Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (2024)

Oct 12, 2013
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (1)
Every species can smell its own extinction.
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (2)
Since all the stats do something I never know how to spread them.
#?Jun 17, 2024 14:45
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Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (5)
#?Jun 20, 2024 12:05
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Apr 26, 2016
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (7)
illiterate and militarist
Devs really dropped the ball by removing useless stats and removed true hardcore RPGness from this game.

I understand DeadButDelicious' woes too well, this game does look like it will punch you in the guts for playing it without reading a guide. This genre stigma is strong. I see people just assuming that Spiderweb games (like Avernum and Geneforge) are probably hardcore number-crunching games just because they look, let's put it polite, nostalgic. But really you only have to get into theorycrafting and min-maxing if you want to do some optional fights on max difficulty or going for some of the optional challenges.

Also DeadButDelicious keep an eye for Tyranny. It's a little different from PoE as it is rather underwhelming mechanically and so it's not a 10 playthroughs game, but it's a solid game that you will almost definitely want to play again.

#?Jun 17, 2024 15:02
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Apr 22, 2010
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (10)
Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (11)
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (12)

Tyranny is the best Obsidian game. A Lore build is tremendously fun, you just crackle with bronze age sorcerer king energy as you crush everything before you.
#?Jun 17, 2024 15:33
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Dec 8, 2019
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (15)
Die Rettung fuer die Landwirte:
"Rules Lawyer" is practically a character class in Tyranny. It's a bit silly that Lore is the all-stat that lets you break the game over your knee, but it's fun to "um äktschually…" half of the game's dilemmas away.
#?Jun 17, 2024 15:48
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Apr 26, 2016
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (18)
illiterate and militarist
Not that I don't like Tyranny and haven't played it to completion 3 times, but it's not near PoE for me. Gameplay systems are really lacking in balance and fun options, and the narrative suffers from it - any fight with famed demigods will be easier than an ambush by some peasants you survived in the first hour of the game. And while the worldbuilding is great the writing is a little inconsistent and feels to me more edgy than the world suggests.

In any case anyone who liked PoE should also try Tyranny. But in that game you have to worry about all the numbers even less.

#?Jun 17, 2024 15:57
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Apr 9, 2008
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (21)
I don't think the TES style character levelling works in a 2.5d party RPG at all.

Or maybe I'm just a bit salty because I made it through something like 2/3 of the game before I found out that healing spells are gated behind a conversation tree from a guy you meet in the prologue and had been with me the whole game.

#?Jun 17, 2024 16:10
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Apr 26, 2016
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (24)
illiterate and militarist
I've been trying to have a mutiny on my ship. I know there's a blessing that starts you as a captain who already survived a mutiny. It gives bonus to intimidation and I want this bonus for my Casita Samelia's Legacy, an armour that gives deflection bonus based on your intimidation. This is probably suboptimal but listen, I have a dwarf priest of Magran/barbarian and he's very grumpy and intimidating. I've been keeping the crew without water and food and they show surprising resilience. Morale is at 1/100 but I get all the usual events like knife throwing game or Rum-Dumb Riggere suggesting close sailor friendship. I got events where people discussed cannibalism, but no mutiny yet. Are there some special conditions for that, or is the game just being weird with event weights?

Edit: Okay, the mutiny that I fished for more than an hour happened immediately after I made this post. Thanks to everyone.

ilitarist f*cked around with this message at 16:56 on Jun 17, 2024

#?Jun 17, 2024 16:53
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moot the hopple
Apr 26, 2008
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (27)
dyslexic Bowie clone
It's nice that they make it relatively easy to get the achievements and Berath's Blessings points like that.

Though if you want to 100 percent the game, it means you inevitably have to use the Critter Cleaver. Like the bridge troll killing cheevo from The Witcher 2, it is a mark of sin on your soul/profile that lets the angels know not to let you into Heaven come the Rapture

#?Jun 17, 2024 18:37
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Apr 26, 2016
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (30)
illiterate and militarist
Yeah I had the achievement thanks to Breath Blessing and this was my first time seeing an actual mutiny, a couple playthroughs after getting 100% achievements. Funny how this ship business works, I was always a little worried about lack of food and water, but in practice I had to uncover most of the map with no food and water and actively avoid fights (they bring morale back up!) to see mutiny. I had some negative events before that but the worst you would get is losing a sailor.
#?Jun 17, 2024 18:47
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Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (33)
How Doers get more done
Fun Shoe

moot the hopple posted:

Hmm, it looks like the new POE1 patch changed the random loot generation. While I don't center a lot of my builds on these drops due to the randomness and chance I won't find them, the Gloves of Swift Action are the one item I'll game out just because they can enable zero recovery. I saw a post somewhere during the patch beta that someone found them in the early parts of Caed Nua/the Endless Paths. If that's the case, that is dramatically earlier than the last the game version where the end of the White March part 1 was the earliest/most feasible opportunity to find them. I'm still waiting for the POE wiki to update the loot tables and get confirmation, but if it's true, it makes me almost want to go back and play POE1 yet again as a Fighter or melee Wizard build to take advantage of it.

Then again, I'm planning on doing another Deadfire playthrough before the launch of Avowed as my established "canon" character for the series. It's funny because I deliberately planned out this Furyshaper/Beguiler build to lock myself into a build and force myself to commit to it. Thinking further on it, I'm now unsure if I want to change my POE1 character from an orlan to a dwarf (which the Furyshaper/Beguiler hinges on for racial bonus) since being an orlan is one of the more foundational roleplaying aspects of my canon character. Part of me wants to go with a Cipher/Chanter multiclass, especially with the Avowed previews suggesting their powerset might not be as represented in the new game. I've played multiple iterations of the Cipher/Chanter multiclass with different combos of subclasses and it remains one my favorite combos so it might be more fitting as my canon character.

Then again then again, another part of me wants to run another full party of custom characters in Deadfire based on single-classed martial classes which I have traditionally given short shrift towards. I have in my head a goofy gimmicky party concept centered on a face-tanking, health and resource restoring, retaliation-based duo of a Fighter and Barbarian called the Crit Bros whose motto is "that's not blood in my mouth, that's victory wine." I also wanna revisit single-classed Assassin who I found a bit dull/under-tuned until finally popping off with their high level abilities at level cap because I have some ideas on how to even out their power curve on earlier levels with consumables and gear.

Lord help me it but it might be time to go back to the old me playing these games obsessively with new builds Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (34)

I haven't checked out Poe since the new patch, but you could game the random loot system to get what you wanted by iirc adjusting what day you looted a container during. Different days would yield different loot. With some resting/reloading I could eventually get what I wanted from chests in Raedric's hold which would usually be things like gloves of manipulation or maybe that Ranger torc if I were playing a Ranger.
#?Jun 17, 2024 19:26
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moot the hopple
Apr 26, 2008
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (37)
dyslexic Bowie clone
Yeah I know about gaming the system for drops but I personally only resorted to it for the Gloves of Swift Action since they're rather powerful and the only fixed drop for them is literally one screen before the final boss. To be honest, I'm just not a big fan of randomized loot, even when it's partly seed deterministic and we have outside resources like fan-collated loot tables as is the case with POE1. Deadfire still has randomized loot but it's mostly generic accessories scattered in overworld burial sites, abandoned villages, etc. -- the only piece of random gear like that I really keep an eye out for is the Cloak of the Theocrat, but I'm not so worried about missing it since I always seem to manage to find it eventually every run. Whereas with POE1, it's entirely possible not to ever come across certain items, with some items either not having a fixed spawn or being gated behind RNG like Azzuro's wares (though the latter is more of an issue of the event parameters probably not firing correctly).

I remember KOTOR2's itemization being very egregious in this regard, and due to RNG, you could have weird instances like some super rare named artifact-grade unique appearing twice in the same shop, but a more common but still useful piece of gear might not ever show up on your seed at all. It resulted in goofy stuff like only visiting certain locations and stores at higher levels so you could increase the likelihood of getting better quality offerings, but your gear was ultimately at the mercy of RNG. I don't mind it in like a seasonal ARPG like Diablo, but for a single player RPG I'd much prefer items placed with more intention in regards to balance and player rewards.

#?Jun 17, 2024 22:00
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Feb 21, 2006
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (40)
Live long and headbang
I also like pre-determined, static loot tables. It doesn't make a difference when you walk into a game fresh, but if you really deep dive and want to min-max subsequent runs you can plan around those and be rewarded in that way. It's a win-win.
#?Jun 17, 2024 23:00
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Apr 26, 2016
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (43)
illiterate and militarist
I like random loot exactly because it makes min-maxing less determined. But it's not that important in a game like PoE where all impactful items are predetermined and outside from the very beginning finding some random Fine equipment without special properties does nothing for you. I guess random crafting materials can help a lot in a system like PoE.

I think Larian did it well in games before BG3. Plenty of predetermined items, plenty of diablo-style generated items that can give you new options.

#?Jun 17, 2024 23:14
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Mr. Prokosch
Feb 14, 2012
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (46)
Behold My Magnificence!
I prefer predetermined because there's probably more thought put into what goes where. For example a lot of loot in Fallout 4 was random, but that means sometimes you find jet and a pipe rifle in an untouched pre-war safe. The loot should reinforce the sense of place, not undermine it.
#?Jun 17, 2024 23:32
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Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (49)

Mr. Prokosch posted:

I prefer predetermined because there's probably more thought put into what goes where. For example a lot of loot in Fallout 4 was random, but that means sometimes you find jet and a pipe rifle in an untouched pre-war safe. The loot should reinforce the sense of place, not undermine it.

Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (50) I'm a big fan of random loot tables because they tend to keep things interesting, but there are some games where MY IMMERSION is more important than the mechanics of rolls/loot tables/other behind-the-scenes stuff that breaks the illusion. I hope Avowed falls more on the immersion side.
#?Jun 17, 2024 23:40
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Jul 14, 2021
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (53)
The brightest souls can burn out in an instant, and even a pathetic, feeble spark can grow brilliant in time.
lol iemod maker is asking for $300 to update their mod to work with the latest version. that's pretty loving based
#?Jun 18, 2024 01:02
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Apr 16, 2012
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (56)
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (57)

The code will need a bunch of work to upgrade, it's targeting very early versions of the game which are based on older versions of Unity, I believe.

The only things I needed from IEMod were the blue circles on neutrals and I extracted that bit into a minimod for myself, which is up on GitHub.

Fast walk while in stealth is no longer needed, I uploaded a mod that gives you full search benefits while not in stealth so now you only need to be in stealth if you actually need to be stealthing, not to search for stuff.

v1ld f*cked around with this message at 12:45 on Jun 18, 2024

#?Jun 18, 2024 12:42
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Oct 11, 2012
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (60)
Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (61)
Question regaridng quick weapon slots in PoE1: If I want to just swap my mainhand weapon from say an axe to a mace, but keep using the same shield for both setups, is there a way to do that?
#?Jun 18, 2024 13:31
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Jul 14, 2021
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (64)
The brightest souls can burn out in an instant, and even a pathetic, feeble spark can grow brilliant in time.

v1ld posted:


The code will need a bunch of work to upgrade, it's targeting very early versions of the game which are based on older versions of Unity, I believe.

The only things I needed from IEMod were the blue circles on neutrals and I extracted that bit into a minimod for myself, which is up on GitHub.

Fast walk while in stealth is no longer needed, I uploaded a mod that gives you full search benefits while not in stealth so now you only need to be in stealth if you actually need to be stealthing, not to search for stuff.

it's in the discussion thread here. Do your mods work in the latest version? If so, I might just re-snag yours and give it a go soon
#?Jun 18, 2024 14:39
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moot the hopple
Apr 26, 2008
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (67)
dyslexic Bowie clone

DeadButDelicious posted:

Question regaridng quick weapon slots in PoE1: If I want to just swap my mainhand weapon from say an axe to a mace, but keep using the same shield for both setups, is there a way to do that?

There unfortunately isn't a way to do this for POE1. It is a quality of life feature the devs added to the sequel, though.
#?Jun 18, 2024 15:15
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Apr 16, 2012
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (70)
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (71)

Radia posted:

Do your mods work in the latest version? If so, I might just re-snag yours and give it a go soon

They should and I have confirmed reports they do, but I don't have the game installed to check myself.

But: any code they updated in the patch will be overridden if a mod touches it too. Chances of this are small from what I saw in the patch notes, nor will it break the game - you will lose whatever tweak they made in the patch though so be warned.

#?Jun 18, 2024 21:20
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Jul 14, 2021
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (74)
The brightest souls can burn out in an instant, and even a pathetic, feeble spark can grow brilliant in time.
I mainly just use QoL stuff so I can’t imagine I’ll have any conflicts like that

Ofc maybe I won’t do another full rerun..? Hmm

#?Jun 19, 2024 00:01
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Oct 11, 2012
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (77)
Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (78)
In PoE1, if you pay to respec a wizard character like Aloth what happens to the spells they learnt from grimoires for copper? Do they keep them or do you have to pay to relearn them from grimoires again? What's the rule?

I've cleared up to the 8th(?) floor of the Endless Paths where Kana finds what he was looking for and am about lv6 ready to go back to the main story. The difficulty felt a little wonky as the blights of lv7 weren't nearly as rough as the skeletons of lv6, especially skeleton wizards which love to just point and blow up one person. My Watcher nearly died at the last fight on lv6 and spent most of the last fight on lv7 petrified. Hint taken, game - I'll be back later.

Whoever suggested using Sagani's companion fox Itumaak as a target for Ectopsychic Echo? Genius. It's so much easy to move that tiny fox around the back compared to my frontline of Kana and Edér. I'm still on the fence between ranged and melee cipher just because the sake of convenience that comes with leaving a ranged attacker to plink away with a pistol safely, but that might be a reflection of biting off more than I can chew in Endless Paths relative to my party level. We'll see!

#?Jun 19, 2024 09:28
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Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (81)
#?Jun 20, 2024 12:05
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moot the hopple
Apr 26, 2008
Pillars of Eternity II - Suddenly Turn-Based (83)
dyslexic Bowie clone
You unfortunately lose those Wizard spells if you decide to respec. The way it works is that spells that you learn from grimoires by paying copper get transcribed to your known spells page which can be though of as "permanently" in your memory (unless you respec). It's the same as if you chose them at level up. Spells that are in your grimoire are not only just the four spell you can field in combat, but also spells that will remain stored in that grimoire.

One trick you can do as a consequence is to keep around several grimoires so you can transcribe all your known spells into them. Then you can respec and choose spells that are unknown. Afterwards, you can relearn all the spells that you previously saved into your multiple grimoires. It's theoretically possible to learn and have access to all spells this way, provided you're willing to shell out the copper cost for respeccing and relearning each spell.

It may not be entirely necessary since you can always swap out grimoires by keeping them in your quick slots, if you didn't know that already. However, money does end up being rather plentiful after a certain point, so feel free to be spendthrift about respeccing and relearning spells from grimoires. For a newer player, it's probably more conducive to learning and experimenting with the full gamut of spells if you can have easy access to them. Even as a seasoned player, I like the convenience and control of speccing out my grimoire with the specific combination of spells I like, rather than having to rely on the preselected spells on a dropped grimoire.

Another thing worth mentioning is that there are certain unique spells in that can only be learned from special grimoires. Don't worry about missing them because they're usually carried by special characters or the game will point out that they're noteworthy through a quest.

#?Jun 19, 2024 19:28
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