Quickie (Re-Uploaded) - xxSabitoxx - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Your back hit the wooden door in record time, leaving you breathless as prying fingers began to tear your uniform open. “I’ve had enough of you.” Sanemi’s gruff voice sent a jolt of pleasure straight between your legs. Clearly your attempts to get him worked up had been effective.

“I-I didn’t do anything to annoy y-you.” You couldn’t even keep a straight face as you lied. A scar covered hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing your lips against his in a hungry open mouth kiss. You were being suffocated, his tongue practically down your throat as his free hand pulled you apart.

You flinched at the sound of uniform buttons clattering to the ground, the quiet but audible tearing of cloth and the unmistakable ripping of your fabric binding. “Come on!” You weren’t talking above a whisper yet you felt like you were screaming. A vacant room in the butterfly estate wasn’t exactly the most private place to do this.

“Shut the f*ck up.” Rough fingers came up to squeeze both breasts, a low groan leaving him at the sight of the plush flesh molding to his touch. “Don’t speak to me like that.” You were trying to hold in your moans regardless, arms lazily wrapping around his neck. “I’ll speak to you how I want.” He pinched, earning a yelp in response.

“I don’t understand why you are so mad.” You did, of course you did. You just loved to see the man squirm, especially since he couldn’t be straight forward with you. “Cut the sh*t.” You choked out a laugh, “cut the sh*t? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

His hand slammed against the door, the other abandoned your breast to wrap around your neck. “What does he have that I don’t?” The pressure on your neck wasn’t tight, but it was certainly uncomfortable. “Who’s he?” You knew who he was referring to, you just wanted to hear him say it. With gritted teeth Sanemi uttered “Uzui”.

“Well. To start, he has three wives.”

“Oh f*ck off.”

“You asked.” His grip tightened slightly, making you shift uncomfortably. Regardless you felt a throb beginning between your legs. “Be more specific than stating the obvious, idiot.” His fingers pressed against your pulse point, noting the way it was picking up in pace.

“I don’t quite get what you’re asking.” The hand against the door had returned to your breast, abusing your nipple. You chewed on your inner cheek in an effort to keep quiet. “I’m asking you what Uzui has that I don’t. Not for you to spout your bullsh*t.”

“He’s also taller than you.”

Perhaps that one was taking it too far, especially since Sanemi wasn’t over the fact that Genya was taller than him. His fingers pinched the sensitive skin so harshly you couldn’t help but cry out. Your hands come up to try and pull him away. “Come on now, you know better.”

His lips were on yours again, using your already open mouth to his advantage. His grip on your throat tightened now, so much so you couldn’t breathe. Then again he had his tongue down your throat as well, there was much room to breathe anyway.

“Miss y/n?” You both froze, eyes shooting wide open at the sound of the little voice. “Miss y/n are you okay?” It was little Naho, you were filled with horror at the idea of her seeing you in this state. Sanemi’s lips pulled away, his grip on your throat loosened. “I-i’m okay! Naho, don't worry about it. I just hit my hand!”

You silently prayed that she’d leave it at that and walk away. After a moment she spoke “are you sure? I can get someone to check—“ you squirmed as Sanemi’s mouth sucked on your neck. “I-I’m sure, Naho.” Sanemi was chuckling against your hot skin. “Okay miss!” She didn’t miss a beat, you listened to her quiet footsteps fade away before speaking.

“Aww how close.” Sanemi’s face was right in yours again, breath mingling as he squeezed your neck. “What if she h-heard.” You stumbled as his hand came down to cup your c*nt through your uniform pants. “What would she have heard? You blubbering like a fool?”

“F-f*ck off.” He began rubbing you through the material, smirking at how hot you felt in his hand. “I’m going to ask you for a third time. You better not disappoint me. What does he have that I don’t?” He wanted you to fail, you were convinced the second he zeroed in on your cl*t. Even through the material he could figure out where to focus his attention.

“He…he…” you tried to catch your breath, waves of pleasure washed over you. “C’mon…” his mouth was pressed into your ear, you wanted him closer. You opened your mouth and closed it a few times, desperately wanting to tease him some more. “He’s…he’s got…” he picked up his pace, a sh*t eating grin covering his face as your mouth fell open.

“Tell me~” there was a sultry tone to his voice now, eagerly waiting for you to piss him off again. His hand left you entirely, a desperate whine leaving your lips. “Speak.” He was undoing the belt of your pants with ease, throwing it off to the side and letting it clatter. His hand slipped under, this time he began rubbing you with a thinner barrier.

He used his own leg to keep yours parted, eyes trained on your open mouth. He could feel your panties begin to dampen, only fueling his ego and growing dick. “Y/n…come on baby. Tell me~” you wanted to scream, his hand had returned to your throat. “H-he…” you swallowed thickly, trying to pull yourself from your pleasured daze.

“He has bigger…muscles…” you were thinking of any obvious differences, just to get under his skin. “Oh? What else? I know you got more…” his hand didn’t slip under your underwear, instead continuing to tease you over the damp garment. “H-he…he’s hotter.” That was a lower blow than the height comment.

His fingers stopped, a cold laugh shaking his frame. “He’s hotter?” His fingers slipped under your panties now, two fingers parting your lips. “If he’s hotter than me, why are you so wet?” He rubbed back and forth, two fingers circling your entrance. “See, I know your little game. You’ll keep saying whatever you want, things you know will irk me. Just so I go a little harder on you. Right?”

His warm breath right against your ear wasn’t helping. Slowly you nodded, hands reaching down, holding him in place. You didn’t want him to pull away, not when you were so close to feeling him inside you. He finally let go of your neck, using his newly freed hand to play with your breasts again.

“So let me guess. You were hanging all over that tall oaf just to get a rise out of me.” He knew from the start that was the case, but he certainly didn’t expect you to name the things you did. So in the end, though he’d never admit it. You did get on his nerves in the way you hoped you would. You technically won this battle already.

“M-maybe…maybe I wanted to sleep with him.” You cried out as he plunged two fingers inside, one hand coming up to smack your mouth. You both fell silent for a moment, it certainly didn’t help that this was all happening right against the door. “Careful now, we might get caught.” He didn’t seem all that affected, if it was for the persistent twitch between his legs.

He nudged your legs further with his thigh, giving him more access to thrust his fingers inside. You wanted your pants off, it was beginning to feel far too hot. “S-Sanemi…” you mewled as his fingers curled, hands coming up to pull at his own uniform. “Hmm?” He was waiting for something, you knew him well enough to know what.

“M-more.” You tried to move your hips against him, cl*t already aching from the lack of attention. “No, not yet.” He was calm, which was more startling than anything. “W-why…” he began to laugh, fingers slowing. “You already forgot why we are here. To be honest with you, I shouldn’t even be entertaining you like this, sweetheart.” He curled and uncurled his fingers a few times, mouth watering at how you’d taste.

“If you want to sleep with Uzui so bad, then I should let you.” He moved to pull his hand out, forcing a smirk off his face when your hands tightened, holding him in place. “What’s this?” You took it further than necessary, therefore he would too. You yelped as he pulled his fingers out completely, stepping away all together, leaving you cold and empty.

“S-Sanemi!” Your thighs clamped shut, blinking at him in pure confusion. He smiled at the way his fingers glistened, shrugging his shoulders. “You want him so bad, go find him. I did half the work already.” He was still fully dressed, you on the other hand looked like you’d lost a battle with a blade sharpener.

You decided to pull together what dignity you had, if he wanted you to go f*ck Uzui? Then so be it. You buttoned your pants, pulled your uniform top close and turned to leave. Sanemi assumed you were bluffing, watching and waiting for you to drop the act.

You didn’t.

You flung the door open, using one hand to keep your top shut. Without looking back you began storming down the hall, if you were lucky the bastard would still be somewhere on estate grounds. Sanemi was left stunned for a moment, he certainly didn’t expect you to actually walk out.

A vein in his forehead began to twitch, leave it to you to one up him even like this. Sanemi situated himself, grumbling under his breath as he took off after you. “Uzui!” You burst through the door of his room, he looked like he was getting ready to leave the estate. “Oh! Y/n…?” He took in your clearly disheveled form.

“Sorry for barging In…I’m glad I caught you before you left.

Are your injuries healed?” You couldn’t just straight up ask him, but with Sanemi’s quickly approaching steps…maybe you could. “I’m fine…you talked to me earlier, remember?” Tengen knew your mind was in another place, your ripped uniform was an obvious sign.

You made your way further in the room, Tengen noted that your belt was also missing. He also noted that the fast approaching footsteps were none other than the wind pillar. “What the hell did you get yourself into?” He began laughing, as you scurried into the room, Sanemi appearing shortly after. “You can ask him.” You wrapped a hand around his forearm, using it to protect yourself.

Tengen took the wind pillar in, a smirk creeping up his face as he noticed the half hearted attempt to hide his own hard-on. “So my guess is correct. Please explain, Shinazugawa.” You let go of your top, allowing it to fall open as you hugged Tengen’s arm. “You’re a f*cking pain in the ass.” You tried not to giggle, very pleased at the way things were turning out.

“Is this because she was giving me attention earlier?” He felt your plush skin on his arm, trying to still his own breathing. “Oh so you knew? You f*cking bastard…” Sanemi closed the door so no one would hear…sure, that’s why he closed it. “Knew what? She was giving me attention, and I was returning it. Something you don’t seem to do enough of.”

“Oh don’t look so shocked…” Tengen continued. “She told me you won’t even give her a straight answer on where you stand. Is she your girlfriend? Or are you just using her for her body? You see, I wouldn’t do that.” Tengen turned to you now, holding back a groan at the way your breasts were nearly exposed. Sanemi looked shocked, not expecting Tengen to even entertain the idea.

“He told me to sleep with you, that’s why I came looking.”

Both men froze, eyes turning to you. Tengen was the first to absolutely crumble. How could he not? You were looking up at him with such pretty eyes. “Is that so?” He turned his back to Sanemi, crouching down slightly to look at you better. “So, do you want to sleep with me, baby?” His voice took on a similar sultry tone. The pulsing ache between your legs returning.

“Yes please.” You could hear Sanemi mumble something oddly similar to “f*ck off”. Tengen paid him no mind, picking you up to turn and drop you on the bed he had just made. You bounced slightly, breasts fully spilling out for both men to see. “There is no way you’re serious!” Sanemi was storming over to the bed as Tengen crawled over you.

“Does it not look like I’m serious?” Tengen blinked up at him for only a moment before focusing back on you, lips crashing in a bruising kiss. Tengen’s kiss was already far different than Sanemi’s, it was rough but it was sweet. Larger calloused hands came up to massage both breasts, nothing like the roughness Sanemi had bestowed on you earlier.

“If you weren’t a Hashira, I’d kill you. How dare you?” Sanemi pulled at Tengen’s ponytail, pulling his lips away from yours. “How dare I? Give me a break, you couldn’t treat her right. So I will.” He brushed his hand off, to your surprise, Sanemi let him. “Sanemi…you told me to do this.” You whined as Tengen’s lips trailed over your neck and collarbone.”

“I didn’t think you actually would!”

You whined as full teeth scrape your skin, looking at Sanemi with lidded eyes. His blood began to boil, hands reaching to pull at Tengen’s uniform. “C’mon big boy! Undress if you’re going to f*ck her.” Tengen began chuckling against your skin, pulling away from you just to look at him. “Oh! Sudden change of heart?” Tengen leaned up, admiring your body while discarding his own uniform top.


Sanemi was taking off his top as well, glaring at an unbothered Tengen as he did. You on the other hand were left speechless, the tension in the air was so thick you could probably cut it with your blade. It seems the whole ordeal was quickly becoming a competition between the two men. What in the world did I get myself into?

Sanemi took it a step further and undid his pants, Tengen followed suit. You took the chance while they were distracted to finally get your top fully off. Before you even realized it, both men were completely bare before you. Your eyes shamelessly zeroed in on Tengen. He was huge.

You knew Sanemi was big too, but Tengen looked…painful.

“Don’t worry baby, I got three wives that love this. I’ll make sure you feel good.” You weren’t used to such sweet behavior, Tengen gave himself a few languid strokes while Sanemi observed. He too looked a little taken back by Tengen’s size.

“Are you just going to observe, Shinazugawa?” Tengen was slowly taking your uniform bottoms off with teasing touches. Each one sent goosebumps over your skin. “Don’t worry about me.” Sanemi seemed conflicted with each thing Tengen did. Part of him wanted to see the man f*ck you, while the other part of him wanted to rip his head off.

Tengen did as he was told, not bothering to look at Sanemi as he pulled the rest of your undergarments off. “I see you at least know how to get a woman wet.” Broad shoulders shook as he laughed, large fingers coming to ghost over your sensitive flesh. You heard Sanemi grumble something yet again, but your mind was going blank as Tengen slowly slipped a finger inside.

He worked you open slowly, regardless of how wet you already were. He leaned down, lips meeting yours again as he slowly introduced a second finger. You whined against him, body arching upwards to meet his warm, toned torso. You wrapped your arms around his neck, spread your legs further for him and slowly undid the tie keeping his hair back.

For a moment you nearly forgot Sanemi was in the room, eyes opening slowly when the bed dipped. “You’ll take her from behind.” His voice was irritated as he settled by the top of your head.

“You told me to pay you no mind, Shinazugawa.”

“Well I changed my f*cking mind.” He crossed his arms, sitting and waiting patiently for Tengen to do as he said. “For the sake of y/n, I’ll go along with it. But I’m taking my time with her, so get comfy.” You were looking up at Sanemi the whole time he spoke, it was hard not to when his dick was sitting right there.

“Eyes on me.” Tengen used his free hand to turn your face back to him. He was surprised to find himself a little irritated, you looked so entranced by a co*ck you’ve probably taken many times. Your pupils were blown wide, walls clenching around Tengen’s fingers. “You think you can handle me?” He kissed your cheek, waiting for your response before pulling his fingers out. “Not…not yet.” Your org*sm was building, the one Sanemi ruined for you earlier.

Tengen could tell you were close, having three wives certainly gave him more than enough experience. You watched him go lower, eyes widening and heart rate picking up as you realized what he was about to do. “You wouldn’t dare.” Sanemi’s own heart was picking up, eyes wide as Tengen positioned himself to eat you out.

“You don’t mind, right baby?” His breath was fanning across your cl*t, two fingers still plunged deep. “N-no…go ahead.” You glanced up at Sanemi, the throb in your cl*t only growing. He looked absolutely enraged yet fascinated at the same time, his eyes zeroing in on where Tengen’s mouth was about to meet you. A shaky gasp left you the moment his tongue made contact.

Naturally this wasn’t the first time you had someone do this…Sanemi usually spent most of his time down there. Tengen though? He was a totally different experience compared to Sanemi. “T-Tengen!” You whimpered out his name as he lapped hungrily at your sex. Paired with his fingers, you were already beginning to see stars.

“Help me.” Samemi’s gruff voice broke you out of your daze.

His fist was lazily wrapped around his co*ck, eyes trained on Tengen. “D-do you want my mouth?” You weren’t mad at him anymore, you got your way after all. And since he was being a ‘good boy’…why not reward him. “Yes.” Sanemi nearly flung himself off the small cot, allowing you to turn your head so he could use your mouth as he pleased.

You flinched slightly as he didn’t hold back, shoving nearly half his length down your throat. Tengen on the other hand didn’t seem phased by all the chaos occurring by your head. Instead he focused on the steady rhythm he built up with his fingers, the way your velvety walls clenched and sputtered around him, and the sweet taste of your arousal on his tongue. You were absolutely heavenly in his eyes.

Part of him had to wonder how you ended up in the hands of the cruel wind pillar.

You tried your hardest to relax your jaw and throat, each thrust of his hips was hitting the back of your throat. You were used to his throat f*cking by now, but it was a lot harder when Tengen had his hands perfectly gripping your thighs. You swallowed to the best of your abilities, earning a loud groan from Sanemi. Despite his speed, he still felt hot and heavy on your tongue.

“Surely you aren’t going to cum yet, Shinazugawa.” Tengen didn’t want to pull away from you, but he couldn’t resist teasing the man by your head. Sanemi’s hips still, burying himself so deeply you gagged around him. “And what if I do?” Tengen slightly regretted the question when you gagged, that was until you clenched around his fingers. Of course you’d be turned on by that.

“Oh nothing…” Tengen’s lips returned to your cl*t, sucking and licking with new vigor. Sanemi wanted to say something but decided against it, instead picking up his own rhythm yet again. He couldn’t shake the sound pillar’s words, what in the hell did Tengen mean by that? Was it a jab at his stamina? Or just a way to get into his head? Sanemi didn’t even realize Tengen’s words had done exactly what he intended…distract him.

It wasn’t until you cried out around Sanemi’s length that he was pulled from his absent minded thrusts. You came all over Tengen’s fingers, a low squelching noise sounded throughout the room as he worked you through it. “Give her a chance to breathe you ass.” Sanemi pulled his co*ck out of your mouth completely, irritation bubbling up again. “I’m already sick of you bitching at me.” You sat up, blinking tears from your eyes as Tengen pulled both fingers out of you.

“Both of you, stop bitching.”

You were sitting now, waiting for both men to turn their attention to you. “I’ll tell you exactly how this is happening if you’d just shut up.” That worked quite well, Tengen was standing at the foot of the cot now, pants halfway down his thighs. Sanemi was still standing beside you, for once he was continuing the obedient act. “Tengen…you’re a little too big for what I’d like to happen. So I’ll play it safe to ease my nerves.” You smiled as his eyebrow raised.

“I’m taking both of you at the same time.”

This time both men seemed to tense. “Don’t tell me you want us…in the same hole.” Sanemi actually broke a sweat at the idea. “No! Oh wow. No, I'm not ready for that.” You started laughing, body aching at the thought. “One will be in front…the other in back.” Tengen’s eyes bulged a bit, his uniform pants slipping down to his ankles. “Where would you like me, baby?” He tried to regain his composure.

“I want Tengen in the back, Sanemi you get the front.” You swallowed nervously, you’d never done much with that area of your body…but you knew of the potential it had.

“If this was your plan from the start, I would have spent more time prepping the right hole.” Tengen was making his way around to the head of the cot, Sanemi moved to the foot. “Sanemi goes first…” you knew it would be painful to have Tengen go in with no preparation. Part of you was hoping if Sanemi went first, you’d be too distracted to notice. There was only one way to find out…

Tengen took a seat behind you, muscular legs straddling the bed in order to give you enough room. “You heard her, get going Shinazugawa.” Sanemi was still irritated by the sound pillar, grumbling under his breath as he climbed onto the cot as well. You leaned back into Tengen, spreading your legs wide for Sanemi. “After all this trouble you caused, I’m still getting your puss* in the end.” He gave himself a few slow pumps, still slick in your spit.

“You were getting it no matter what.” You smiled lazily, watching as he rolled his eyes. “This was some grand scheme to fulfil your lewd fantasies. Don’t even try to deny it.” Sanemi’s hand landed on Tengen’s thigh, using it for balance as he positioned his head at your entrance. He pushed in quickly, your slick walls sucking him in with ease. “Always so greedy…” he whined softly, no matter how many times this happened, he could never get over how perfect you felt.

Sanemi bottomed out, not realizing how close his face had gotten to Tengen’s in the process. “Are you going to kiss me?” Tengen’s body shook underneath you, when it stopped suddenly you glanced up. Sure enough, Sanemi had pressed his lips to Tengen’s. Pulling away just as quickly as they had connected. “Do something about it.” A new wave of confidence seemed to take over the wind pillar, eyes training back down on your body as his hips fell into rhythm.

Sanemi’s hips continuously pushed you into Tengen’s body, ass brushing against his erection over and over. “C-come on…Tengen please…” you whined, the desire to be filled again was only growing with each of Sanemi’s thrusts. “No prep?” He seemed hesitant still, surely it would hurt. “I don’t care! Please…” Sanemi’s co*ck was hitting every point perfectly, just like it always did.

“If you insist.”

“Hurt her and I’ll kill you.” Sanemi’s voice was pressed into your ear, Tengen of course still heard. “Give it a break, tough guy.” You and Sanemi both made noises of surprise when Tengen lifted you by your thighs. “Work with me here, Shinazugawa.” Your eyes widened when you felt the bulbous head of Tengen’s co*ck press into your hole. It was already a sensation you weren’t expecting.

“Do you want me to pull out? I think it’s going to be a painful squeeze if I’m already inside.” For the first time during this whole back and forth, Sanemi seemed concerned. “That would probably be best…” Tengen‘s brows were furrowed in concentration. You, on the other hand, were completely at the mercy of both men. Perfectly sandwiched between their muscular bodies.

Despite the heat, you shivered. The emptiness you felt from Sanemi pulling out was quickly being replaced as Tengen speared you on his co*ck. Your nails dug into Sanemi’s shoulders, brows mimicking Tengen as you tried to steady your breathing. It hurt, just like he said it would. It felt like you were being torn in two as his tip finally slipped past your stubborn entrance. Your whole body was tense and quivering as he stopped, letting you adjust to just his head.

“Are you sure you can take it?” Sanemi had never felt your body this tense. “Y-yes…just give me a second…” you will yourself to relax, a shaky sigh leaving you as you nodded for Tengen to move a little more. Sanemi’s hand snakes down your front, two fingers slipping between slick folds to toy with your cl*t. A loud moan left you as pain mixed with pleasure, making it just a bit more bearable as Tengen aimed to bottom out.

“Finally using your brain for once, Shinazugawa!” Tengen held in a laugh, not wanting to push into you too quickly. “Shut up already, man whor*.” Sanemi glared at him over your shoulder. “Not too witty with the name calling.” Tengen was just three inches away from bottoming out at this point. With the help of Sanemi’s fingers, the whole process was becoming pleasurable.

“S-stop bitching! I said this already!” You moaned as Sanemi pinched your cl*t, co*ck head brushing your folds. “Sorry, baby.” Tengen placed a kiss to the back of your head as he finally bottomed out. You never felt so full in your life. You were proven wrong only a few seconds later. Sanemi began pushing himself back into you, apparently you had nodded for him to continue. You already felt too far gone to process much else.

Sanemi bottomed out a few seconds later, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. “H..how are we…gonna do this?” Tengen could barely breathe, he was never quite able to get over how suffocatingly tight the other option was. “J-just…” your head fell back against his broad shoulder, unable to think straight. Sanemi wasn’t doing much better. Not only were your walls clenching around him, but he could feel Tengen’s co*ck as well.

“Do we…take turns? Or do you want — holy f*ck — us to go at the same time?” You swallowed, using most of your strength to just lift up your head. “I don’t care, just move.” Sanemi would have laughed if he didn’t feel so breathless. “You better hope no one walks in.” Sanemi began thrusting his hips without another thought. Tengen followed after, thrusting his hips slowly, barely moving but the sensation was more than enough.

“I-I think this one…is all you Shinazugawa.” Tengen could feel every thrust, not only were you squeezing him perfectly, but Sanemi was also rubbing him perfectly. Sanemi didn’t even respond, eyes nearly squeezing shut as he poured all his focus into keeping a steady rhythm. Moans and whimpers spilled from your lips, Tengen’s death grip on your thighs was the only thing keeping you grounded.

“You gonna…cum soon?” Your walls were clenching around both men with a suffocating tightness. You mumbled out some sort of yes, the build up was becoming almost too much to bear. Tengen was panting heavily against your ear, his co*ck twitching sporadically between your walls. Sanemi seemed to be moving on autopilot, a string of curses leaving his lips every time his hips met yours.

Your second org*sm caught you off guard. Sanemi’s hand came up to clap over your mouth as you practically screamed. “We’re going to get caught.” Tengen laughed now, hips moving enough to slip about half way in and out of you. With both men thrusting repeatedly, your eyes rolled back.

Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through you, overstimulating you.

“S-slow!” You whined, hands digging and scratching at Sanemi’s shoulders. “Not yet…” Sanemi choked out, hips moving erratically as he chased his own high. “Oh!” You jumped slightly as Tengen settled deep, hot seed spilling inside of you. “T-that might…just be the easiest org*sm I’ve ever had.” His grip finally loosened on your thighs, muscular arms hooking around your waist. “I barely did a thing…” he sounded exhausted.

“C’mon Shinazugawa. You beat me.” Every thrust was beginning to overstimulate Tengen as well. “f*ck off.” Tengen couldn’t even be bothered to comment on his hostility anymore. Instead he busied himself with trying to keep you steady so Sanemi could finish. A few more thrusts and Sanemi buried deep, bulbous head slamming into your cervix as he spilled. You felt hot all over, still stuffed full but now with an unmistakable gooey warmth.

You flinched as Sanemi began rubbing on your sensitive cl*t.

“W-what are you doing?!” You jerked harshest into Tengen, earning a low groan. “I never said I was done with you…either of you. It’s time to switch.” Tengen’s head knocked into yours as he shot forward. “You already want a round two?” Sanemi pulled out of you before speaking, a shiver passing through you as his release began oozing out.

“I’ve never seen anyone look so f*cked out, so I’ll be damned if I don’t get to experience that.”

You gasped as Tengen finally pulled out, his release slowly leaking out as well. “If you think you are up for it, fine.” Tengen reached over, grabbing a tissue off the bedside table. “You’re just asking for an infection if I don’t clean myself first.” You were trying to turn around. The same position would probably work just fine, but you’d like to try something else.

After some shuffling, you settled on Tengen’s lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you buried your head into the crook of his neck. He smelt like sweat and fine perfumed oils. His size still felt like you would be torn in two, regardless of him being in your c*nt this time. “Ready whenever.” You let your eyes close, waiting to feel Sanemi press into your other hole. “Try not to cum, Shinazugawa.”

A gentle slap to his bicep shut Tengen up.

This time it didn’t hurt nearly as bad. Tengen’s previous preparation and cum helped Sanemi slip in easily. “You both better make this quick…” you couldn’t even keep your head up if you tried. It wasn’t helping that Tengen was warm, despite his muscles; he was still velvety soft. “f*cking…how the f*ck did you not come on the spot.” Sanemi bottomed out, each word coming out in a hiss.

“Practice my friend.” He sent a wink over your shoulder. “This may be easier if I lay down, don’t you think?” Tengen was already leaning back, Sanemi chasing after him in order to stay inside. “There we go! Now we can both move a little easier.” This new angle had you gasping for air, with more mobility for both men…you were in trouble. “Ready baby?” Tengen ran a hand through your hair, “yes…” hips thrusting upwards slowly as Sanemi began moving as well.

With both of them able to properly move, you were already seeing stars. Not only could both men feel each other, you could feel them. It was the most bizarre thing you had ever felt. You could feel every single inch, every curve and vein. Sanemi’s thrusts were in perfect time with Tengen’s. Each one pushes your sensitive spot even further into Tengen’s co*ck. “Oh~” you felt like you were going to burst.

The cot below you began to creak. Both men were far too lost to their own pleasure to even acknowledge it. You silently began to wonder how you’d explain a destroyed cot. “You’re so damn tight.” Sanemi’s grip on your waist was bruising, surely you’d have marks. “It doesn’t - ha - help that I’m being stuffed…by both of you…” you hadn’t even realized tears were leaking down your face and onto Tengen’s shoulder.

“Her puss* is just as sweet as her ass.” Tengen cooed, a wet squelch filled the room each time he bottomed out.

“You act like…I don’t know.” Sanemi’s voice nearly cracked. It was taking every ounce of strength he had left to not come.

He wanted to at least make this last a little longer. “Can't neglect this now, can we?” Sanemi tried to distract himself,

hand snaking lower to begin toying with your cl*t again. Spots began blurring your vision, the tension in your gut just seconds away from snapping. “S..Sanemi…T-Tengen!” Warmth squirted out from between your legs.

You had never experienced an org*sm like that, one that had you blinking away stars and made your ears ring. “Holy f*ck…” Sanemi nearly pulled out all the way, his pubic bone, thighs and even his balls were coated in your release. He could have cum just looking at it. “Oh! Didn’t think you’d be able to do that.” Tengen laughed, hips still shooting into you. He was close — very close — but he’d be damned if Sanemi beat him again.

“Mercy—“ you croaked into Tengen’s skin. “Just a little longer baby, almost there.” Tengen was out of breath, your velvet walls were hugging him just as perfectly as your ass had.

“Hang on for us, we’ll be done in a minute.” All bets aside, Sanemi could tell you were about to be pushed past your limit. A quick glance at the sound pillar sent the message Sanemi hoped it would. Tengen’s hands began rubbing soothing circles on your back, his org*sm was nearly on top of him.

Only a few more thrusts and Tengen spilled inside of you, Sanemi had stilled completely in hopes of not pushing the line between pleasure and pain. “sh*t.” You could feel him twitching, a whine leaving your lips as Sanemi picked up his pace again. “Sorry…almost there…you’re going so good.

So..so good…” he was babbling at this point, balls slapping against your puss* and Tengen’s co*ck with each thrust.

Finally with a low groan, Sanemi gave in for the second time. You felt impossibly full, neither men pulling out yet in order to

keep their cum inside. “Can I sleep now?” You slurred, eyes closing against your will. “Y-yeah…we’ll take care of everything.” Sanemi nearly collapsed on top of you, Tengen’s bones felt like jelly. After a few minutes of silence Tengen spoke up. “Are either of you interested in marriage…”

“You really are a f*cking man whor*.” Sanemi groaned, pulling out slowly and watching his release seep out. “I’m serious, Shinazugawa. I wouldn’t mind another wife…or a husband.” Your breathing had evened out at this point, sleep taking you into its warm embrace. Sanemi only blinked, searching for more tissues to try and clean himself up with. “Oh so you’re going to ignore me?” Tengen tried again, sitting up slowly with you still snug against him.

“I’m not marrying you. Neither is she.”

“We could do things like this all the time…”

That made him stop, slowly making eye contact with Tengen. “Oh? That got you?” Tengen seemed pleased, large hands holding you tightly. Sanemi groaned, “I truly can’t stand you.”

Quickie (Re-Uploaded) - xxSabitoxx - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.