino today. Some Mafia dudes came and caused some problems on the south side of our district. They hurt some of the residents, and they even killed one guy with an angelic weapon. As you know, no overlord likes losing their souls; after all, they gave them strength and power. So I think the boss went to deal with them.”

“I see. Yeah, I hope everything will end up okay for him. I didn't know the boss liked to deal with the mafia.”

“Oh, he doesn't. He doesn't like fighting that much, but when he gets angry or if you touch something, that is his.” Rico stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. ”Let's just say you will not end up waking up in the morning, and if by some miracle you wake up, you will never sleep again.”

“What does he do? How does he punish his bad boys?” Angels are teasing him, putting on his flirtatious voice.

Rico made a little bit of a chuckle, and that answered in the same tone: “I heard he likes to rip them a new hole at the f*ck through their hole.”

“He f*cks people?”

"Well, he never f*cked me, so I don't know, but I do know that he really does not play nicely when somebody betrays him.” Rico's always become more serious right now: “So if there is a game being played between your overlords, please be careful.” It was a warning for Angel, and it was the correct one. Angel knew that he had to get under the overlord's scanner, but maybe Rico was fine, right? Maybe he should check and pretend to not know anything and not do anything. He will not give Valentino any answers, but if there is a snitch, maybe he should keep away from the overlord. Which would be shameful since he was being a good buck just by being close to Angel. But sometimes you win something, you lose something; that's the life of gambling.

“Has everybody who has ever worked here betrayed him?”

Rico was silent for some time, cleaning the glass in his hands longer than it should have taken. He was not looking directly into Angel’s eyes; it was obvious that he was struggling with an answer. “ Once. He was betrayed once, and it was enough for all of us to understand how serious he was about betrayal. If you don't like him, that's okay, but don't betray him. Angel, he does seem to like you, and that's something he doesn't do for many people.”

Angel felt a bit of sadness that there was something that would be over even before it even started. He was hoping he would finally find a guy who would pay for his other expertise and pay good money for it, making Angel’s existence and staying in this casino much more tolerable. But if it was too dangerous to be close to him, if it was too dangerous to betray him, even though Angel would never do that, he just didn't want to gamble.

Angel decided to stay a little bit longer and maybe find a customer to get his thoughts out of his head. Maybe he can find another guy to do some drugs in the toilet after he's done with him and then take a little nap in his room. It was not against the rules to take a nap in the room, so it might be a good idea. As he was thinking of his next move, he heard the familiar song coming from the stage. There she was, Suki, singing in another beautiful dress, holding the microphone tenderly like he was a lover. It was an old song that he probably heard many times when he was at the different bars trying to find a new boy toy in order to scratch his never-ending itch. How many of those boys were failures? how many times Angel actually hoped to find somebody to care for only to end up empty-handed. He decided to just wait for this song to end, and then he would go back to his job; he just wanted to hear it one more time. He closed his eyes, and he could remember everything from his life. He remembered the bar he used to go to; there was another man dancing with him, and there was a lovely drag queen singing a song just like Suki was doing in the center of the stage. And there was a feeling of happiness; there was a feeling of belonging. Who was that man? Someone, Angel, doesn't even remember anymore. Was he a lover who lasted longer than two weeks? Or was he just another guy that Angel was hooking up with from time to time? A good lover That's respected, Angel, but I could not stay with him because he probably had a family or a wife. There were many men who had to hide their true feelings and desires from the world back then. And now they can do whatever they want, and there is no shame, not in the living world, not in hell. A privilege Angel was yearning for when he was alive. Angel just had to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. In any case, it didn't matter; it was a beautiful illusion that would shatter at the end of the night, and just now Angel was letting himself fall into that illusion.

The song stopped, the music went quiet, and just as Angel took a deep breath, he felt a presence back next to him and heard another sound of the bottle and the glass. He remembers that sound; it's the sound of the heavy whiskey bottle and the crystal glass just for the same drink. Husker was right next to him.

“Good evening, Angel, I hope you did not feel too disappointed because of my absence. I intended to keep my promise from last week, but I was preoccupied with other business.”

“Well, you're here now. Maybe we can continue with our game right now.” Angel was flirting again, trying to get one of those adorable reactions from Husker.

“I'm afraid I am too tired. There were too many guys to fight with tonight and too many problems to deal with.”

“I would like to see you with the gun; maybe I would like to even try seeing you use one.” Angel put his hand on Husker's knee. He was ignored, and the overlord even moved away from Angel's touch. His eyes and expressions showed annoyance.

“Angel, I'm not into this tonight. I'm sorry. But I hoped to at least have a small conversation with you as an apology.”

There were moments that Angel would wonder about Husker. Why was he acting so weird and normal? He was more like a very polite boss who treated his employees right. A guy who did not only think of money. He was not acting like an overlord. He was hidden in the shadow of a mystery that Angel met just two weeks ago, but that was so unusual. Why would he even try to act polite, like they were the same? They were not. It was something that secretly annoyed Angel; after all, being treated badly by others is normal. Being treated with respect and even coming from another overlord was, in some way, scary. It was outside of Angel’s comfort zone, so he was not sure what he should do.

“I don't mind; it's best; as you know, my time is money.” Angel answered once again, taking a drink from Husker's glass, trying to drink the whiskey but not being able to contain his face when he disliked the taste of the drink. This got him a laugh from Husker, and the big pile of money came from Husker's pocket.

“You are terrible at drinking whiskey; aren't you a kid?”

“Well, I prefer something much sweeter.” Angel was angry that his little stunt did not work out. He ended up pouting, looking like a little kid trying to prove himself to an elderly man, and Husker gave him a look at that fit description. It annoyed Angel to the bone. He did not like being looked at as a kid. He was in a mafia that killed people. He was a p*rn actor, the most famous one in the entire hell, so he did not need this old cat to treat him like he was a kid.

“If you want to, I can teach you how to drink it properly.” He took the glass, and it seems that he did not mind Angel's lipstick on it.

“No thanks; I'll stick with mine.”

“All right, you can order a poison of your choice; it's on me.”
Once again, Angel ordered a drink of Cosmo and drank it, trying to wash the taste of strong whiskey out of his mouth.

“What kind of business kept you away from me for so long?”

“Some imp bastards thought that they could steal away from me and kill one of my souls without any repercussions.”

“Did you punish them badly? Spank them; use your gun on them.”

That gave him a dry look, Husker. “I don't like using guns; I much prefer using my own hands.” Husker had a serious look until he saw Angel trying to hide his giggle behind his hand. It took Husker a few seconds to realize why Angel was giggling. “Okay, I walked into that one.”

They were both sitting and drinking, sharing a few nice conversations. It was pleasant, and it was late in the night. Angel was already starting to feel the effect on his body, and he wanted to go and get a good night's sleep, but he only had one more hour left of his shift, and then he could go back home.

Home… Is the V Tower really a home? Is all it will ever be? Will he ever be able to actually have his own home? He will not be able to afford his own apartment, not with Val controlling his money. He will never be able to do anything to give him a little bit of independence. He was thinking of what Poppy once said. They were living in this hotel too; maybe Husker was controlling just like Val. But it was hard to imagine that he was treating his employees like Valentino was treating Angel or anybody else. After all, Husker did not like sex; he also did not seem to be too keen on the violence of the souls he owned, while Valentino was very keen on killing anybody who would show any kind of disobedience to him. It made Angel wonder.

“Hey, umm Husker, Mr. Gambling demon.” He wasn't really sure what name to use for Husker because, until now, he never actually used any title except the one that got him into trouble.

“Husk,” Husker answered shortly without looking at Angel. Angel gave him a confused look. “You can use it instead of any other title. After all, we played enough games and you won multiple times, so right now I see you as another very good player, and I respect you as such.”

It made Angel smile genuinely. It was a small smile, but it was a nice one. Feeling of somebody actually seeing him as more than just a p*rn star. He liked the feeling, and it sounded like Husk was genuine.

There was a loud sound coming from the stage. It was nothing serious, just Poppy falling on it while trying to put some high chairs on it for Suki to sit on and do her next show. It got a laugh from the audience, and the binny girl disappeared behind the curtain in a second. It was comical, and it all happened under the spotlight. If he didn’t know better, he would think it was some kind of stunt to make people laugh and relax. Suddenly, a thought went through Angel’s head. A way to see who Husk really was and what kind of man he was

“Husk, what happened to the guy who accidentally threw a spotlight on Poppy’s head?”

“Nothing.” Husker answered quickly, drinking his whiskey without paying too much attention to Angel, but after he was done with his drink, he realized that Angel was still wondering about the answer. “I did not kill him; I just took away his payments. This was the third accident that happened because of him, and while he is good at working on the floor, he's terrible at working with things that are capable of falling on people. So I had to deduct his pay and then try to find another place for him to work.”

Angel wasn't sure about the answer; maybe he was just lying to get Angel to like him or to trust him.

“He's a hard-working kid, dumb as f*ck. But a hard worker. He just needs some time to learn things, and to not take jobs he knows might be too much for him.” Husk continued, but this time he was looking directly at Angel. His face was not a mask or a poker face; it was a relaxed face with the gentle eyes and small smile that people usually have when they hang out with their friends. “He has too much pride to admit that he's making mistakes from time to time, and he doesn't want to admit when something is too hard for him. So I did give him a good lesson without using force, of course, and humbled him.”

“Why? You don't like hurting your souls?”

“Not anymore.” It was a quiet mumble of the answer, and if Angel’s ears were not as sharp, he would not even pick it up. So a gambling overlord did something bad, or at least he used to do something bad, and now he has stopped. Why? What happened? What can actually change the soul of an overlord? What can make them feel regret and change the way they see the world?

“So, since we were stopped from playing this time, would you mind joining me in my game next time?”

"Well, if you don’t stand me up again, I will.”


The last hour of Angel’s shift was spent with Husk. From time to time, Angel did take a look at his surroundings to make sure his colleagues were not spying. He does not need Val to repeat his action from the last time. They were not in the casino, probably busy with other clients.

Conversations with Husk were like shelter from the rain. They might not last forever, but for now, they will keep him dry. Away from the cold and darkness he would face in the streets of the pleasure district. He can stay here at the bar and talk a bit longer, half-drunk and doped; after all, it was hard to face the world in any other way.

Chapter 6: The Tormentor


Warning: This chapter will be dark. There will be some dark scenes and subjects in the second part of the chapter. If somebody feels uncomfortable by serious subject of sexual or physical violence, drug use, overdosing or torture please, be causious.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After a few more weeks at the casino, Angel finally managed to have one free day, and he decided to spend it with his best friend, Cherry Bomb. He called her and asked her if she was interested in spending the afternoon with her, and of course she had nothing better to do. He took Fat Nuggets on the leash, and they were walking through Pentagram City, not paying too much attention to what was happening around them. They both went to the boba tea place, bought themselves a few drinks, and kept walking through the streets of the city, enjoying the adequate day in hell. Angel told Cherry about everything about the bet he won, about how he spent his time at the casino, and how interesting and unique the gambling Overlord was.

He told her about how almost every time they play cards for at least an hour, how that allowed him to go to the VIP launch and get some high-paying customers, and how last time Husk did not pay any attention to Angel as he was too busy with some young girl at the VIP. The bitch was laughing at every sentence Husk says, obviously trying to get him to bed, but just like Angel, she was not successful in her mission. How he and his colleagues were treated to dinner at the restaurant and how the food was much better than anything Val was feeding him. How Angel got one whole night with one of Husk’s friends and all the guy wanted was some weird role play with almost no sex.

He told her how it is sometimes hard to believe Husk was an overlord since he was nice, not just to him but to his own workers too. He explained how every time some bad luck happens to Poppy, he is there to make sure she is ok, and how he treated her more like a niece or a pupil. How other members of the staff respect and trust him without any question. How loyal they are, and how he never noticed Husk using his chains on any of his workers.

Once he and Husker had a drinking competition, and of course Angel lost by a mile. Husk was a professional functional alcoholic, and he could drink a barrel in one gulp with one hand while doing his paperwork with another. Also, for someone who owns most of hell's money, he loves to eat cheap food. He was not a cheap keepsake; he just had terrible taste. But at least a guy knew how to dress up.

Other guys in the casino were cool too. Poppy was a big chunk of bad luck personified in a white bunny. Every time he sees her, something weird happens. Once, while she was sitting at the bar with him, Angel took a bite on the lemon slice, and juice splashed right in her eye. Next time her chair broke as she was trying to sit on it, and once a glass exploded while she was drinking her juice. It was then when he saw how tentative Husk can be as he used his own power to help her heal.

But deep inside Angel thought how it could all be ploy. Val was like that at first too.

He asked Cherry for advice because he wasn't sure if he was getting crazy or if the gambler might actually be a semi-decent guy.

“Angel I have heard about that guy from one of the guys I have been f*cking.He says that he is a nice guy but does have a notch for punishing those who betray him.”

“Yeah, I heard the same thing, Cherry. But I'm not sure what to actually think. Guy never did anything wrong, and he doesn't seem to pay too much attention to my flirting.”

“I'm sorry, are you flirting with him?”

“Not really; he has an interesting reaction to it. I hear the guy is neutered, but I don't believe that's the case. I think he just doesn't like to have sex, and trust me, his reactions to it are adorable.”

“ Adorable?” Cherry Bomb raised her eyebrows. I'm pretty sure adorable is not a proper word to use for someone who was so powerful.

"Yeah, he actually acts like a teenage girl. You should see him. And, to be honest, the staff is not bad. There is this guy, Rico, who works as the bartender. He is a really cool dude and makes good drinks.”

“You mean Rico, the mixer? Dude, I f*cked him like three times.”

“Ya're kidding me. Seriously?” Angel was suddenly happy because his new friend and his old friend seemed to be getting well without him even noticing it. “So how is he?” he asked, actually interested.

“Oh, he's good. I call him every time I just need someone to bang my brain out; he's good at making drinks and then mixing in the sheets. and of course the accent helps.”

“Ya naughty girl. Did you know he tried to bang his boss too?”

“Oh yeah, I don't mind it. Do you want his number, you know, just in case, since you two are technically colleagues now?”

“No. I'll ask it from him personally; we might actually hang out one day.”

As they were walking through the familiar neighborhood where Cherry was living right now, they noticed a very nice car being parked near Cherry's building. "Hey, Angie, you want to have some fun.”
“What do you have in mind, sugar tit*?”

“How about playing GTA?”

“Cherry, I told you a hundred times that I was not born when video games were a thing.”

“Neither was I, but I know how to have fun.” Angel didn't answer anything to her comments, so she continued. “Look, b****, we should steal the car and take a little ride through the city, just, you know, to feel some adrenaline to make you feel something new. I mean, blowing s*** is fun and all, but I don't mind doing something different today.”

“I don't know; Nuggs is with us. I don't really want him to get in trouble too.”
“But don't worry, he's fine.” Cherry said, scratching Fat Nugget behind his ear. “And he wants some action too, don't you, Nuggets?” To Angel’s surprise, Pig actually nodded and gave them a little smile.

“All right, if it's two against one, let's do it.”

Both Cherry and Angel managed to open the car. It was a little bit difficult. Considering these were very modern and both Angel and Cherry were unfamiliar with the technology of them, with some minor explosions and breaking of the window, they managed to steal the car and take it away in an unspecified direction. It ended up being a very good idea, or at least a very fun idea. They were riding in the car, or, to be precise, Cherry was driving since Angel never learned how to and Val never allowed him to do it now. So it was just Cherry driving and Angel shooting a few people through the window just for s**** and giggles. Most of the time, those were just some of his colleagues he could not stand working with, so giving them a little bit of injury could stop them from performing with Angel for some time. Even Fat Nuggets seem to enjoy this ride. They managed to run a few of the unlucky residents of hell, scratch incalculable numbers of cars, and do so much property damage that there will be no money in their life to fix all of it or to pay for it. But this was hell, and nobody could call the cops or do anything about their little mischief since the windows were tinted and nobody could actually see their faces. The speed helped with their anonymity. At some point, they actually went to the gambling district to try some of the food from the little restaurants that Angel remembered while he was there. Cherry had to admit that it was a very nice place to be. There were a lot of troubled teenagers there spraying the buildings and doing some stupid s***. She would not mind hanging out here more often. They stopped at some Italian street food and bought some pizzas to share. Angel had to admit they were good, or at least for hell’s standards, and authentic since they were made by a real Italian.

They probably spent hours having their little adventure until it was almost time for Angel to go back to his shooting, and right now it didn't matter what was waiting for him because he was so full of positive energy and adrenaline that he did not care what would come next. Just to be sure that nobody would catch them or catch any of their evidence, Cherry blew up the cars with some of her bombs. It was a shame; it seems they were such good car, but better than to be caught.


It looked as if Angel had luck following him all the way. He was happy with what happened today since many of the colleagues that were supposed to shoot with Angel were run through or shot to look like Swiss cheese. The only problem was that Val could not understand who did it, and he was pissed. So Angel did not have a lot of movies to do today, and it seems that Valentino was not interested in throwing all his frustration at Angel.

It seems that this day will end perfectly until Angel tries to go to bed. Just before he was ready to fall asleep, Valentino appeared in his room and asked him a few questions.

“So, Amorcito, once again, you spend time with the gambling Overlord. What was it this time?”

Angel was feeling disturbed. Why didn't Val ask about this before? What was happening here? Were Tiffany and the other guy truly spying on him and telling him off to Val?

“It was nothing; he simply asked me if I was willing to do him a favor a few more times and if it would be okay for my other two colleagues to do the same for the VIPs.”

“Is that so?” That was coming closer to the bed. His voice was silky, but Angel knew that it was not proof that he was out of trouble.

“Then why did you spend the whole hour talking to him a few weeks ago?” Val’s voice was getting darker. “Or why were you seen going with him to his private playing room? Or drinking? Are you trying to get on his good side? To get him to bet your soul? To win it for himself?”

“No! That time, I was tired, and, you know, it was almost the end of the hour; nobody was interested in taking a whor*. Everyone was tired and drunk. And next one, I...”

“I did not tell you to take a break; you will do your job, and you will do it till the last second of your shift.” He grabbed Angel by his face. His sharp claws were scratching his face, but there was no blood. “You belong to me; understand that, Angel?” Smoke appeared around Angel's neck and turned into chains. “Your soul is mine, nobody else's; nobody else except me tells you when to do what to do and how to do it.” He puts a little kiss on Angel's lips, licking them and letting some of his poison color Angel's lips. “No one can have you except me. No one can love you except me! Do you understand that, Amorcito? You are mine. MINE! Not his! Forever.”

“Y..yes Valentino.”

“Good, now you have to make up for what you did.”

Before Angel had the time to say anything, Val was already on top of him, kissing him, putting his tongue inside Angel's mouth, and putting more poison in Angel's system. Angel could not fight it; he could not defend himself; or he could swallow every drop of the poison, hoping that it would numb him enough to not feel the thing. He felt bad after all. This day went so nicely, but this was the truth: no matter how much he wishes for some kind of fairy tale miracle, the spell that is put on him will disappear once he reaches the V tower and turn a bit of magic into a nightmare.


It was another day for his shift in the casino. He was already starting to get bored of his old dress. It wasn't ugly or uncomfortable, to be honest; it was completely opposite, but he was getting old and wearing the same clothes over and over again every shift. Maybe he could ask for his new clothes, or he could ask Husk to actually buy something for himself. But then again, he doesn't have the money to buy himself anything nice or elegant, and Val would probably not provide anything. If he asks Velvet, she will probably put those spine camps on, and then again, he'll just be going nowhere.

It seems that his customers did not share the same opinion, considering that they kept coming and asking for his services. Sometimes he would just walk around, play the game, and find a sucker. A few other times Angel tried new types of demons, such as succubus, and to be honest, they were amazing lovers, but they did not have a lot of money. So Angel decided to take them as a type of reward. Every time he had sex with the annoying fat old or stinky guy, he would find a succubi to go next and refresh his love for sex.

Another thing Angel wanted to find out is how the information about his time with Husker keeps leaking to Val. There is no possibility that Tiffany or another guy knew anything about his conversation with Husk since they were not in the room; they must have been another person who was leaking information. It is impossible for Husk to be that person since he was never interested in Val or any of his businesses. Maybe it could have been Rico, but Rico seems to dislike Val too, but once again, Angel knows that people can always hide their true feelings. Then again, Rico seems to be fully aware of what would happen if he were to betray Husk, and this spying would be considered betrayal.

"So, Angel, anything new that happened?” Rico asked, waking Angel from his thoughts.

"Nah, nothing new. I was just looking for another sucker to find.”

"Well, I can tell you that there is this one guy who always comes here at exactly 1:23 and asks for you. He's an old customer, and I know he pays well; he does not seem to be fake, but you know, you never know, although I usually have a good sense for those kinds of things.”

“Wait, 1:23, why at that time specifically?”
“Beats me. I think he believes in those numbers. You know if you put all the numbers in the correct order, the universe will provide you.”

“I guess it would not be any harm to try.”

Suddenly there was a growl—a small, quiet one, but still a growl—coming from the next seat. Angel turned and saw a figure covered in a big coat. Probably another drunk person desperate because he lost everything and is now hiding under the big piece of clothing, grumbling about his unfortunate life.

“What about this pathetic one?” Angel pointed at the coat.

“This pathetic one is not an interesting kid.” The voice came under the coat.

“ Husk?” Angel was surprised by the voice. “What are you doing under there?”

“I don't want to be seen," said another growl.

“Then go to your room or to your private chambers.”

“Poppy came to my room, and all the shelves with my drinks broke. It’s being cleaned from all the glass.”

“What the f*ck is it with that girl and bad luck?”

“Don't ask.”

There was silence once again. Husk didn't say anything; he just kept drinking bottles that Rico kept on putting next to the coat. Husk’s hand would appear from under, grab the bottle, and then disappear once again. He was acting like a child. He was probably also very drunk. Angel took a little bit of bravery and lifted the coat to see Husk’s face. He really was having a grumpy expression, not even trying to cover it. The moment Husker’s eyes came into contact with the light, they turned towards Angel, and he gave him a little pout. Angel wasn't afraid; it didn't seem that Husker was willing to hurt him; he was just annoyed because of something.

“Ya lost some game, big guy?”

“ Nah.” He was quiet once again until he finally continued with his story. “My car was stolen, damaged, and then blown up.” Angel did not say anything because that sounded like something he and Cherry did. “It was a new one. I just ordered it from other parts of hell, and it was expensive too. I was waiting for a whole year to get it. It was a unique special edition.”

Angel kept on being quiet, trying to drink his co*cktail, thinking about how to find another guy as soon as he could and run the f*ck away from here. He really did not want to say the bad news to the gambling overlord.

“You know, some people told me they saw a young girl called Cherry Bomb driving them, and it seems that she had an accomplice. They say it was somebody tall, handsome, and pretty with the white fur and mismatched eyes.” Husker’s tone suddenly changed, although there was no warning in it, and he was sure that it was only because he was drunk. “Probably a spider,” he said, finishing his sentence.

Right now, Angel is feeling anxious, scared, and confused. The gambling overlord was sitting right next to him. He could strike him with one hand and cut him in three pieces so easily that he could kill him and then apologize to Valentino and face no consequences for doing so. Angel really did not like how this night was going right now, but he also could not force himself to get up, paralyzed from the fear. Husk was always kind to him, and this will probably be the one thing he will not forgive Angel.

"I...” Angel was trying to find the words. “ sorry.”

"Oh, come on, boss, stop doing it; he will sh*t his pants if you keep on doing that." Rico cut in; his voice was completely comical, like he realized that Husker was teasing.

“Seriously, why mine? Were there tons of cars there?” There was no warning or any kind of malice, and Husker's voice was there, but he did seem to sound like a child who was just pouting and complaining because his favorite toys were taken. “They were really expensive, and I was so excited to show them.”

“ Sorry.” Angel repeated it once again. "But, to be honest, it was really fast and very comfortable.” He tried to make this a joke, hoping it would not come back to bite him in the ass. ”And she was just sitting there, pretty and all. She was asking for it.”

“f*ck you.” Husk said before hiding under his coat once again, ”You took my car, and then you blew them up. Why didn't you just leave them in a parking lot after you used them?”

“To be honest, we did not want to get caught. And I'm sure your car was thinking about you while we were driving it."
“Great, now I have to wait another year for another one. f*ck my life. This is just like that time in Italy.”

Angel really wanted to ask what happened in Italy, but he was afraid of pushing some buttons. So he simply patted the coat where Husk was hiding, hoping that he was hitting his head and trying to comfort him. “There, there, big guy, there will be other cars. And this one was not that perfect; she was a hoe; you should have seen how easily she let us in.” This kind of gave Rico a genuine laugh, and the Husk actually once again opened his coat to give Angel an annoyed look and flip him off.

Angel laughed at this reaction and began to feel a little bad, but it also made him feel happy since Husk did seem to be genuine and did not have any intention of punishing Angel for his actions. If it were Val, Angel might be thrown off the highest balcony of V Tower.

Husk took a deep breath, put his hand in his pocket, got out some money, and gave it to Angel. “This is for our conversation and admitting your crimes.”

“Thank you, big fella, but I think it's better for you to save some for your new car.”

“f*ck you, Angel.”

“You can, if you want to; I can make the same sounds your cards were making.”

The gambling overlord gave Angel a dry look and once again covered his body with the coat to enter his little, sheltered world. Just then, Angel felt a little buzz coming from his pocket. He looked up at the phone, and it was Valentino calling him.

“Hello Val.”

“Hello there, angel cakes. How's it going tonight? Is everything okay? Are you having a busy night?” Angel’s blood with a cold Valentino was not in the casino, but it seems that he already knew that Angel was talking with the gambling overlord. He was so into their fun little conversation that he forgot about the punishment he received last time. How could he? Maybe because he was punished so many times, they all seem to be for the same reason. Whoever was informing Val of Angels' action was here already. “Listen, I had a little conversation with some old friend of mine who decided to go and visit the Soleil Casino. We talked about you, and he thought since he both likes you and the gambling, he might take you for a little ride tonight.” Angel did not like how that sounded; every time Val had this tone of voice, he brought some new schmuck to the studio simply for the purpose of punishing Angel. “You will easily recognize him. He will come to you. He’ll ask you for some time together, and of course you will do so. Right, my little angel cake?”

Angels did not realize how much his mask was falling apart, and he did not notice that both Rico and Husk were looking at him. When his eyes met Huskers, Husk pointed one of his sharp fingers towards the bill and himself. Angel nodded and took a deep breath. "Of course, Daddy, I would not mind it; it's just that Husker already asked me for a favor for one of his friends too. Is it possible for this guy to not use me for the entire night?" He wasn't sure what Valentino’s answer would be, but he was hoping that this way he would at least buy some time or a way to get himself out of the nightmare; that's what lasts till the end of the shift.

"Of course, Angel, I do not want to get on the Huskers' bad side. Just make sure to please this guy and to do everything he asks of you, and then you can do whatever you want. See you soon, baby." Angel did not like how that sounded. If Valentino was agreeing so easily with Angel, that meant that this guy would probably be much more sad*stic and dangerous than Angel would like to be. He's probably an executioner doing Valentino's dirty bidding for those whor*s who do not act properly. He will not kill Angel, but Angel will probably wish to die tonight. He was scared, and he did not know how to not show it. He had to find a way to stop his shaking hands and take a deep breath. After all, there were two people looking at him right now, and there was no way he would ever show any kind of weakness in front of people. The only person who gets to see him broken is Cherry. Rico is not his friend, and the Husk’s not trustworthy enough; he cannot cry or show any weakness in front of them, so he took a deep breath and tried to call himself and order another of Rico's special drinks. He drinks it fast, thinking of maybe ordering another one, but he is not sure if that is a good idea.

A few moments later, a guy up here was a big polar bear, and he was wearing a suitcase with him. Angel did not like this, but he was not sure how this guy managed to get in with the suitcase. “I believe you are angel dust, right?” The guy said he was sounding polite, and his huge grin showed his sharp teeth with one golden one. He was definitely working for Valentino.

“Of course I am Daddy; what can I do for you?”

“I was thinking about coming with me and helping me with some work. You see, I work a very stressful job, and I needed somebody to help me get rid of all this frustration in myself.”

Angel did not want to go with this guy, but he did not have a choice. “All right, honey, let me lead you all the way to heaven.” Angel took his hand and started pulling him toward the room.

“May I ask what is in the suitcase?" The voice suddenly appeared behind them. Angel turned, and there was Husk. His coat was now only covering his wings; he did not look drunk but completely sober. His eyes were serious, and he gave a sharp warning look through the polar bear.

"Pardon me," the bear answered.

"You see, this is my casino, and I do not like weapons in here; I just want to make sure it's nothing like that."

"I assure you, sir, that I already showed the contents of the suitcase to your security. There is no weapon inside of it that I can show you. What I do is mostly sell different types of drugs to people. I have some of them here. If you desire some, you can take some samples."

Angel was looking at him, and it seemed that he was thinking of his next step, but he also realized that Husker realized there was nothing he could do to help Angel, so he took a deep breath and just kept on drinking his whiskey, trying not to ask any more questions. "You don't mind me just calling my security to confirm the information."

"Not at all," the bear said without any concern in his voice.

A few seconds later, Husk called somebody on his phone and confirmed the information Polar Bear gave him. It seems that he came here hours ago, and he spent some time playing games. He wasn’t acting suspicious, and he wasn’t bothering the staff. After the information was confirmed, he gave them a sign that they could go, and so they did. But Angel could see the concerned look on both Husk and Rico. He was trying to ignore them, telling himself it would all be over soon.

He was wrong.

Everything he was ever afraid of came true. The polar bear guy entered the room and introduced himself to Angel. His name made Angel's blood run cold. He knew him; he never met him personally, but only because he was lucky. The guy was Val’s personal executioner and tormentor of any dispositional souls. Angel was shaking, not even trying to hide his fear. His breathing was uneven, and his brain was trying to brainstorm any way out of the room he was locked in with this guy. If he uses his phone to call for help, security will come, but then this guy might wait for him at the V tower, and it will only take longer for him to finish with Angel. He might jump out the window, but that would be a dead end too. If he runs to the toilet and inhales all the drugs he has, he might numb himself enough.

“Thinking of drugging yourself?” The bear spoke, his voice cold and gentle at the same time. “Don’t worry, you are allowed to, but it would just bring the fun faster.” He came closer to Angel, putting his huge paw on his shoulder. “How about we just finish with it? I don’t like being called on my days off.” His grip got harder. “I really hoped to win some money and celebrate it with my wife. She is waiting for me. Let’s just get over it. Don’t worry, I’m not here to kill you. Just to send a message.”

Angel nodded; there was no way out. Let's just get this over; the sooner they begin, the sooner they will end it.

He was thrown on the bed, and the bear jumped after him. He used his claws to rip his dress, not trying to be gentle. His claws did enough damage to Angel’s skin, creating deep wounds that wouldn’t heal until the end of the night. “It's showtime, little spider.”

An hour later, Angel truly wished he could die all over again. An angelic weapon-wearing exorcist would be much more welcome than this guy. All of Angel’s hands were tied up. He was covered with his own blood and other bodily fluids from the bear. The guy was holding a little vial of acid and pouring it on Angel’s fresh wounds, but Angel could not scream. Firstly because his voice was gone because of torture, and secondly, there was a gag in his mouth keeping him as silent as it could. The handcuffs used to retain Angel were not the gentle ones lovers used for a sexy time; they were sharp, hurting Angel with every movement. The toy inserted in him was not used for fun either, but for torture too—an angelic steal burning him from inside. Angel was in a situation where he could not escape, pray, or even hope for any kind of mercy or help. He might die here, and that would be a good ending to this night.

Finally, the bear got up, took a quick shower, and dressed up before looking at Angel. “Never lie to me, Angel Cakes.” He whispered before grabbing Angel’s hand and inserting a syringe with an unfamiliar liquid. "Well, that was the message. Enjoy the rest of the night.” He left the door, letting Angel slowly feel the effects of the drug.


Husk was still pouting under the coat when Angel left. Right now, he is pissed since he lost both his car and a good conversation. He was hoping it would be over soon, but after half an hour, there was still no sight of Angel or his customer. He took out his cigar and lit it up.
“Boss, maybe come out of your flammable cover before smoking.” Rico commented, “I don’t want my bar set on fire.”

He listened. He got out of the coat and began smoking, not trying to be seen by anyone. He was thinking of the game he played last time with Angel. It was so fun and relaxing. They spent two hours at the VIP launch alone. They were drinking and just talking about a few things they loved. Angel mentioned his pet pig, and Husker was surprised. He joked to never bring him to the main floor as one of his workers used to be a farmer obsessed with killing pigs, but he can bring it to the district since there is a girl who used to be a vet. After all, Hellborn still needs a checkup, and since neither of the sinners can go to the sloth ring, he can just bring his piglet to the vet for ordination.

“Fat Nuggets”, Angel said.

“What?” Husker asked, looking up from his cards.

“His name is Fat Nuggets.”

“Were you high or drunk when you were naming him?” Husk said with an unimpressed expression, letting go of his poker face.

“He was adorable, and I could not think of anything, ok? My brain just stopped working as it was love at first sight.” Angel took his phone out. “See.” He showed pictures of his pet to Husker.
"Yes, he is charming, I’ll admit.” There was humor in his voice, but he was honest.

"Well, he is the handsomest guy in all hell.”

“Then he needs a hat and a bow.” Husk said, trying to humor Angel. He looked up, and Angel's eyes were glowing at the thought of Husker’s idea. It was cute to see him so honest and relaxed. “I can give you one.” Husker snapped his fingers, summoning his old magician’s hat. “But you have to send me a picture.”

Angel took the hat; it was small, and it was obvious that Angel recognized its purpose. He gave Husk a confused look.

“I was a magician.”
“You are kidding, right?“

“Nope, I used to perform in Vegas. It was fun.”
“Could you pull a rabbit out of your hat?”

"Yes, but I liked card tricks the most.”

"Hey, how about this? We play truth or dare, but it is decided by poker. We both have to choose before the game begins, and then the loser has to answer or do what is required after he loses.” Angel said, his flirting voice returning once again. Husk did not like that voice; it was too fake and untrue. He liked Angel when he was honest and free. Putting on the mask made him seem like a caged bird, sitting in a cage far away without a key to get out. But still, there was a challenge in that voice, and he liked it.

“I like the idea.” Learning more about Angel seems like another exciting thing to do.

As they were playing, they learned more about each other. Angel learned that Husk was married, and he is not interested in a relationship, not even a one-night stand. He believes in the intimacy of sex, and he does not like sharing it for free. Angel called him prude but said that it was just loyalty to his own feelings.

Husk learned that Angel loved fish, and cooking Italian food was taught to him by his grandmother.

Husker had to do his favorite magic trick for Angel, and Angel had to admit that he was insecure about his feet. It was a game that helped time fly, and Husked gave Angel all the money he thought he deserved. After all, he was the only one who made Husker feel alive without making those painful memories come back. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Husk wanted to keep Angel for himself. He kind of understood Val, but not his actions. Angel was like a pearl; many people can do what he does, but not the way he can. Angel was the living embodiment of charm and mystery, like a card trick or an illusion. And Husk adored illusions.

Husk missed Angel; he was not even mad about the car. Annoyed, yes, but not mad; he does have money, and he can get a new one.

“Mr Husker.” A voice woke him up from his thoughts. It was Tiffany, Angel’s colleague. She was in the dress he bought for her, but he could see the damage done by one of the customers she took. “I just wanted to thank you for everything. I love the dress, but as you can see, it was damaged. I was wondering if maybe I could come in for the new one. I will buy it with my own money. I just don't want to ruin your aesthetic.

The damage on her cleavage was big, allowing her breasts to almost fall out, but she did not seem to mind it as she lowered her bosom on the table like she was offering them to Husk. Of course Rico’s jaw hit the floor and other people could not look away, but Husk was not that impressed; he was familiar with this kind of flirting, and just like with Angel, it did not work on him.

“No need; I can easily send you a new one. You can just send my assistant a model and a color.” He answered politely, trying to show that her charm was not working. “After all those dresses are uniforms, and I, as the owner of this establishment, should provide them.”

She made a fake giggle, thanking him. Then, just like Angel, she took his glass and drank from it. Putting her lips where his were. Unlike Angel, she seems to like whiskey, and she licks her lips. “I would like the same one, but I might prefer the blue one. It’s my favorite color.”

His eyes twitched. “I’m sorry, but as you can notice, blue is forbidden in the casino. I hate it.” It was obvious that the girl lost her confidence with his last sentence, but unlike Angel, he felt no remorse. It’s not that she is unlikable, but there is just no charm or spark in her like in Angel’s eyes. Her smile is nice but completely fake, while Angel’s has some truth in it. She is trying to get under his skin any way she can; Angel was just toying with him.

“I’m sorry. I’ll pick up something more soothing to your taste.”

“Thank you.” He continued to drink. She stayed there a few more minutes but gave up after she realized that it was a dead race trying to seduce Husker. Another thing Angel would not do. Soon he noticed Angel’s customer come out of the elevator; he was alone, and he looked pleased. Nothing new. Angel would stay in the room after some time, getting high or taking a shower, depending on what the customer asked for. But there was an uneasy feeling in his gut, and he did not like ignoring it.

A sense of urgency came soon after Angel did not come, even half an hour later. The feeling was just slicing his guts. He wanted to jump in the elevator and run to his room. He called security. “Drax, I need you to check on Angel Dust. Just knock on his door to see if everything is okay.”

"Yes, boss. '' He got the answer from another side.

Husker took another drink, trying to shush his feelings, and looked at Rico. Rico was a prostitute in his past life; he was good at reading people, just like Husk. But right now, Husker needed to see if he was just paranoid or if his own feelings were clouding his judgment.

Rico had an uneasy look on his face, looking at the elevator, waiting for Angel to come out. Just like Husker, every time somebody else exited it, his face would fall even more.

“What do you think?” Husker asked—no masking, no bullsh*tting; he was direct.

"Honestly, boss, that guy made every inch of my body shake; he is more than bad news. I’m truly worried right now. No matter how bad Angel had it, it never took him longer than 20 minutes to come down.

Husk nodded his head; he could not ignore the advice. He got up from the chair and headed to the elevator. Just as he reached it, his phone buzzed. “Yes?”

‘Boss, something is wrong. He is not answering, not his phone or my calls.” It was Drax.

“I’m coming.” As soon as he reached the floor, he took out his master card. He rushed to the room and opened the door. Inside, he saw Angel. Tied up, bleeding, and cut on so many places. His face was not that of a living person. His breathing was more like choking; Angel was trying to get any kind of air into his lungs. His eyes were foggy, and his body was twitching.

He never felt as sick as he does now. NO. There was one time. Once, when he was alive. The memories. They rushed in. His feelings were guilt, hate, anger, and regret. They all had the shape of a person lying there on the street, frozen and beaten.

As soon as his shock passed, Husk used his claws to free Angel. He picked him up in his arms. “Angel! Angel, stay here. Stay with me. Angel! Angel Dust!!!” There was no answer, but there were minimal reactions as Angel was trying to find the source of the voice. Mumbling broken, unrecognizable words. Husk only then realized how rushed and uneven his breathing was. ‘“Call infirmary.” He shouted to Drax. “I’ll take him there. Tell her to prepare a special room and to focus all our best healers on Angel.” Drax nodded, pulling out his phone and dilating the number.

Husk did not care for the conversation. He was focused on caring for Angel, trying his best to get to the infirmary. He knew Angel would not die, but this was all so sad*stic and wrong. It made him feel sick. He thought only one person was capable of such sadism. But obviously, he was wrong.


As the doors closed, Angel began to feel the pain left behind. The adrenaline was slowly dropping as whatever was in his system was taking over. He realized it was a mix of drugs; he was getting overdosed. A panic ran through him as he slowly saw flashes before his eyes. His past life and his afterlife merge, confusing him, making him scared, and making him feel small and powerless.

He saw his room, his old room,

No, there was a ceiling in the hotel room.

He was fighting to breathe.



“Anthony, that guy is calling you.” His father's voice came from the hallway.

"Angel, stay with me!”

He saw his father entering his room.

Cal infirmary!

“Pops please…” His own voice was shaking, trying to say words. “P..ple..please.. It hurts. I took too much. I can… I can’t breathe.” He understands that he is overdosing. “Please pops.”

He felt hands on him.

His father was there, a cold look flashing in his eyes. He turns back.

The ceiling is changing, and he is being carried fast.

His father opens the door and leaves the room. Giving him one last look over his shoulder as he closes the door. “He is busy right now. He will call you later.” He can hear his father talking on the phone before lowering the phone and cutting the call .

NO! He needs to answer; he needs to survive. He needs to answer the phone. He needs him!!!

“Anthony, will you come back?” A sweet voice from a distant memory.


“You will not leave me, right?” a flash of blond hair.

Angel Dust!

“You love me? Right?” beautiful blue eyes like deep sea are looking at him…

“Don’t go!” A warm hug…

“I’ll see you again,” he answers. He is happy; he feels at home and doesn’t want to go.

Warm, big hands are on his face; they make him happy. “I’ll stay with you until you get better, Anthony.”

“I’ll stay with you, Angel. Until you get better.”

Everything gets dark.


Husker rushes into the infirmary. Angel is still in his hands. “Quickly he needs help.” He said as he was putting Angel’s limp body on the bed.

The doctor comes to check, her face showing horror. “Oh Satan. What happened?”

“I'm not sure you need to do something.”

Husk moved away, giving her space to properly examine Angel.

“Boss, he seems to have a lot of mixed drugs in his system, and his body is covered with so many wounds. I’m not sure what to do or even where to start.” The doctor notices the blood coming from Angel's private parts. “He still has something in his body.” She was talking to herself.

After some time and a mumble, she turned to him. “Boss. Right now, his state is terrible. I suggest giving him morphine.”

“But he already has so many drugs in his system.”

“I know. Morphine will kill him. But then I will be able to do an operation and remove whatever is on his backside and the poison from his system. His body will also try to regenerate faster. I know it’s not ideal. But right now, killing him is the only way to stop the torment. It will only take a little bit of time for him to regenerate, and I’ll do my best to make it painless.” She stopped to take a deep breath. “But I need your permission.”

Husker was feeling devastated. He looked at Angel and thought of doing mercy killings. He thought of going to the V tower and cutting Val into a million pieces. But right now, he must focus on Angel. “Do it.” His voice was deprived of emotions. The nurse bowed and turned to get what she needed from the drawers. “Can I stay here?” he asked.

“After I’m done with the operation, yes. But now I need to concentrate, and I’ll need some assistance. So please make sure others come to help me as soon as they can.”

Husker nodded and dialed a few numbers on his phone, sending them emergency messages. He got out of the ordination and used his overlord's power to summon his workers after they all confirmed that they were not intoxicated. In a moment, he saw them all getting into the ordination, and he was left to wait. After some time, Max called him to give him information on the polar bear guy. He was still in the casino. Using one of his hotel rooms with his wife, he belonged to Val. It did not matter; no one is allowed to cause this much harm in his casino. The guy did not use any firearms, but he did use drugs and syringes to harm Angel. That way, he disobeyed the rule and broke the treaty. Husk has all the right in hell to act.

It doesn't matter what Valentino says. Because Vox will not be happy about this.

He entered the room where the polar bear was. He did not knock or pay attention to his shouting for interrupting him.

“I believe… Husker's voice was as cold as ice. He was holding on to his walking staff. ”That you broke the treaty of this casino. You insulted me as a host and went against the only rule of my home.” He was not listening to what the guy was saying, but he could hear that he was trying to excuse himself, saying he was not using weapons. “My home has my rules, and you disrespected them; with that, you disrespected me.” He could feel his body change; his power was getting loose. “While in here, Angel Dust, Tiffany, and Jack are under my protection. And everything done to them is seen as being done to my workers. '' His wings were spreading, throwing a shadow over the room. The lights were flickering as his golden magic appeared everywhere.

The guy seems to finally realize how badly he screwed up and begins apologizing, saying that it was Valentino’s fault and idea. How he was following orders. He began begging for mercy.

“If.” Once again, Husk began his voice, calm but cold. “You have done this anywhere outside of Soleil; I would not care.” A lie. “But since it was done here under my roof, I’ll take it as a personal attack.” His claws grew, and a special, unique knuckle duster made of angelic steel appeared on his hand. It had claws following the shape of Huskert’s fingers. A personal gift from Carmila was used only on those who defy Husk in the worst ways. He was not listening to the pleas of mercy as he slashed the man, cutting his body into many pieces and letting his blood spread all over the walls and floor.

Two henchmen that were behind him said nothing as he took the handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned his hand. He kneeled next to the woman, who was with a man. She was shaking, trying to cover her naked body with sheets. “I’m sorry for this, maam, but as you know, your partner disturbed the peace I tried so hard to contain. Please enjoy the rest of the night in another room, on the house, of course. He knew how he sounded, and he knew that this woman would not feel safe here, but right now his anger blurred all his guilt.

He left the room and entered the infirmary. The doctor came out to explain the situation. The operation on Angel was done, and he was left to rest and regenerate. It's only a matter of time before he wakes up. Husker nodded as he entered the room where Angel was sleeping. Seeing him like this brought back so many painful memories from his life. A person he once loved more than anything flashed in his mind. The color of ocean blue eyes and blond hair played in front of him. Those gentle hands are smaller than his. A feeling of complete failure.

He put his hand on Angel's face. “I’ll stay with you, Angel. Until you get better.”


I know this chapter might be dark, but it is one of the few rare onces that did not change too much from the original concept. The name of the fiction was Cinderella and had a completely different concept; it just changed during my writing it, and I still have no idea if I should change the name or how to change it.

Chapter 7: The cursed prince and the enslaved princes


This is my favorite chapter ever. It is kind of made to be similar to the second part of the episode masquerade. So a lot of Husk and Angel moments. here. Once again, there will be some heavy themes including: suicidal thoughts and flashbacks, but also a loss of beloved people.

Chapter Text

Angel felt his entire body twitch. His lungs activated and sucked as much air as they could; his heart was beating normally, and there was no stinging pain all over his body. Was it all a nightmare? He opened his eyes, and he was facing an unfamiliar ceiling. He tried to get up, afraid of how much pain he would be facing, but there was none. He was pleased that there was no pain but also confused. He looked around the room, and it was dark with windows and light lights. He realized that he was at the infirmary. Someone did come for him, but who and how long did it take for them to realize he needed help? He tried to get up from the bed before he realized he was completely naked; the only cover he had was a white sheet keeping him warm.

“So you are finally awake.” A weak, sleepy, but deep voice came from the dark. It took Angel a few seconds to recognize it, but there was no mistake; it was Husker’s voice. “I thought you would need more time. You truly are a strong kid.”

Strong. Angel could not talk. He took his gaze away from Overlord and saw that it was long past his working hours. He was late to the studio. The sudden rush made him get up and run to the door without saying anything. As soon as he exited the room, he met the doctor. He was carrying a surgical plate, and there he saw it. Bloody bandages, scalpers, syringes, and a torture device were left in his body.

His legs gave up. He fell to the floor. He heard a voice calling for him, but he ignored it. How could this happen? How could Val do this? He was just talking to Husk; he was just taking a break. Didn’t Val love Angel just a little bit? Wasn’t there any amber of the love they once shared? Wasn’t he just jealous and overprotective? How could he hurt him so badly?

Something warm covered his body. It smelled of alcohol, cigars, and cologne. He knew this smell, and he sensed it in many ways when he was talking to Husk. It smelled like Husk. HUSK!! He needs to get away from Husk! He is the reason for all this hell. “Get the f*ck away from me!” Angel pushed him with all his strength. He had to get out. The doors were so close. But there was somebody in his way.

“Mr. Angel Dust, please calm down. I understand your distress, but if you keep on acting like this, we will need to sedate you.“ It was a nurse.

No, he can’t stay here; he must go to Val. If he apologizes and never returns, he will be forgiven. Right? He just needs to get this bitch out of his way. He used all of his strength to push the girl out of his way, managing to get away from the doctor trying to inject him with who knows what. He was happy to have all his dodging skills, high jumping abilities, and quick reflexes. Using his skills, he managed to get to the staff door and get out of the casino. He used them once before and was able to memorize the route to it. He was rushing home. He has to reach the tower; he has to get to Val and apologize. Maybe beg and do all the scenes and movies he always managed to dodge by playing the perfect obedient pet. He will do anything. He will never go back to Husk; he will never even see him. He will never get punished like that.

He had no idea how far he was running before his legs began giving up. The adrenaline from before was falling fast. He realized that all he had on himself was Husker’s coat. The unhealed wounds began to burn, and stitches that broke because of his escape began bleeding. The pain from his still-healing body and memories of the night finally took their toll, and Angel fell to his knees. He had to get up. He needed to get up.


“Angel!!!” Husk’s voice came from above. “Angel stop. You can’t reach the tower in that state; you need help.” He landed near him.

You need help. No, he does not! He does not need anyone! He survived on his own for thirty years! He escaped exorcists on a number of occasions. He worked all kinds of jobs; he had no one to comfort or protect him, but he did it. If only he had never met Valentino. NO. Val protected him, but he punished him. He loved him. but he treated him like this… Was he trying to kill him… The bear said he wasn’t... but what if that was a lie…Had he nowhere to go?

"Angel, please, you need a doctor. Let me help.”

“Help? HELP? YOU WANT TO HELP ME? THEN GET THE f*ck AWAY FROM ME! This is all your fault. It was you who challenged me in that stupid game; it was you who made the first move and got closer to me; it was you who made Val do this to me!” He got up on his wobbly legs, and he was trying to get to Husk. To get all his hate on him, it doesn't matter what happens next; he already went through worse. “If you want to f*ck me, just do it. No need to play a hero; no need to play a good guy. If it gets yer dick hard, ok, I’ll pretend to be saved.” He did not look Husk in the eyes. “Now come on and let's get over it already.” He put his hand on Hus’s body, trying to get his clothes off. Who cares if they do it on the street? It is hell, after all, and everybody already saw Angel naked.

“Angel stop.” Husker took a step back, taking Angel’s hands in his own. He was gentle but stern.

"Oh, what now? Play hard to get? You want me to beg for it. You want to be the first one who Angel DUST came on!!!” He fell on his knees. “Come on, Daddy, f*ck me; I only want yer dick.” Once again, he tried touching Husk’s belt, but this time he used his lower set of hands.

“Stop!! Christ!!!” Husk actually put a distance between them, letting go of Ange’s hands and letting him fall to the ground. “I told you not to call me that, and I told you I wouldn’t do it. I just want to make sure you are all right. You don’t want my help. FINE. Then let me call you a cab and go on your own, but don’t try walking like this.” He was straightening his jacket. “You are too vulnerable; anyone can attack you now.”

“Oh, nobel. Mr. Big Overlord cares!” Angel put on his dramatic voice. “Don’t start with that act again. What's it, actually? Am I not good enough for you? Am I too dirty for your taste? You like virgins more. Or do you have to keep your false image to yourself? We can go somewhere private where you can treat me however you want. Don’t pretend like you care.“

“I pretend? You are the one always trying your best to be fake.” The rest of Husk’s speech fell on deaf ears. How dare he call Angel fake? He is an overlord who bets his souls like they are chips. He is the one who causes suffering; he is one of those who made Angel like this. And to add to all of this, he is still acting as if he doesn’t want Angel’s body. Angel is not dumb or blind; he knows when people want him.

“Call me fake one more time, mOtHErfCkEr!!!” He really did not care now that if he had to throw hands with the Husker he would do it. He fought stronger guys than him his entire life.

Husker was silent, but there was anger in his eyes. “You are…” He did not finish his sentence; he simply took a deep breath. “I’ll call Tino or somebody from your job to pick you up. As I said, you can’t go when you are like this.” Angel ran and threw his best punch at Husk, making sure Overlord dropped his phone so that he could not call anyone.

“Do you think I want Val here now? Did you not see what he did to me?” The rage was overwhelming. “He sent this tormentor to kill me, and you want to call him.”

“YOU ARE THE ONE TRYING TO GO BACK AT HIM? I just want to help you!”

“SHUT UP!!!” You are an overlord, a monster, and a soulless, emotionless piece of sh*t. To you, I am nothing but an expendable betting chip. To Val, I might be his best earner, but to you, He did not want to get those words out; he did not want the illusion of a good time to go away, but he knew it had to. ‘ you, I’m nothing. A whor* who comes once a week. A guy who f*cks your high-standard friends, a co*ked-up-dick-sucking-ho that doesn’t even belong to you. A soul that has no value to you.” His voice was breaking, but he had to get it out. “You have no idea what it is like to have these chains; you are nothing like me, so don’t pretend we are.” I can’t take this sober. He needed drugs. He checked the pockets to maybe find something, but they were empty. “Look at me!” He spread his arms, letting the coat reveal his nakedness to Husk, along with his wounds. “I’m broken, I am dirty, and I am as good as any other hole. And you are one of the most powerful people in the pride ring.” He finally stopped talking, trying to get his thoughts right, but he could not. Even with all this new rush of anger and adrenaline, all he could think was how Val finally might get tired of him. Maybe he is finally done with Angel, and so will Husk be soon. “So don’t pretend; I am tired of people pretending to care. If you want to f*ck me, just do it now; if you don’t, then let me go. I just want to go... ho…to go to the tower.” Yes, it was not a home anymore.

There was silence. Angel was not moving, waiting for Husk to do whatever he wanted. There was silence in the street. No one was walking there; there were no cars, only wind. It made Angel shiver, so he covered himself with the coat one more time.


“I don’t need your pity.” He cut Husk. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need you.” His voice was broken, quiet, and non-threatening, and his hair was hiding his eyes. A little hiding corner for a broken spider.

He could hear Husker taking a few deep breaths. Then he made a few steps toward Angel before he sat on the ground, three feet away from the spider. Sit down, kid.” Silence. “Please.”

Angel did so; after all this yelling, he was exhausted. He was sitting and looking at his own reflection in the pond. He looked pathetic.

“I don’t pity you.” A long pause “Actually, I feel a kind of admiration towards you.”

Angel scoffed and put his head in his hands. Not believing a word Husk was saying.

“And you are right. I’m an overlord, an emotionless monster who treats others as toys. I bargain their souls and bet them as if they were nothing.” Husker stopped for a few seconds, probably thinking of his next words. “Or at least, that's what I was ten years ago. Before my soul almost fell into the possession of another overlord,

Angel looked up and turned toward Husk. He was looking down, not facing Angel. His face seems filled with regret and shame.

“Ten years ago, I almost lost everything I had. All my power, all my souls—I almost lost my own. I felt the chains; I felt the weakness and fear others do. And after escaping my fate, I swore never to treat others like I used to. And I was also cursed in a way.” Angel wanted to ask a few questions but wasn’t sure if that was all of the story. “There are souls in my possession that I do not respect, of course. Those people who are the worst of the worst, I just use them as batteries for my own power. Others are under my own protection. Like Poppy, Rico, and Suki. They are not bad kids; they just made a few mistakes. They were born in the wrong place and had no chance of redeeming themselves. I’m sure they would be great people if they had it. Like you are.”

“You don’t know me.”

“No. But I know your qualities.” Angel looked at him, and Husk did the same. A weak smile on the overlord's face was gentle, assuring, and warm. “The moment you came to my casino, I thought of you as just another guy. But then, when you began playing the game, I saw you analyzing me, analyzing Tino, making your own strategies, and trying to help a guy who treats you like trash. You did not give up, no matter how hard this hell is crushing you every day. You have so many survival skills and such a desire to live. I envy you for it.”

Husk was only partially right. Angel lived for this day; there was nothing to keep him alive for tomorrow. So every day it was survival because he could not give up, but he also could not see the exit either. “Don't you have it too? The desire to live”


Angel did not say anything.

“I lost the ability to love years ago. I lost the desire to live while I was still alive. All I wanted was something to make me feel alive. At first, my gambling and drinking helped; they made me an overlord by accident. A few drunks bet their souls, and slowly, day by day, I got more powerful. The power of the overlord was doing something, but it was not enough. Making high stakes would make it seem like there was something to lose, but my power allowed me to cheat, and I had nothing important to lose, so that was a dead end. I gambled my own soul on the most sad*stic and dangerous demon, trying to get some kind of excitement. But all I got was fear and humility. Then you came.”

It was silent again. Angel was too flabbergasted by the story and Husk’s words to say anything. He was not sure if it was all true, but he sounded genuine, and his face was not masked. A raw feeling of regret was written all over him; he looked like the husk of a man. Broken and defeated.

“You actually made me feel alive when I lost that game, and every time you returned, you did it again. Your own spark reminds me of my youth. Your pride and your strength are much more admirable. Seeing you with that fire in your eyes… For the first time in almost a hundred years, I was feeling happy.”

"Well, maybe you just want to f*ck me, and you don’t recognize it because you haven't in a century.” Angel was not trying to be funny; he was still angry and not believing the words being spoken, but Husker did chuckle.

"Nah, it’s not that kid. I know when I want to be with someone. Don’t get me wrong, you are really beautiful and charming, more so than anyone I have met. I just don’t do relationships.” Angel tried to say something, but he was cut by Husk. “And I don’t have sex outside of relationships.”

“Wow.” Angel mocked, truly surprised that it could be true in any ring of hell. “Seriously?” Husk nodded. “What are you, a modern Romeo?”


“Are ya still faithful to yer wife?”

“f*ck no, that bitch deserves every part of this hell.”

“She’s here?”

“Unfortunately, she works for your boss. He tried offering me her soul before you came, and to be honest, I was tempted more than ever.”

“Then why not take the deal? Why pull me into all this sh*t?”

“I don’t know. Because she is not worthy of my time and my patience.” Husk shifted; he was looking up at the sky; his legs were stretched; and he was leaning on his hands. “I guess I hate Tino as much as I do her. They have more in common than you think.”

There was silence again. This is a long one. Angel was unsure of how to feel. Husk’s words were nice and comforting; they were all he wanted to hear from Val. He is talented, beautiful, charming, and worthy. He was trying not to cry. He cleaned his face with his hand, but he did it a bit rough, opening the old wound. There was blood on his face now. He tried cleaning it with the sleeve of the coat, but a sudden presence stopped him. It was Husk's wing. It was stretched close to Angel’s face, and on one of its feathers, he could see a clean silk handkerchief. He took it. The gentle, cold material felt good on his face. “Thanks…”

“No need.” There was another pause. “I’m sorry if I caused you trouble. It was not my intention. I was sure you were sent to spy on me. I thought you would be rewarded if I let you get close.”

“Yeah, I thought the same. But Val is unpredictable and unstable.”

“He is a loser.”

Angel cracked a smile at that. “It feels like I am one too.”

“Oh yeah, you are,”
“Wait! What?”

“You are a loser, kid. We are all losers, baby. We are in hell. We will stay here forever. The only good things we can have are sex or gambling; everything else—food, drinks, rules—sucks. We can be killed tomorrow; we can lose power just like that; the rules of hell might change and get us all back down to the bottom. Besides, no matter what power we possess, we are all desperate deep inside. We're all in the same sh*tsandwich.” He had a huge smirk while saying those words.

“Yeah, but unlike you, I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak.”

Husk chuckled, “Do you really think you are the only one? I almost ended up the same, but my psycho would give me the treatment you got tonight every day and probably broadcast it to hell.”

Angel’s smile faded on that, though. When did he even smile? “Who almost got your soul?”

“The guy who is the reason your boss wants you to spy on me is Alastor.”

“Wait, aren't you guys like buddies?”

Husk made a noise about being unsure. "Well, he does not hate me or see me as an enemy. Because of the deal we made, he can’t go against me, and since I defeated him fair and square, he seems to respect me in his own wicked way.”

“Huh,’ was all Angel could answer. It was not what he expected.

“But” Husk’s voice began to darken deeper. “If you want to know, that tormentor will never hurt you or anyone else.”

A panic came over Angel once again. “What did you do?”

“I got rid of him. Permanently.”
‘No! You idiot, that’s against the rules. Val will now kill me. Oh, he will get so mad. He will… He will...’ His breathing was uneven, and his hands were moving all over his body.

“He will do nothing.” Husker answered. There was so much confidence in his voice, as it was already decided. It did calm Angel a bit, but he still had his doubts.

“He used angelic tools to harm you. It is considered a weapon, no matter the shape or size.“ He stopped for a second. “Or whatever its original purpose was, as long as it was used to draw blood and harm someone without their consent, it was a weapon. Because of this, the Vees broke the treaty first, and I had all rights to dispose of him. Vox was already contacted, and don’t worry; unlike Tino, he has some brain. He will not let Tino harm you, as long as you are part of the deal we made.”

“Why? Why go so far for me?”

“There are many reasons; the first is for my own pride; no one breaks rules in my casino and goes free; and the second is that I don't like what was done to you. It was obviously done out of malice and without any consent. I know some of your clients are freaky, but as long as they don’t use angelic weapons, I can’t interrupt. Third, I respect you and don’t take it lightly when other people don’t.” He stopped. ”And because it reminded me of something from my life.”

Angel was blushing now. Knowing that he is more than a whor* to someone felt so nice to hear.

“I don’t remember my life anymore. Years of Val and his drugs are pretty good for erasing everything you cared for and loved.”

"Well, I'm trying to erase mine, but I can’t. I need to hold on to my humanity, so it’s a very difficult task.”

“Why? Was it that bad?”

"No, it was good; it was so good, until one day, when I lost everything and was unable to feel anything but regret.” Angel did not push further. He could see the broken look on Husker’s face. Once again, Husk shifted into a sitting position, but he was hiding his face on his knees, his arms and wings hiding him.

“Who did you lose?” he asked quietly, not expecting an answer to come.

“My daughter.” Husk began, “She was so small, so young. She was taken from me, drugged by her own medicine, beaten up, and left to die on the street as a dog.” Angel's face was shocked; his mind went numb in a moment. So many things make sense now. “When I saw you in that room, drugged and beaten, I just…”

“Husk…” Angel was unsure of what he was doing or feeling. He wanted to comfort Husk but wasn't sure how to.

“I’m cursed, Angel. I really am. That was a price for saving my own soul. My memories belong to Aalstor, and as long as he seeks entertainment, he will use them to torment me. I will see her corpse in my hands every day. I will remember the smell of dead corpses, the sound of war, and the pain of every person I let down. The only way out is to finally forget the past and get something that might replace it.” He lowered his head, and his ears got droopy. “I was selfish and challenged you so that it would keep me distracted. I wasn’t thinking of the consequences you would feel because of my own actions.”

“That’s why I’m here.” Husked looked at him, confused. “I’m a whor*; my purpose is to make you feel better, right? Like you said, you don’t have to use me in the usual way, as long as I do my job.” It seems Husk wanted to protest Angel's words, so before he had time, Angel continued his speech. “Besides, I did the same. I wanted to get the big ‘ol bucks from your friends, so I used my charms on you. It seems they worked after all.”

"Yeah, they did.”

They sat there for who knows how long. Husk pulled out his flask and offered it to Angel. Angel took it; right now, even whiskey is like sweet honey. Anything to numb the pain and the sense of hurting. There were so many words he wanted to say. There were so many things to do, but it felt as if he did them, this new reality would shatter. If this was all a lie, he would not mind falling for it just for tonight.

Husk was next to him; Angel was the one who came closer, returning the flask. They took turns until it was empty. Angel would watch Husk take a sip before putting his own lips in the same place. He was not acting, not making any innuendos, and not doing anything to make Husk feel uncomfortable. It’s just that the opening was so small, and there were not many places he could put his lips except where Husk put his own. His body began to hurt less, both because whatever Husk’s doctor did healed his wounds faster and because of the alcohol.

At some point, Husker offered a cigarette. It was Angel’s pack. “It’s the only thing left of your dress.” Husk teased.
Angel gave him a small smile. “Too bad there was no lighter.” In those words, Husk pulled out his old-fashioned lighter. He lit Angel’s cigarette while Angel was busy looking into Husker’s eyes. They seem to glow, being illuminated by the small flame. Husker pulled his own pack and took a smoke together with Angel.

The coat was keeping Angel warm. He did not want to go. Being here felt so safe, like the bed he used to sleep in as a child. And sharing a drink and a smoke with Husk felt intimate, pleasant, and new yet somehow nostalgic. Was there anyone else who cared for him except Molly? If it was, those days are far away. That person is probably not here or has moved on. He was young when he died, as was the other person. It would be cruel for Angel to be someone’s only one, but it would also be so nice to know someone was seeing him as a beloved one.

They stayed like that until the first sign of sunlight. Husker got up and offered a hand to Angel. He took it, his legs still shaking but much more stable.

“Let me take you to the tower. I promise there will be no problems this time.”

Angel nodded. “Ok”. Husk’s hands were big and warm. They made him feel safe and cared for. Maybe not loved, but respect was another thing he wanted to feel for so many years. There must have been people who loved him, who protected him, and who respected him. They are all gone; if they are here, he cannot recognize them. Their faces faded like old photos, thanks to Val. But maybe he can build something new. New memories, just like he did with Cherry.

“We will have to wait for the limo. I would like to take you on my own, but as you know, my car has been blown up.”

"Oh, come on, you can buy thousands of them. Haven’t you already forgiven me?”

“I can still be angry and forgive you. Do you need help to walk?”

"Well, you could carry me,” Angel teased, and without any hesitation, Husk picked Angel in his hands.

“Do you eat anything, kid? You are as light as a feather.”

Angel was blushing; this was so sudden. The touch was warm, and the soft paw pillows with the shape of a heart felt like tinny cushions on his back. Angel lost all the words he wanted to say. He wasn’t sure if he should put his hands around Husk’s neck. Right now, he looked even more handsome in the light of the early sun. The handsome grin and those eyes were too powerful for a vulnerable Angel. His wings were the same color as the dawn, giving them a glow that made Husk look more like an angel than a demon. And for the first time in how many years, Angel felt his heart skip the beat.

“Hold on, kid. I don’t want to drop you.”

Angel just nodded, still lost for words, hoping that the new light of the day would not show the blush spreading on his face.

Chapter 8: At the tower


Val gets busted but as we know Vox is too gentle with him.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was around 2 a.m. when Vox received an emergency call from the gambling overlord. He had a bad feeling about it, but there was not much he could do. If he ignores it, it might put his entire plan in jeopardy. He just hoped that Val did not screw up something again. He swears if Val was not so good at earning money and not being such a sexy piece of meat, he would not even try anymore. He took a deep breath before putting on his big, polite smile and answering the call.

The face of the gambling overlord appeared on the giant screen, and he was not happy. This was bad. Husker usually hides his feelings well; he was sending a clear message. "Husker, my friend, how have you been?”

“Cut the crap, Vox. I would not call you if I was happy.”

sh*t “What made you so angry at this fine hour?”

“Your little pimp has violated our treaty. He ordered an angelic weapon to be used to harm someone in my casino.”

God damn it. This was bad. Vox had to find a way to fix this without too much attention. But he did not know the details—who was harmed, how, when, where, and why. He needs this information in order to do damage control. “It disturbs me to hear it. But may I know the details? If I am to do something about Val, I need to know what he did.”

“All right, I’ll be quick. Your little asshole of a boyfriend hired his tormentor to come to my casino, take Angel Dust, torture him, and almost kill him. The angelic item was not meant to be used as a weapon, but even a hair can be a weapon if you use it in a proper way.”

“Why does it matter? Angel is Val’s whor*; he did not touch any of your souls.” Vox knew the reason why this was a big thing, but he was hoping that acting as he didn’t might confuse the angry cat.

“Because I do not care what that pimp does to his whor*s. But there are three reasons he pissed me off. First, the asshole he hired interrupted me while I was having an important business deal with Angel. It caused me to lose the trust of a very important client of mine. Second, as I already said, he used angelic steel to cause harm to him. While in my casino, his whor*s are under my protection, just like every other person is. Three, he disrespected me as an overlord by ignoring the fact that I did pay Angel to use some of his time. So this is treated as a personal attack on me.”

Vox had to think fast. All three reasons were valid, and considering that this was Husker, he will not forgive or forget it. The guy was known as soft until you disrespected him, and Val managed to insult, disrespect, and betray his trust in just one night. f*cking Val… “I understand, my friend. I'm so sorry for making all this mess. But hey, it was just one whor*. We can send a better one, one that is not prone to making scenes. Maybe Angel was too much for this job; after all, you know how Val is obsessed with him.”

‘I don’t care for it!” Husker grown. “And I do not want another one.” He put on his calm face. “I’m pretty sure that you boytoy doesn’t always tell you the details of everything, but Angel was a necessary part of the deal; he is the one I required.”

“I see.” There was obviously something more to the story. Vox knows Val knows how to forget some important details, especially if he doesn’t deem them important. So whatever happened on that night with Angel might be more than a small event. Angel helped a bit too. Those words echoed in his head. Oh Lucifer, please no! “I see. I understand that you asked for him, but as you know, Angel does belong to Val. I can’t really control what he does with him.”

“I know that. I don’t ask you to do it. I just ask that if he wishes to punish his whor*s, let him do it on his own turf. Not mine.” Husk took a smoke. “Not to mention the poor kid is in such a wary state that my doctors had to urgently save him. I used precious sources to help him. I don’t want any accusations coming from you.”

“It is appreciated. And don’t worry, it will be compensated.” Money could fix this if he pressed just a bit further.

“Money is not the problem. I have it. But many of my clients were asking for Angel’s services. Some of them came from different rings. The disappointment they had to face is impossible to compensate for.”

Vox had to take a deep breath. He was getting cornered. If this continues, he will owe a huge favor to the gambling overlord. “Then let’s be clear.” His voice was quiet but confident. “What do you actually want?”

“I killed the tormentor. I had all the rights to it. Don’t worry, I will repay you with one of my own souls.”

“I respect that.”

“Make sure Tino does it too. I’m doing it only because of Angel. He did his job perfectly, and I don’t want him in more trouble, so take care of it.”

f*ck. Why does he need to take care of that whor*? What is so good about Angel Dust? Val is crazy for him, and Husk is crazy for him. The entire hell wants to f*ck him. How is he losing to such a stupid whor*?

“I’m afraid I can’t do it. Just because Angel is a good hole, I can’t protect him.”

Husk smirked, and it made Vox nervous. “I thought you were smart.” Husk said, blowing smoke toward the camera. “You always see potential in other people. Maybe you're weak on Tino.”

“What does that mean?”

“Ask your partner why Angel is so important to me. It’s better if he tells you.” He finishes his smoke and puts out the cigar for the camera. “I’ll bring the kid in the morning. He should be better then. You should clear things up until then.” The contact breaks off.

Vox is angry; he explodes with electricity, and his TV head glitches. Whatever stupid sh*t Val did is going to cost him more than he wants. He leaves his room, trying to stay calm but he can't. Val has done something beyond stupid, and now he has to fix it. f*ck my life!

He arrives at the tower, where Val likes to hide. He is there with another of his whor*s, sucking him off, but he does not seem satisfied. Of course he is not; Angel is always his favorite, and right now that favoritism has created an unnecessary ruckus.

"Voxy, what brings you here tonight, darling?”

“Val, we need to talk.”

“I'm a bit busy, as you can see, but you can join in if you want.”

“NoW!” Vox’s voice becomes glitchy, and his eyes create hypnotic lines, but it has no effect on Val. Even as it may, Val does sigh and shoes his worker away.

Val leans on the couch, crosses his legs, and takes out his cigarette like there was no threatening energy coming from Vox.

Vox takes a second to compose himself before he looks at Valentino. "Val, can you explain to me what the f*ck you were thinking?”

“You are going to be more specific if you want an honest answer, Voxy.”

“I’m not in the mood for a game. Val. Husker just called me and told me that you sent your tormentor after Angel Dust.”

"Yes, and it seems he is dead now. I guess the cat went against the overlord’s protocol. Now he owes us more than a simple request.” His big grin spread across his face.

“Except the part where Angel almost died by the tormentor's hands in the Overlord’s Casino! Do you have any idea how stupid that was? If you want to punish that stupid spider, do it on your own, not on OTHER OVERLORD’S TURF!” He was holding Val by his collar, trying his best to get the moth to truly understand the situation. “You spilled the blood in his casino; you broke the agreement first. He had all the rights to kill that guy.”

"Ah, come on, Voxy, he didn’t kill Angel; I specified it for him.”

“But he used angelic steel, and it seems Angel needed serious medical attention. That was considered an attack!”

Val sighed “You know, for someone who is a cat, he really doesn’t get the meaning of rough play.” He continued smoking his cigar, unbothered by Vox’s scolding.

“He doesn’t get any play; he never takes lovers. We talked about it before.'' Vox walked to another side of the room, put his hands on the table, and tried to hold himself before getting even more angry. He was tired of this charade. “But the worst thing is that it seems that Angel finally did get under his skin, and you f*cked with him.” He took a deep breath and turned his head to face Valentino. ‘How did he do it?”

“Excuse me?”

“How. did. Angel Dust. get the attention. of the gambling. Overlord?.” Vox asked again, but this time electricity was sparkling around him.

Valentino was silent; he was looking away from Vox; it was proof that he was caught in a lie. He took another deep inhale of his cigarette and sighed. “You remember that game we played?”

“The one you won by some miracle thanks to Angel and got a deal with Husker? What of it?”

“Angel was the one who won.” Valentino answered by pouting and facing away from Vox.

Vox Head glitched; he scratched the surface of the table. “What did you say?” Please be a lie. Please be a lie.
“You heard me. It seems Angel was familiar with the rules of the game, and he was able to bluff, so he won the game against Husker and got me the deal.”
Vox hit the table he had scratched before. He walked to Val and pulled him for his collar again. “Do you have any idea how much you messed up, Val?” His voice was quiet, but he could feel that he was slipping into madness. Valentino’s lost look did not help at all. He wanted to punch him right now, but Val is a big baby, and he never understands punches. He needs to fix this quietly and calmly. “Husker is a strange man. Especially in the last ten years. He treats people differently than other overlords. And the people he treats and respects the most are good poker players. If someone managed to win against him, he would get endless respect from him. And you send a tormentor to torture and almost kill that person in his own casino!” He let go of Val and took a few circles around the room. "Val, we need to fix it.”
‘Why? We can just remove Angel from his casino.”

“We can't. He asked for three of your highest earners. Even before, I ignored your protest because it was part of the deal, so I had to dance around in order to convince you. But right now, Angel Dust is one person he respects more than all three of us together.” He pinched the middle of his screen between his eyes. “Why even do this? It’s not like Angel f*cked up anything; he was just doing his job, the job you asked for.”

“You did not see his face!” Val reached up as he got up from the couch. “He had that happy little smile. The one that irritates me. I own him; he belongs to me, no one else. Husker was getting under his skin. He was trying to get him away from me. Angel is mine! I created him. He is mine. No one else's.”

Well, then why the f*ck do you share him with half of the hell? Vox took a deep breath. “Val.” His voice was calm. “Think of it.” He tried to sound a bit cheerful. He put his hand around Valentino. “This is Angel Dust, and it’s Husker. Husker has no desire for him or his talents. He only sees him as a player, and that is probably why he was using him. He was not taking him from you.”

“He was giving him to his clients.“

“High-paying clients that might be of use to us, now that they know the taste of angel dust.” He was smiling, petting Val on the shoulder. “He is just a good commercial. It only benefits you, not Husker. They will not go to him to get Angel; they will go to you. He was basically helping you, right?”

"Well, if you say it like that…”
“And beside, Angel belongs to you. You have his contract and his soul. He can’t get him unless you give him to Husker.” Vox noticed that Valentino was falling for his words. “Besides, do you really think a few nice words and games will be enough for Angel? He is an addict for sex and drugs, two things that Husker doesn’t approve of. He might like the way the guy is treating him right now, but where will he go when he gets bored and needs his release?”


“Correct!!! Trust me, Angel and Husker would never work out.”

“So I should just let him go do whatever.”

“Great idea, Val. See, you are more than smart.“ Val was so easy to manipulate.

There was a bit of silence. Val was still not satisfied. “I’m not apologizing.” He said it suddenly.

“I know ,there is no reason for it. Husker will give you a new soul for the one he killed. I know it’s not the same, but we can find you a new guy to put your whor*s in line.”

“So what? Should we just ignore this incident?”

“That sounds good to me.” Vox answered, trying once again to boost Val’s ego. ”Maybe you can play with Angel a bit to make it seem as if it was not your fault.”
“And sent him back to Husker again?”

"Hey, this little scene might get them closer.”
“Think of it. Now both of them might open up to each other more. Angel might find a way to get him to our side.”

"Well, then it seems this incident was a good plan.” Val was so foolish and that little proud smile on his face was proof of it. But he was a cute idiot.

"Oh, Val, it was the best.” It was just a gamble, but one with good odds. Maybe Val’s little f*ckup will be of use to them.


Angel was brought to the tower. He was hesitant to exit the limo, but he did not have a lot of choice.

“Don’t worry, it will be fine.” Husk said, giving Angel a sympathetic smile. “I’ll send you a new dress soon.

“Thanks Husk.” Angel said, sending him a wink before the window of the limo closed and Husk took off.

Angel turned toward the entrance. There were a few bodyguards, but he was not afraid of them. He took a deep breath, put his hands through his hair, and walked in like everything was fine. The pain was way less tense, but it was still there. He was worried about today’s shooting. Maybe Val will not hurt him, but he will make shooting more difficult.

He was wondering who the spy was who leaked all that information to Val. And why? Maybe it was Tiffany or Jake. Tiffany to get Angel’s place as a favorite, and Jack to get more fame. It was stupid from Angel's point of view. All they will get is more hell. But also, they were not always in the room when Husk and Angel were together, and Val seemed to know everything; if they asked someone else for the information, they would not be so specific. Maybe it was Suki; she was always a bit bitchy. But again, she seems to be smart and plays smart. She had nothing to gain by helping Val and a lot to lose.

Two muffled voices woke him up from the thought. He was almost in the studio. The doors were ajar. He dared to look inside. There was Vox and Val talking about something. Val seems to be happy and pleased, as he did not almost kill Angel last night. The anger was suddenly too hard for Angel to deal with. He wanted to go back to the casino, to go back to Husk.

“That's why we need him,” he heard Vox say. “Husker is not just an overlord; he is an influential overlord.

"Oh, come on, Voxy, he is not more influential than Velvet.”

“He is. You see, his power does not come from the souls he owns. It does, but it’s not his greatest skill. He is a friend with many hellborn demons; he has immunity to Alastor; and worst of all, he is a direct friend with more than two sins. He literally calls them to play poker with him. How do you think he gets all his luxury? It’s not just a pride ring he controls; he is able to gain many items from the living world thanks to his charms.” Vox was smiling, but obviously he was a bit disturbed. “For f*ck sake, he was seen with a King of Hell—Lucifer himself!” He put his head back on the sofa. “He has more power than us because he has such powerful friends. If anyone can help us defeat Alastor, it’s him. So I don’t care for the price; we need him.” Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and looked toward the door. “Is someone there?”

Angel tried to look even more hurt than he was; he needed to pretend not to hear anything. "Sorry, Val, I was trying to get to the studio as fast as I could.” He pretended to be surprised by Vox’s presence. “Is everything okay?”

“Of course, Amorcito. I was just waiting to see how you were.” Val got up and walked toward Angel. Angel could not stop himself from flinching.

“Val, I am sorry. I know I messed up. I swear, I will never go back. I just tried to please you, Daddy." He made himself small, weak, and pathetic. Whatever it takes.

“Oh no, mi amor. My little angel cakes. You did great. It was a misunderstanding, Amorcito.” Val pulled Angel into a warm hug—the one he used to give him so long ago. And the worst part is that it felt good. Making Angel’s anger go away.

Angel could see the anger on Vox’s face; he was not initially fooled by Angel’s act, but he did seem to understand why he was pretending.

“I’m so sorry for what that big bad bear did to you. I just told him to punish you a little, like a spank or a few slaps. He just went too far. But don’t worry; he will not hurt you again. I made sure of it.”

f*cking liar… but this feels so good. “What do you mean, daddy?”

“I told our little puss*cat friend to get him for me. Did he not tell you that?”

"No, he told me he got rid of him, but not because of you.” Angel put on his innocent face; of course, it was a lie. Val was too selfish to do something like that, and the bear was one of his favorites.

“You see, the bad kitty didn’t even tell you then.” He lifted Angel’s face to look him in the eyes. His eyes were as red as blood. “Don’t worry, Amorcito, I will protect you.” He landed a kiss on Angel’s lips. It was gentle and warm. But Angel could still feel that sweet poison coming from him. Mixing with Angel’s saliva makes him numb.

It did not matter; right now he needed something to make him feel better, and he will take whatever Val gives him.

“Why don’t you take a day off?” Val asked, his voice sweet.


“To get better. I don't want you to suffer. You had too much already last night.”

Was this a trick? Was Val truly letting him have a day off? What was he supposed to say? Should he pretend to be sick and lie all day in bed? Of course, he cannot leave, but a walk or a day with Cherry would be like salvation.

“What do you say, Angel? He felt Val’s grip get tighter.
“Thank you, daddy.” Angel hugged him back. He gave him a big hug with a few happy tears. The worst thing is that neither of them was false, and neither of them belonged to Val. They were meant for Husk. If only he was here. He wonders how his fury chests would feel on Angel’s face.

Angel listened to what Val said and went to his room to take his well-deserved day off in bed.


Anthony is at the bar. He is sitting because his ankle was sprained.

“Put this on Tony.” A sweet young voice said a bag of ice was given to him. “Momma always did this when I was hurt.


“Those heels are too big. Next time, bring something smaller.” A male voice came. He could not make out his face, but there was that long brown hair and those black eyes.

“I just wanted to show you how I could dance in them too. It's not my fault your dance floor is crooked.”

“Hey, I fixed that damn floor with my own hands.” Another voice

“The long-haired man came closer again. “If you didn’t want to dance with me, you should have just told me.”

"Aww, come on, honey, you know I would never say no to ya. It was just bad luck.”

'Well, be careful next time. And put this on.” A cold cream was applied to his ankle. It will make it all better. Anthony smiled, “Thank you.”

It was late afternoon when Angel woke up. His dream from his life was nice, but it seemed to already be fading away. He already could not remember the faces. Was Molly there? Was it her sweet voice? Could he maybe remember her soon if he tries?

He tried to get up carefully. His body was completely healed, with no wounds or marks. He was afraid to touch himself, but there was no itch or sting. What was so powerful to heal the wound from an angelic weapon? Maybe Vox was right. Maybe Husk’s influence on other sins and the king of hell gave him benefits others can only dream about.

He was really grateful for Husk’s help. It was almost as if the night before did not happen, but even though the pain was gone, the memories still haunted him. He could clearly remember every moment spent with the polar bear guy. He could still hear his scary voice. He felt cruel touches. It was almost as if the poison was still going through his veins. No matter how bad things were in the past, they would never be this bad, and part of him wonders if he will ever be able to get over it. At the same time, he remembered Husk and all the nice things he did to help Angel. He remembers the sweet taste of whiskey, the nice sensation when they were sharing smoke, and even the feeling of being carried in the overlords hands, which was like a fairy tale moment. When he was younger, he mentioned something like this very often. It was something that always happened in the stories, but his life was not a story or a fairytale; it was a never-ending nightmare.

He felt something wet touching his leg. He looked down, and he saw Fat Nuggets licking him, trying to comfort him like he always does. He picked up his little piglet and hugged him hard yet carefully. The little four-legged friend was the only good thing in this place, and sometimes he imagined himself picking him up and running away, but he knew that no matter how far he ran, his chains would always be around his neck. He threw his body on the bed, holding piglets close to his chest and petting him, not thinking about anything. Then his left eye looked at the corner; he was looking at what he could wear today, and there he saw it. Husker’s coat from last night. It is still there; he was surprised that Val did not destroy it. He got up and picked it up, still holding a little piglet in one of his hands. He brought it closer to his face, and he could clearly smell the cologne the overlord used. It was nostalgic; he remembered that in the past, many men wore similar cologne, but this one felt more familiar. It was strong and masculine, just like Husker was. He could also feel the smell of whiskey and cigars, another trade Husker had with him. He wanted to hide himself in this coat to make himself feel safe, just like he felt during the rising of the sun. The feeling of that memory was almost like an illusion. The red glow of those feathers, being held in warm hands—everything was just like the illusion Angel craved.

Finally, he realized that it might be a good idea to go and check on the situation in the studio. Valentino probably let him go because Vox asked him to do so. It was his idea, because Val was not smart enough. Whatever happened last night had a lot of effect on Angel's future.

He got up from the bed, dressed up in his casual clothing, and walked to the studio. There was shooting over there. They were making another movie, but this time he was not the star; it was Tiffany. She noticed that many people had already left the stage, which means that this was probably the last scene; the movie was at an end. It was perfect because he wanted to talk to his colleague. He stood there, watching it all happen, until he heard the words cut.

There he was, sitting like everything was normal. Valentino. He was paying no attention to Angel, maybe because he did not notice him or maybe he simply did not care. He was talking with Travis about something—who knows what—probably another stupid script that little owl perverted thought off. It did not matter; he did not want to meet any of those either; he needed Tiffany.

“Amorcito! You're awake.” Val exclaimed as he noticed Angel. “How are you now, feeling better?”

“Yes Val.” Angel tried to stay cold; he wanted to show Val that he was angry. But it did not matter to Valentino because he did not care for Angel's feelings. Only for his money, and he says he can bring it to him.

“Good. I was really worried about you. That big kitty cat was keeping you away from me. He didn't even tell me how seriously hurt you were. If I knew, I would have come to you and taken care of you myself.”

Liar, selfish, sad*stic, or psychotic liar.

“No need for that, though I feel fine now.”

“Fine enough to do a movie?” Val asked, holding Angel's hand and his arms.

Angel froze. He was not ready for that. He did not want it. All he wanted was to forget about yesterday, maybe take something to forget about the incident, and maybe then finally move on from everything. “I..I”

“Don't worry, mi amor, it was just a joke. I told you to take a day off so you could, but tomorrow we have to continue with the movies. I know you were hurt.” His voice was shushing, but Angel knew that there were so many lies hiding behind it. “But you are professional; you can't let a little hurt stop you from being a star. Right?”

“Yes Val.” Angel put his hand on Val's, the one who was resting his black eye. He pretended to nozzle in it to show how he still cared and how he trusted him.

“ Good.”

Valentino turned his back to Angel and went—who knows where—while the rest of the crew was cleaning up the set. Angel noticed Tiffany getting up from the bed, and she massaged her neck before putting her robe around her. She did not seem happy, of course she wasn't, no one was happy here.

“Tiff? Do you have time to speak with me for a moment?”

“Angel, I'm too tired. I have to do everything you usually do, so I don't have time for you or to talk about your little incident.”

“I need to ask you something; after that, you can go wherever you want.”

“What is it?”

He pulled her to his room, where nobody else could hear them, and since Val was not here, he would not hear what they were talking about. “Tell me, did you tell Val about my relationship with Overlord?”

“What? Do you think I'm insane? If I were the one to tell him that I would be the first one to get blown up by one of his mad pistols, he always shoots the messenger.” She did not seem to be lying; after all, she was right. Val does always shoot the messenger; he's not a reasonable man. “But I didn't notice some interesting events happening here.”

“What do you mean?”
“Valentino seems to know every move we make in the casino. It was almost as if he had a spy. I asked Jack, and it seems he was not telling him anything. He was too afraid to do so. I believe it's none of the three of us, to be honest. I was actually thinking you were doing it to save your own skin. But if it was not you, then somebody else. Do you think it's somebody from the casino?”
“Nah, they're too scared of the Huskers' wrath. Maybe some of the guests are working for Valentino?”

“Maybe I would not know which one or why. It's not like he didn't know what happened to us once we wanted to work at the casino. By the way, what happened to you? You disappeared last night, and then you had a day off today. What did you do?”

“I was visited by a certain polar bear, and we had a one-hour-long session.”
Tiffany's face went pale; there was horror written all over her eyes, her lips quivering a little bit. It looks like she was familiar with the guy too. Then she looked away, putting her hand over her lips. She was not trying to hide her fear. ” Why? Weren't you doing your job? Didn't you actually get to talk with the overlord?”
''Yeah, I felt so too, but it seems Valt did not appreciate my efforts.’
“Lucifer’s horn! Am I next?”

“I tried flirting with him after you went away. I thought maybe if I got a few shots with him, I might get a few favors from Vox. But if this was what he did to you, what would he do to me?” She was shaking, and there were even tears in her eyes. It was always true that she was truly afraid. Her arms were shaking as she was trying to calm herself without any success. Angel began to feel bad for her. They might be rivals in some way, but no one deserves what happened to him last night because of Val's tantrum.

"Hey, it's okay; the tormentor is dead. Husk killed him because he kind of broke the rules by hurting me with an angelic steal.”
“Oh, thank God!” she exclaimed, taking a deep breath and sitting on the chair. “So what will happen now?”

“I don't know; I think he will let us go back to the casino. He will probably pretend nothing happened. It seemed that he was scolded by both Vox, and now we have to pretend everything is normal. We can try to stay away from Husker for the time being, but I think right now our orders will be to get as close as we can.”

“How did this all get so complicated?”

“We have an idiot for an overlord."
It took a few more minutes for Tiffany to fully collect herself. Angel even offers some of his medications, which were actually small dosages of the love potion. He always uses this to numb his feelings and senses. He puts one tiny drop in the water, and it works nicely—not as good as Rico's co*cktail, but good enough. She accepted the offer, and after she calmed down, they said their goodbyes before Tiffany left his room. Once again, he was left alone to think about everything but the future and the past. To think about what this next move is and how to find the mole.

He did not have to wait for too long before Valentino appeared in his room once again. He hugged Angel from behind, putting small kisses on his shoulder, and he nuzzled his face against Angel's neck. So gentle, so lovingly, just like he used to be years ago. He was trying to manipulate Angel again. His hands were roaming around Angel's body, and Angel didn't want to please Val right now, but he could only try to stall it as much as he could. Angel wasn't too excited to turn away to face Val, but he was stopped. “No need for that, Amorcito.” He put one hand under Angel's chin, raising Angel's face to look himself into a mirror. Angel hated it. “We can enjoy ourselves this way too.”

Angel took a deep breath. He should have taken some love potion too. It will make this much easier. He took a deep breath and tried to relax himself as much as he could. He could not deny Val right now; after all, he needed to get on his good side. “Why did you send him after me? Was I not good for you? Was I not doing what you told me to do?”

“Of course, I told you it was a misunderstanding. I never wanted to hurt you; all I wanted was for you to understand not to get too close. But the big bad bear took it too far.” He was kissing Angel's cheeks before he kissed his lips, forcing his tongue inside. His gentleness is slowly fading. “You have to understand that Husker loves to steal people's souls from other overlords. I was afraid he would trick you, give you false hope, and then take it away from me. I don't want to lose you, angel cakes. I love you. You are my favorite. And you know how bad I get when I get jealous. I lose my mind every time I think about how you can go to another man.”
The poison was already inside the Angel’s stream. Slowly, the world was getting foggy, and Valentino's words seemed more truthful, almost as if he just needed to say one more sentence and Angel would believe him. He did not like that feeling; he did not want to believe Val. “All he wants you for is a short period of time. He wants to seduce you and take advantage of you before he throws you away, like you're some kind of used good. He does not care for you like I do. He does not see your potential or your skills. All he sees is a player who has a little bit of luck until that luck runs away.” His hands were slowly getting lower on Angel's stomach, continuing their way until they reached Angel’s skirt. “He has no idea how to use you properly. I do. I saw your potential from the first day. You are my star.” His hand went under the skirt. Angel wanted to scream, but at the same time, being treated like this, gentle without too much force was bearable. “I will never abandon you; you’ll be mine forever. I'll take care of you, no matter what. Would you like that?”

Angel gave up on the fighting, and he gave in to Val's lies; it was an illusion he did not like. But if he wants to go back to the casino, if he wants to go back to Husk, he has to play this role no matter how painful or how bad it feels. “Yes Valentino.”


I know that in many chapters I make Angel suffer, and I hate it. But unfortunately, in order for the story to work and for his later happiness to truly be shown, he needs to show how much he suffers. If you hate me, I understand. But as somebody who went through physical and mental abuse, hiding the painful moments from others only makes it harder for others to understand you.


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Mermaid_Joseffine, Let_Jason_Todd_Be_Happy, Her_frogg_sh0, Is_Alaska, Nymphrod, PurplePeopleEater, ZenKaishen, Ilajna, Ray_Saeran, Sweetcurlygirl, minaloveswwx, Widder, LadyPhoenixGem_02, WickedDisney55, arielleskebbels, Lu0209041, StarBlack2714, Hoshikira, Masen_05, EmilyGomez, Fox_Lemon, Wolfgoddess1990, Wolfayne, Geek_nerdgirl22, Buffy_Eli, Matinnela, SecondaryDrowning, Mialeigh1327, vesperhalo, wolfdefender01, plumedevanille, Braulio, snorklingcheesecake, mpire, Ariadna_Luna17, Misaki983, NostalgicFlower, yourdecayingtooth, and Chinchiartyas well as45 guestsleft kudos on this work!


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  1. rosie_flowon Chapter 1Thu 23May 202409:40PM UTC


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    1. Aroadtotomorowon Chapter 1Mon 27May 202404:19PM UTC

      Thank youn for reading, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

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  2. Geek_nerdgirl22on Chapter 1Sat 01Jun 202405:59AM UTC

    Ooo I like this new angle of overlord Husk! Love this excited to see what else you have planned <3

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  3. rosie_flowon Chapter 2Mon 27May 202404:59PM UTC


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    1. Aroadtotomorowon Chapter 2Thu 20Jun 202409:12AM UTC

      Thanks!!! <3

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  4. Mialeigh1327on Chapter 2Tue 28May 202401:45PM UTC

    I am a sucker for Overlord Husk fics. I like the different take where Husk didn’t win Angel’s soul. I am enjoying your writing style and am Looking forward to seeing where this fic goes. :) 💙

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    1. Aroadtotomorowon Chapter 2Thu 20Jun 202409:13AM UTC

      I do hope you will like it.

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  5. rosie_flowon Chapter 6Wed 19Jun 202409:32PM UTC

    Val when I catch u VAL WHEN I CATCH U

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  6. jaclam11on Chapter 6Wed 19Jun 202410:30PM UTC

    That last bit thoooo 👀. Did they both know each other?

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  7. minaloveswwxon Chapter 7Sun 23Jun 202408:18PM UTC

    Thanks for the updates❤😍

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    1. Aroadtotomorowon Chapter 7Sun 23Jun 202410:38PM UTC

      You 're welcome!!!

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.