of BERKELEY DAILY GAZETTE. Friday, Sept. 27, Fun With Words 4-Bottleshaped vessel 9-Squeeze 12-Girl's name 13-Climbing plant 14-Macaw 15-Separated 17-Weirder 19-Expire 20-Repulse 21-Satellite of earth 23-Pronoun 24-Prophets 27-Beard of grain 28-Masculine 30-Part of violin 81-Preposition 32-Bounds 34-River in Italy 35-Tidy 37-Mother of Apollo 38-Cut 39-Was mistaken 41-Brother of Odin 42-Healthy 43-Worn away 45-Related 46-Back down 48-Has been borne 51-Man's name 52-Artist's stand 54-Hawailan wreath 55-Manuscripts (abbr.) 56-Killed 57-Cloth measure CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle ACROSS 7-Dirk TAM WADL 1-Weaken 8-Retains 9-Warden ADA SOB HORE LEAD 11-Deface KEN MOT HAL 18-Sand bars 16-Metal ALBE HAT POLL 20-Mollify MET GAS SAT 21-A state AD FASTENS CA 23-Clayey 22-Proprietor earth PET ERA MAD 25-Repulse STEW ARE MODE 26-American HEN SOS PAT 38-Military author EA AAR BOTHER Police DRAW TARS ELA (abbr.) SAL ANSA RIM 29-Heraldry: 27 grafted 32-Cubic meter 42-Concealed 48-Unit of 33-Proceed 44-Close Portuguese 36-Places for securely currency 38-Treat combat 45-Oven for 49-Lamprey 40-Venetian 46-Edge 53-A continent drying bricks 50-Nothing magistrates 47-Bitter vetch (abbr.) 13 20 21 22 23 26 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 42 043 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 Distr. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. 27 DeMolays Plan Installation 1-Drink slowly 2-Girl's name 3-Forgive 4-Escape 5-Cover 6-Cooled lava El Cerrito-Albany Chapter, Order of DeMolay will hold its twentieth semi-annual installation of officers Saturday at 8 p.m.
in the Thousand Oaks Masonic Temple, Colusa and Catalina Ave. Paul Hinds, son of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hinds of El Cerrito, will be installed as master councillor.
Other officers to be installed are: Senior councillor, Fred Enos; junior councillor, Taylor Bell; senior deacon, Craig Hunter; junfor deacon, Steven Hinds; senior steward, Mike Johnston; junior steward, Greg Engleman; orator, Mark Worrell; scribe, Kent Sanc-1 tuary; treasurer, Ken Johnson: sentinel, Gary Pridmore: chaplain, John Welton; marshall, Mark Murphy; standard bearer, Sam Villereal; almoner, Ralph Giberson; preceptors, Graham Sutherland, Bill Turner, Jeff Spear, Steve Williams, Gary Ingraham, Tom Harrison, Jerry Cushman. The installing officers will be: Master councillor, Jeff Pfaffenberger; senior councillor, Ralph Partridge; junior councillor, Don Davis marshall, Doug Haavik; chaplain, Fred Stocking, musician, Robert Walker. Retiring from the office of master councillor will be Gil Potter. DeMolays and their relatives and friends are invited to attend. Refreshments and dancing will follow the installation.
'Medicine Today' Lectures Planned A series of six free lectures on "Medicine Today," sponsored as a public service by the AlamedaContra Costa Medical Assn. and Richmond schools, will get underway at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday. Sessions will be held each Thursday through Nov. 7 at Brookside Hospital, Vale Road, San Pablo.
Topics to be covered by 19 general practitioners and specialists are cancer, diabetes, medical services, venereal diseases, plastic surgery and alcoholism. Eight and Forty Club Meet Set Alameda County Salon 236, Eight and Forty, subsidiary of the American Legion Auxiliary, will meet for dinner and program next Wednesday at the Alameda Veterans Memorial Building. The committee in charge in'eludes Mmes. Lucille DuYore, Dorothy Kohler, Ann Townsley, and LaVern Cheval. Mrs.
Earline Wolf, chapeau departmentale, will be honored guest. CARD OF THANKS Alameda County Heart Association gratefully acknowledges memorial gifts to ward fighting Heart Diease. 121 East Eleventh Oakland. Higate 4-3564. BERKELEY MORTUARY hail A.
Lee Oder Clarence W. Page, Jr. 1600 SHATTUCK AVE. at CEDAR THornwall 1-2300 McNARY Chapel J. DETER McNARY ROBERT M.
McNARY 1936 UNIVERSITY TH 8-1230 Coming Events Tonight Rebekahs Campus Rebekah Lodge No. 331 will meet at 6:30 p.m. at 411 11th Oakland. A spoon dinner will be served. Tomorrow Rummage Sale Zeta Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will hold its annual rummage sale at Miller's Rummage Room, 2049 San Pablo at 9 a.m.
Pi Lambda Theta The Northern California Alumni Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will hold its fall luncheon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. George D. Brown, 2140 Coronado Napa, at 1 p.m. Jewish Community Center The Jewish Community Center will hold its annual high holiday dance at 9:30 p.m.
at the Oakland Jewish Community Center, 3245 Sheffield Oakland. Sunday Maine Club Picnic The Maine Club will hold its annual picnic at Knowland State Park, Oakland, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Those attending are requested to bring lunch and one dish to share. Coffee and Boston baked beans will be served free.
Engineers' Club The East Bay Engineers' Club will hold its 1963 picnic at 11 a.m. at Nichelini's Ranch near Lake Berryessa. Band Concert The Oakland Municipal Band, Fred C. Rose, conductor, will present a free concert at 2:30 p.m. at the Edoff Memorial Bandstand, Lakeside Park, Oakland.
Monday High Twelve Club Mrs. Helen Ross, mental health educational consultant, for Berkeley will speak on "Berkeley's Mental Health at the noon meeting of the High Twelve Club at the Berkeley Masonic Temple, 2105 Bancroft Way. Goodfellowship Club The Goodfellowship Club of the Berkeley YWCA will hold their semi-annual benefit card party at the YWCA Building, 2134 Allston Way, starting at 10 a.m. Horoscope for You Friday, Sept. 27 Born today, you believe yourself capable of almost anything you set out to do.
Indeed, unless you do feel yourself capable, you do not set out at all. You like having your own way and are apt to be more than a little annoyed if and when you don't get it. On the other hand, you are willing to give up your own ends for someone else's if the need is greater than yours. Not always as calm and poised as you might wish, you will probably have to fight all your life against an eruptive temper. Gradually you will learn to control it, but you unlikely will ever become completey unaware of its existence.
You know how to fight, yet oddly enough -considering your temper and strong desire to have things just as you want themvou also know when and how not to fight. You can have the patience of Job when you want to, and it this characteristic which a will you and than come against how forget such any probably a allowing how other. point take to of patience stop you Only pride to waiting farther guard that beto act. Among those born on this date are: George Cruikshank, famed English caricaturist; George Wharton James, explorer; Margaret Sangster, author, poet. SATURDAY, SEPT.
28 LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)-Good for social contacts and travel-as long as you keep things on a small scale. Large enterprises should be avoided. SCORPIO (Oct.
24-Nov. 22)-Social and romantic ventures especially favored today. Remember, such can be the case even for the most thoroughly domesticated! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)-A desire of long standing can be gained today.
The key lies in a journey, short and sweet. CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)-Your own adventurous nature could lead you into serious consequences today unless you are cautious in every direction. AQUARIUS (Jan.
21-Feb. 19)-Let this be a spiritual day. Shelve material interests and see how far you get on a bit of unselfish service to others. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)-Employ your happy instinct for seeing the good in a situation.
You can look the gift horse in the mouth later! ARIES (March 21-April 20)-Some wish, perhaps one connected with a new business prospect, has hopes of being fulfilled today. But don't press your luck. TAURUS (April 21-May 21)-An excellent day for every enterprise, particularly one involving children. Seize an opportunity to direct the young. GEMINI (May 22-June 21)-An unexpected pleasure from a little-known source should make this a memorable doy for both you and your CANCER (June 22-July 23)-Make plans now to embark upon a new and energetic Flexible Albany Swimming Setup The Albany Adult Education Center has scheduled a flexible instructional program of evening swimming classes for men and women living in or out of Albany, at the Albany Pool, Portland and Pomona Aves.
during the Fall quarter. These classes will have three levels of instruction, beginning, semi-intermediate, and intermediate, with a teacher for each level. They will meet on Mondays and Wednesday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Although the classes are scheduled for a twohour period, students may attend the full two hours or one hour only.
Those enrolled may take as many classes each week as they wish for the same fees; and they may come on different days or evenings and a at the hours which individual weekly pro- Registrations are taken at the LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 163154 Dept. No. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, NORMAN H. Executor of the last Will and TE Testament of MARY B.
RANKIN, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said decedent to, within six months after the first publication of this notice. either file them, with the necessary vouchers in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, or present them with the necessary vouchers to me at the office of MARTIN, MARTIN WARD, 400 Bank of America Berkeley 4, California, which place the undersigned selects as the place of business in all matters connected with said estate. Dated at Berkeley, California, August 28, 1963. NORMAN B. STREET Executor of the last Will and Testament of the above named decedent.
MARTIN, MARTIN WARD Attorneys for said Executor 400 Bank of America Bldg. Berkeley 4, California 13. 20, 27, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 163171 Dept. No.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Executrix of the estate of ARNOLD T. also known as ARNOLD THEODORE OHRN, deceased, to creditors of and all persons having claims against the said decedent to, within six months after the first publication of this notice, either file them, with the necessary vouchers, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, or present them, with the necessary vouchers, to the said Executrix the office of BORDEN B. PRICE, 706A American Trust Building, 2140 Avenue, Berkeley 4, California, which place the undersigned selects as the place of business in all matters connected with said estate. ELIN OHRN, Executrix of the estate of the above named decedent. BORDEN B.
PRICE 706A American Trust Building Berkeley 4, California TH 3-6391 Attorney for said Executrix undersigned, ANNE VAN CLEAVE of the estate of AUGUST REUTER, also known as AUGUST X. REUTER, also known as A. STUART, deceased, to the creditors of and to all persons having claims against the said decedent, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to either file them with the necessary vouchers, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, or to present them, with the necessary vouchers, to me at the office of NICHOLS CATTERTON, attorneys at law, 1111 American Trust Building, Center and Shattuck Streets, Berkeley 4, California, which place the undersigned selects as the place of business in all matters connected with said estate. Dated at Berkeley, California, August 29, 1963. ANNE VAN CLEAVE Administratrix of the estate of the above named decedent.
13, 20, 27, 1963 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 163057 Department 4 Notice is hereby given by the NICHOLS CATTERTON Attorneys at Law 1111 American Trust Bldg. Berkeley 4, California Telephone: THornwall 5-3893 CARLSON, COLLINS, GORDON BOLD 610 Court Street Martinez, California Telephone: 228-1400 13, 20, 27, 1963 NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION No. 466788 File No. 22776 RICHARD E.
COLBOURN, Plaintiff PAUL, Defendant VLASOFF, By virtue of a Writ of Execution, issued out of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Francisco, wherein Richard E. Colbourn, Plaintiff as Judgment Creditor a and Paul Vlasoff, Defendant as Judgment Debtor upon a judgment rendered by the said Court on the 25th day of June. 1958, for the sum of 017.00 in lawful money of the United States, besides interest and costs, I have heretofore levied upon all the right, title, claim and interest of Paul Vlasoff, Defendant, of, in and to the following described Real Propto-wit: "Map No. 2, Blake Tract, Block No. 1455.
Lot 17, Assessor's Map No. 55-1828-19." Public notice is hereby given that I will on Tuesday, the 15th day of October, 1963. at 10:30 o'clock a.m. of said day, in front of the Fallon Street entrance of the Courthouse, of the County of Alameda, in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, sell at public auction, for lawful money of the United States, all the right, title, claim and interest of said defendant Paul Vlasoff of, in and to the above described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy said Judgment, with interest and costs, to the highest and best FRANK I. MADIGAN, Sheriff, Alameda County, California.
Dated: Oakland, Calif. September 11, 1963 By A. N. WHITE. Deputy Sheriff.
MORRIS M. GRUPP Mills Building San Francisco 4. Calif. 27: 11, 1963 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE No. 162379 In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Alameda.
In the Matter of the Estate of ALBERT E. SMITH, also known as A. E. SMITH, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Co-Executors of the Estate of the above named decedent will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, or on such other terms as the above entitled Court may approve, and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on Thursday, the 17th day of October, 1963, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m.
of said day, at the law offices of Calfee, Westover Sheahan, 207-37th Street, Richmond, California, all the right, title, interest and estate of the above named decedent, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate of said decedent has by operation of law, or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the said Albert E. Smith, also known as A. E. Smith, deceased, in and to that certain parcel of land particularly described as follows, to wit: All that real property situate in the City of Albany, County of Alameda, I State of California, to wit: Lot No. 21, in Block No.
24, according to map entitled "Amended Map of Fair. mount Park, Berkeley, California," filed March 25, 1908, in Book 23 of Maps, page 78, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County (Commonly known as 905 Nielson Street, Albany, California.) Terms and conditions of sale: Cash in lawful money of the United States of America, ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by the Court, or upon such other terms as the Court may approve. Deed at the expense of purchaser. Property to be sold subject to taxes for the current fiscal year and to liens and assessments of record. Policy of title insurance at the expense of purchaser.
Dated this 16th day of September, 1963. JUNE SMITH BOSWELL, Executrix STANLEY EUGENE SMITH, Executor CALFEE, WESTOVER SHEAHAN Attorneys at Law 207-37th Street Richmond, California BEacon 5-1140 27; 11, 1963 Berkeley Bally Gazette Business office, Editorial Rooms, Gazette Building, 2048 Center Street Published daily except Sunday at Berkeley, California. Telephone THornwall 3-4800. Private exchange connecting all departments. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 10c per single copy.
By carrier $1.75 per month. $21 per year. By mail $2.25 per month. Back copies 10c and up. CLASSIFIED, MARCH ADVERTISING 1, 1961 RATES MINIMUM-20 words Consecutive insertions Issue, per word- 7c-total $1.40 issues, per word-11c-total $2.20 issues, per word-14c-total $2.80 issues, per word-16c-total $3.20 issues, per word-18c-total $3.60 14 issues, per word-31c-total $6.20 additional word at pro rata rates.
MONTHLY RATES 50 to 149 lines 12c per line 250 to 499 lines per line 500 to 1000 lines per Over 1000 lines per line HOME MAINTENANCE Business-Professional Services Garden "Use This Easy Way" 1-Building Materials NEW FLOORS LAID, old floors newed. Joe Johnson, LA 6-3096. OLD FLOORS sanded, stained, polished and waxed. New floors laid. Walt Gleadall, LA 6-1274.
3-Building Trades Building Alterations A ONE-STOP ECONOMY Home remodeling and repairs. No down, five years to pay. Room addition, bath and kitchen. Painting and general building repairs. Licensed, insured.
Guaranteed work. Call ALBERT ALEX, LA 4-6220. ADDITIONS, alterations, porches, steps, dry-rot and foundation repairs. Quality work. Reasonable.
Free estimates. LA 6-7675. BUILD, alteration, repair, remodel, commercial and residential. Licensed. 843-0701, 848-2410.
CONTRACTOR-carpenter. Will cooperate with owner 'in new building or remodel. 843-7634. HOME Improvements All phases, professional, reasonable. Shye Engineering.
235-8361. Brick-Stone Work FIREPLACE, new, remodeled, repaired. Porches, steps, dry rot and cement work. Roy Anaclerio, LA 6-7555. FREE ESTIMATES, all types.
Licensed 21 years. LA 5-3828. Carpenters ALL TYPES redwood fances, bulkheads, gates, best materials. Estimates. 568-1025.
CARPENTER. 20 years experience Any repairs, remodel, steps. Reasonable. Call 654-2105 from 4-7 p.m. HOME and apartment repairs of all kinds LA 6-6676.
WINDOWS-Aluminum. Replace old windows, use same opening. Jalousies, sliding, casements, double hinge. Patio doors. Jalouisie doors, screen doors, weatherstripping.
568- 5544. Cement- nt-Concrete Work ALL TYPES concrete. Small jobs repairs specialty. Albany-Berkeley 1918. 525-8763.
ANTHONY ANACLERIO. FREE ESTIMATES. Everything concrete. Licensed 30 years. LA 5-3828.
CEMENT, concrete, patios, driveways, porch steps, repair work. No job too small. Frank Avena, TH 8-1749. Eleotrical Repair ELECTRIC WIRING. Small jobs preferred.
Reasonable. Licensed and insured since 1936. E. J. KENT, LA 5-4986.
Gutters NEW GUTTERS and drains. Repair work. Free estimates. TH 3-0759. Painting GLEN E.
ONTIS Painting and decorating, sandblasting, waterproofing, reasonable, work guaranteed. Licensed and insured. TH 1-4053. HANDYMAN Painting, electrical, glazing, plumbing, carpenter, cleaning. Reasonable.
233-6994, 524-3843. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR house painting with quality material. No job too small. Reasonable rates. Free estimates.
Ed. Karas, 893-4492. INTERIOR, EXTERIOR spring painting. Reasonable prices, Free estimates. LA 4-6686.
LET ANDY do your painting. Interior-exterior. Insured. Guaranteed to please. Phone 845-3681.
PAINTING and paperhanging. No lob too small. Licensed. Phone TH 1-4881. Max Muller.
PAINTING Interior Exterior. Free estimates. Reasonable. Guaranteed. Bill Wonnenberg.
525-8676. PAINTING. Expertenced. Reasonable. Call after 5 p.m.
654-1624. QUALITY PAINTING. Inside, outside. Reasonable. Reliable.
Neat. 25 years experience. Licensed, insured. Kirkpatrick, TH 1-3442. SPECIAL NOTICE More satisfied customers.
Remarkably low prices. Painting, exterior, interior. TH 1- 3870, TH 8-7041. Painting Paperhanging INTERIOR EXTERIOR decorator painter. Reasonable.
WE TAKE OLD HOUSES, MAKE THEM LIKE NEW. Free estimates. TH 1-5779 or TH 3-2976. Plastering ALL KINDS of patchwork. Licensed and insured.
TH 8-8910. PLASTER, stucco repairs, sheetrock taping. Licensed, insured. Baker, 223-8810. Roofing ROOFING All types, leaks fixed, gutters renewed, repaired, cleaned and sealed.
Ede's Roofing OL 3-1187. Windows BEFORE THE RAINS COME For weather tightness and Modernization Replace Windows EAST BAY SASH GLASS 625 Cedar Street LA 6-5381 Home Services Hardwood Floors HARDWOOD FLOORS Sanding buffing, filler, shellac, and waxing. 849-1924. Houseoleaning CLAREMONT HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING CO. you since 1936.
Complete housecleaning. Workmen insured. Reliable, fast, courteous. TH 3-3818. SUPERCLEAN No.
2. Machine wall washers. No job too small. 233-0914. WINDOW CLEANING BERKELEY HOUSE MAINTENANCE COMPANY Complete ho kitchens, walls, woodwork, venetian Floors cleaned, waxed, polished.
DAY OR NIGHT, TH 1-0733 Workmen insured Estimates Linoleum SPECIAL INLAID, $2.95 square yard. Many other qualities. 50 patterns. Also linoleum PAUL T. SWEDBERG CO.
2160 University TH 3-0400 4-Home Services Window Shades NEW CLOTH and rollers replaced. Factory on premises. Bring in your old shades and PAUL T. SWEDBERG CO. 2160 University TH 3-0400 5-Garden Yard Services Gardening A GARDENER, light hauling and clean-up.
843-4754. AMERICAN JAPANESE gardener. Expert cleanup. Maintenance. Remodeling, hauling.
TH 8-3634. ANY LAWN PROBLEMSthatch removed. 14 years golf course superintendent experience. Call before 10 or after 2. LA 6-3195.
EUROPEAN gardener. New lawn, fences. Cleaning. General maintenance. Call 652-2968.
EXPERIENCED Japanese gardener. Remodeling, cleanup, landscaping, tree cutting, hauling, spraying. Contract or hourly. After 6, LA 6-8849. EXPERIENCED Japanese gardener.
Maintenance--cleaning up. After 6, 848-8010. EXPERIENCED Japanese gardener. LA 7-0726 after 6 p.m. References.
GARDENING- -GENERAL Also maintenance, cleanup, hauling. 845-6834. GARDENING- JAPANESE. Oriental styling. Pruning, clean-up, maintenance.
After 6, 233-1158. GARDENING LANDSCAPING 25 years experience. Swiss-American. East Bay. 525-1173.
HEDGES, shrubs, trimmed and hauled. General clean-up. 237- 2562. LAWNS MOWED, watered, and trimmed. Dependable service.
Reasonable rates. Call Fred, LA 5-3845. Hauling Cleanup ALL TYPES cleaning and hauling. We Haul TH 5-3308. ALLEN'S HAULING, yards cleaned, odd jobs.
TH 5-7338. BARCELLES -Debris hauling. Moving. Insured. Free estimates.
Veteran. TH 5-3817. BERKELEY DEBRIS HAULING. Basements, attics cleaned. Trash hauling.
848-6334. BEST in hauling rubbish, cleaning basements. Lowest rates; all jobs large, small. 849-1924. CITY-WIDE container service.
Rubbish hauling, cleaning. Insured. LA 5-2413. HAULING; furniture moving, basements, lots cleaned. Trees removed.
OL 3-3644. HAULING, basement. Free estimates. Rubbish removed. Reasonable rates.
848-1718. 525-0067. HAULING RUBBISH, basement cleaning, including Saturday, Sundays. Reasonable. 843-4958.
HAULING RUBBISH. $5.80. Pickup load. LA 5-2701. HAULING- -Berkeley area.
812 60th St. Big truck. KE 2-3908. MANUEL SOUZA, 848-3286. Rubbish hauling.
Insured. Basement cleaning. Estimates. RUBBISH HAULING. Yards basements cleaned.
Available anytime. TH 1-2652. Tree Work TOPPING, removing, everything in tree work. Modern equipment. Hauling, insured.
H. A. Lindstrom, TH 1-4477. Get what you want with GAZETTE WANT AD 8-Repair Services Home Maintenance Plumbing Wiring Carpentry, etc. Save on costly minimum charges.
Have one top craftsman do all jobs. Straight time. No contractor's fees. Call 843-1841 REPAIR SERVICE, roofing, house remodeling, painting. Patio installing, retaining walls, barbecue pits.
849-1924. 10-Business, Prof. House-to-House Distribution Direct Mail Mimeographing BERKELEY GAZETTE DISTRIBUTING CO. 1940 Bonita (ACROSS FROM GOLDEN BEAR USED CAR LOT) TH 1-4562 Appraisal Real Estate ANALYTICAL VALUATION A AND CONSULTATION. A.
O. DONOGH MAISRA. TH 3-2808 Notaries J. B. BAILEY W.
J. MORTIMER CO. 2119 Center St. PHONE TH 5-3100 REALTOR DONOGH 2481 SHATTUCK 11-Instructions LESSONS IN FRENCH. Conversational and complete courses with certified teachers and audiovisual -lingual materials developed in France.
Monday and Wednesday, Tuesday and Thursday, 7-10 p.m. in Berkeley. 524-3805 evenings or weekends. PBX-RECEPTIONIST-Day or Evening Class. 1615 Broadway, 893- 7084.
PIANO STUDY for children, $10.00 monthly, creative approach. Instructor- 15 year experience, Studio near Washington and Berkwood schools. 843-0262. PIANO LESSONS Mrs. lone Minore, Licentiate.
Trinity College, London. 841-8519. Musio NATURAL SINGING FOR CHILDREN. 524-7557. 6-7 P.M.
PIANO LESSONS- Beginning and intermediate levels. 845-6345. TWO-PIANO studio. Instruction, all ages. Easy practice plan for children.
Sight reading. Recreational music. 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 524-7557. 13-Schools, Trade PBX switchboard training, enroll now for an automation proof career.
High school not required. No age limit. Free placement assistance. PBX training school. 1330 Broadway.
836-0115. 16-Personal Services Alterations ALTERATIONS. Experienced dressmaker. Ladies' apparel. Reasonable.
Convenient location. 849-0371, 527-0241. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING. Alterations. Tailoring.
Quality workmanship. Call Mrs. Kim, 845-0891. FORMER I Magnin custom made department employee does dressmaking, alterations. Quality workmanship.
Reasonable. Mrs. Kim, 843-0500. "HAUTE COUTURE" French lady. Alterations, dressmaking, reasonable.
2324 Blake, 841-2001. BARGAIN SPOT BROILMASTER electric broiler. $8.00. LA 6-7064. COMPLETE maternity wardrobe, size 14.
$30. LA 6-3735. DESK, $10; bed, server, bricks, miscellaneous items, under $50. 843- 6146. DINETTE SET, 4 chairs, extension formica top, perfect, $40.00.
841-9750. DISHWASHER SINK combination, G.E., good condition. $50 or offer. 526-2306. DOUBLE boxspring, upper innerspring mattress.
$10. 8415917 evenings. ELECTRIC window fan. Large and reversible. $15.
OL 2-2769. FISHING TACKLE, rods, Capital reel, line, bag, gear. $15. 848-8645. FRENCH HORN Good condition.
$50. TH 5-3405. Good condition. $45. 843-9122 after KELVINATOR refrigerator, 8 cu.
ft. 4 p.m. KITTENS, Siamese. Purebred. Petshow stock.
Healthy, housebroken. $25. 653-9557. MONTGOMERY WARD washing machine, $22.50. Rollaway bed, $15.
848-8568. OCCASIONAL chair, good covering, beige, $18.00. Miscellaneous articles. LA 5-2354. ROLL-A-WAY bed with 2 mattresses.
Good condition. $15. 526-5111. SINGER portable, $15.00. Walnut console sewing machine, reverses, $25.
525-2354. SOFA, good condition. Ciean, $20. Gas stove, $10. TH 5-8684.
SOLID walnut dining table, 6 chairs, good condition. $50. 526-0837. STOVE, electric, 4-burner. Two ovens, clean.
$30. 525-7727 evenings. WEDGEWOOD table-top stove. Clock, timer. Perfect condition.
$50. 526- 1893. WEDGEWOOD STOVE, good condition. $35. Refrigerator, washer, $25 each.
524-6053. 30-Miscellaneous Sale BACK number magazines; geographics, pockets; auto books. Castro's, 1919 University. BIG DISCOUNTS on new baby furniture, etc. NEW 6-year cribs, $16.95 up; high chairs, playpens, strollers, $8.49.
Nationally DOWN New License Renewal Law A change in driver licensing laws requires California servicemen stationed here in their home to renew their drivers' licenses the same as any other resident. The law, now in effect, permits the Department of Motor Vehicles to continue the Armed Forces extension on drivers' licenses only for servicemen who are stationed outside the state. Servicemen formerly were allowed to use their California licenses beyond the expiration dates, whether or not they were stationed in California. California drivers' licenses that have been extended automatically under the former provision of the law will expire Oct. 20, 1963, for servicemen based in the state.
DMV said holders of such licenses should renew the licenses before that date. The law will allow servicemen returning to California for assignment, or returning after honorable separation, a period of 30 days in which to renew their licenses, if such licenses have be been extended beyond their normal expiration dates as shown on the face of each license. DEATHS BENNETT Oakland, Sept. 26, 1963, Bertha R. Bennett.
Beloved wife late Oscar M. Bennett. Loving mother of Maillard Bennett of Lake Tahoe. Grandmother of Miss Ardyc Bennett of Lake Francisco. Tahoe A and native Miss Jane Hill of San of lowa.
Aged years. City Women's Club, member of A charter member of the Berkeley Century Club, the Ebell Club. She founded the Channel Club, was past president of the Speech Arts Association and was a charter member of the Community Concert Association of Berkeley. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Saturday, Sept. 28, 1963, at p.m.
at the Telegraph Ave. Chapel of Grant Miller Mortuaries, 2850 Telegraph Oakland. Ample off-street parking. Interment private. EATON-In Palo Alto, Sept.
25, 1963, Gertrude Merry Eaton, beloved wife of Leon S. Eaton of 371 Ocean View Berkeley; mother of Phillip L. Eaton of Berkeley; sister of Mrs. Beatrice Merry Allchurch and Mrs. Sophia Merry Gilbert, both of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
A native of England. Aged 72 years. A member of St. James Episcopal Church of Oakland. Memorial services will be held Saturday, Sept.
28, 1963, at 11:00 a.m. at St. James Episcopal Church, Twelfth Ave. and Foothill Oakland, Rev. Frederick Lattimore, officiating.
Private inurnment, Sunset View Cemetery. Contributions may be made to St. James Episcopal Church Memorial Fund or the Alameda County Fund. (Sunset View Mortuary service.) ERICKSON-In Francisco Sept. 24, 1963, Edwin J.
Erickson of 1753 Berkeley Way, Berkeley. Brother of Elvira Arnold of Hayward. Nephew of Mrs. Selma M. MacKinnon of Berkeley.
A native of Berkeley. Aged 70 years. Private family services were held at the Berkeley Hills Chapel (Page Oder), 1600 Shattuck Ave. at Cedar, Berkeley, Friday, Sept. 27, 1963, at 11 a.m.
Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno. GARLICHS-In San Leandro, Sept. 25, 1963, Genevieve E. Garlichs. Beloved mother of Oscar Garlichs of Berkeley.
Loving grandmother of Mrs. Margaret Van Der Molen of Washington, Mrs. Gretchen Larrabee of Vacaville, and Mrs. Nina Barnes of Porterville. Also survived by eight grandchildren.
A naive of California. Aged 89 years. A member of First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Sept. 28, 1963, at 11:30 a.m.
in the Little Chapel of the Flowers, 3051 Adeline at Ashby, Berkeley. Rev. Lloyd 0. Gaut of First Presbyterian Church of Richmond officiating. Concluding services private.
Parking lot adjoins our Chapel. MARBUT -In Berkeley, Sept. 26, 1963, Geraldine Berkeley. Marie Beloved Marbut of wife 1634 of Grant Philip Edward Marbut. Loving mother of Mrs.
Joyce Smith of Richmond and Carol Marbut of Berkeley. Sister of Omar S. Armstrong Grandmother of Kansas City, Kansas. of Cherie Smith. A native of Kansas City, Kansas.
Aged 52 years. at the Friends are invited Hills to attend services Berkeley Chapel Oder), 1600 Shattuck Ave. at Cedar, Berkeley, Monday, Sept. 30, 1963 at 2 p.m. Dr.
Jack Finegan of the University Christian Church officiating. Interment at Rolling Hills Cemetery. Ferdinand -In Wilhelm Berkeley September Sieben, 26, 1963, August loved Berkeley; husband of Mrs. Grace of Sieben Milverd of loving step-father Utterback of Greenfield, and Vernon W. Utterback of Carmichael; dear grandfather of Wiley, Lois Utterback, all of Sacramento, and Wayne Utterback of Greenfield.
Also survived by six great-grandchildren and A native of Germany. Aged 74 several nephews and nieces in Fresno. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Monday, September 30, p.m. at McNary Chapel, 1936 UniAvenue (east of Grove Street), Berkeley, of activity. Cultivate habit! optimism; it plane.
soon become a happy LEO (July 24-Aug. 23)-Any Journey undertaken now, long or short, should be successful, though it surprise. may bring a momentarily unpleasant VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)-Opportunity knocks several times as.
today, -but not at the door are expecting. you're alert, you can find a clear road ahead. (Copyright, 1963, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL No. 163529 Dept. Superior Court the State of California for the County of Alameda.
Estate of DEWEY P. COLLIGNON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that GLADYS CRAIL has filed herein a petition for probate of the will of the above named decedent and for issuance of letters Testamentary which thereon is to made said for petitioner, further refer- particulars, and that the time and place of hearing the same has been set for Thursday, October 10, 1963, at 10 a.m., in the courtroom of Department No. 4 of said at the Courthouse, in the City of Oakland, California. Dated September 24, 1963.
JACK G. BLUE, Clerk By W. CALLAWAY, Deputy STANLEY R. KENDALL Attorney at Law KENDALL BUILDING 1619 Shattuck Berkeley 9, California Tel. TH 8-7363 Attorney for Petitioner to 1963 NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE Notice is hereby given that MRS.
E. H. PRICE, intended vendor, whose address is 2804 Woolsey, City of Berkeley, County to sell, and R. SHELLEY WOOD, intendof Alameda, State of California, intends ed vendee, whose address is 150 Via La Paz, City of GreenBrae, County of Alameda, State of California, intends to purchase that certain coin-operated launderette operated under the firm name and style of COIN LAUNDERETTE DRIVEIN, situated at 4526 Telegraph of Alameda, Avenue, Oakland, County State of California, a general statement of the character of the merchandise or property intended to be sold being as follows: coin operated launderette business. The purchase price or consideration will be paid at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.
on Wednesday, the 9th day of October, 1963, at the office of NICHOLS CATTERTON, 1111 American Trust Berkeley 4, California. Dated at Berkeley, California, Sept. 25, 1963. R. SHELLEY WOOD Intended Vendee NICHOLS CATTERTON Attorneys at Law 1111 American Trust Bldg.
Berkeley 4, California THornwall 5-3893 NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL No. 163527 Dept. Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Alameda. Estate of GERTRUDE LOUISE DE FRIES, also known as MRS. WILLIAM DE FRIES, and as GERTRUDE LOIS DE FRIES, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM A. DE FRIES has filed herein. a petition for probate of the will of the above named decedent and for issuance of letters testamentary thereon to said petitioner, reference to which is made for further particulars, and that the time and place of hearing the same has been set for October 9, 1963, at 10 a.m., in the courtrom of Department No. 4 of said court, at the Courthouse, in the City of Oakland, California. Dated September 24, 1963.
JACK G. BLUE, Clerk By W. CALLAWAY, Deputy MARTIN, MARTIN WARD Attorneys for Petitioner 400 Bank of America Bldg. Berkeley 4, California Tel: 843-5800 to incl. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No.
163155 Dept. No. 4 Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, JENNIE JOSEPHINE WOYTAK, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of WALTER JOHN WOYTAK, also as WALTER J. WOYTAK, WALTER WOYTAK and W. J.
WOYTAK, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said decedent to, within six months after the first publication of this notice. either file them, with the necessary vouchers in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, or present them with the vouchers to me at the office of MARTIN, MARTIN WARD, 400 Bank of America Berkeley 4, California, which place the undersigned selects as the place of business in all matters connected with said estate. Dated at Berkeley, California, August 28, 1963. JENNIE JOSEPHINE WOYTAK, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of the above named decedent. MARTIN, MARTIN WARD Attorneys for said Executrix 400 Bank of America Bldg.
Berkeley 4. California 13, 20, 27, advertised brands. Everything for baby, down to earth prices. Lots of used items. Rentals.
Trade-ins. OPEN EVENINGS, SUNDAYS. SAVE AT JEAN'S, 2444 Grove, Oakland. HI 4-5170. BOY'S figure skates, 9.
Brass and irons, steel study table. 848-8485. CRIB in excellent condition. $16. Chifforobe with drawers and hanging space, $22.
Excellent condition. One car bed for $6. LA 6-7064. DESK, $25. Table-desk and chair, $6.00.
Round formica table, $10.00. Chaise lounges, $5.00 each. TH 1-0853. DRAPES, like new, $12 pair, 7x10. Days, LA 4-0696, evenings after 7, LA 6-6642.
FOAM RUBBER (SALVAGE), CUT any size, shape, thickness. For autos, boats, sofas, chairs, mattresses, etc. Save to Harter's, TH 1-0373. GROCERY equipment, cash register, scales, freezers, awning. Reasonable.
OL 8-1556, OL 4-3478. MUST clear surplus stock-used tires -all sizes. Black and white, $3.95 and up. HOEPPELS 11477 San Pablo Avenue near Co-Op Center, El Cerrito. PLAYGROUND equipment, toys, books, desks, bookcases.
Piano, typewriter, accordian, miscellaneous items. Seventh, University, Closing out on Sunday. 841-6189. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM; Holly. wood bed frame, spring, mattress; hair mattress, single, wardrobe trunk, briefcase, sewing machine, shopping cart, TV set, garbage can, step ladder, wooden chairs, saws, pick axe.
All reasonable. Noon-7. At garage, Addison. REFRIGERATOR, 2-door; twin, double boxspring mattress; desk. 524- 9984.
REFRIGERATOR with freezer compartment, self-defrosting, rugs, bookcases, mirrors. 845-8306. RUGER CARBINE .44 CALIBER MAGNUM $108 condition. Save $20 for ammunition 1-7536. SELLING OUT.
Nursery stock, garden supplies. Redwood rounds. 3014 Shattuck Ave. Phone TH 3-1317. SINGER portable electric sewing machine.
American made. Heavy duty. Compact. Perfect sewer in excellent condition. $42.50.
261-9795. TWIN foam rubber mattress set, $50. Fireplace screen, $8.00. Boy's 26-in. Schwinn bike, $25.00.
Rotisserie and stand, $15.00. Mirror, 30x43, $5. Ironer, $30. 524-7804. 18TH CENTURY mahogany dining room, gate leg table, commode chests, easy chairs, portable radio, typewriter, bedding, kitchen ware, studio couch.
893-9264. 34-Cameras, Photo Supply ARGUS President slide projector, Purchased 1962. Fully automatic. Includes six slide trays. $75.
848- 4747, or 2225 Hearst, Apt. 3. ROLLEIFLEX with 75mm 3 portrait lens and camera case. Carl Zeis lens. Haze filter, series All excellent condition.
$105. 841- 3891. 41-Office Equipment LIKE NEW. Steel 60" clerical desk, desk unit, filing cabinets, chairs. GL 1-6133.
49-Furniture for Sale SWEDBERG'S at 2038 Addison St. UPSTAIRS Dropleaf kitchen table, 2. chairs $22.50 Hotpoint electric $59.00 51 Chambers gas $89.50 Walnut dining table, 6 chairs Beige 2-cushion $75.00 blonde coffee $19.50 Blonde end $12.50 Brass tree lamp. $17.50 Blue 14'x15' wool $79.50 Hardwood bookcase bunkbed only Hardwood 4-shelf bookcase $35.00 brown mahogany 4-drawer desk $69.50 PAUL T. SWEDBERG FOR NEW FURNITURE GO TO 2160 UNIVERSITY 55 YEARS IN BERKELEY A PRIVATE SALE giving up home, all household furniture to be sold.
524-2545. DECORATOR MODEL home room groups, nine on display. Your choice, your terms from $4.00 per week including demonstrator world's most famous mattress. TRADEWAY STORES, 10860 San Pablo, El Cerrito. DESK, 23x37.
Beautiful condition. Formica top. Sturdy construction. Four drawers. $18.50.
261-9795. DINING ROOM SET, blonde. Marproof top table. Six chairs. Good condition.
$75. EL 1-0551. DINING, bedroom sets, no bed. Revolving table. Reasonable.
OL 3-8808. FINE MAHOGANY four-poster bedroom suite. Reasonable. LA 6-3580. FRENCH MIRROR, 43x59.
$35.00. 848-5542. LARGE chest of drawers, dresser, $40. Gas stove, double oven, double broiler, griddle, chrome top, $95. Refrigerator, $35.
LA 6-4729. TWIN bedroom set-Monterey style, includes chest, desk, night. table, mirror, twin bed frames. $30.00. 526-1807 evenings.
FOR SALE Reconditioned Appliances GOOD SELECTION OF REFRIGERATORS HINK'S WASHERS RANGES TELEVISION Electrical Easy Terms City 2440 Shattuck at Haste.