The Virginia Star from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)

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The Virginia Stari

Culpeper, Virginia

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7 THURSDAY APRILS THE VIRGINIA STAR CULPEPER VIRGINIA PAGE EIGHT Rom where I sit fy Joe Sam's Hens 4 Wear Spectacles! on sand clay or Copyright 1948 United States Brewers EXPERIENCED ADVERTISERS PREER THE STAR Public Sale of Valuable Business arm Orchard and Timber Properties In Rappahannock County Virginia the following valuable pieces of real estate: directly into the wife deed of See SSGT CALLAHAN At Culpeper Post Office RODEO Modern Woodsmen's of Luray Va PAGE COUNTY AIR GROUNDS THRILLS AND SPILLS GALORE act General Admission $125 Children 60 RERESHMENTS ON GROUNDS Doans Pills 17 just west of the Town tract of land containing 15304 acres more or less on road lead is a modem owners would of ere at Norman Harold Johnson and others Alexander Kelly and others to deed of bargain and sale to Kilby and wife lot in sub division of Kelly designated on plat as Lot No 8 Yowell and wife deed of bargain and sale to Brown and Delia Yowell his daugh ter iy4 acres of land facing on state highway No 3 being part cf a larger tract known as Cov addition to the Town of Culpeper Richard Wynn deed of bar gain and sale to Christopher Glazier lot No 4 of the sub divi sion of the endall Rixey land formerly owned by Jones and facing on the Eggbomsville road and about 2H miles north of Cul peper William Jameson deed of 3rd Inf Div Benning Ga Sth Inf Div Jackton 3rd Armored Div Knox Ky Co Chairmen Announced for of Va Development und 4th Inf Div Ord Calif 9th Inf Div Dix 82nd Airborne Divf ft Bragg ARMY AND AIR ORCI RECRUITING SERVICE and jnsPected ot ony time by communicating with the undersigned or Mr William Moffett Jr Attorney at Law Washington Va New special privileges for Veterans! Special choices for non Veterans Never before has there been such a variety of opportunities for travel good pay and advancement open to men who enlist for three years or more in the Army OPEN TO VETERANS AND NON VETERANS Take your choice of Arm or Serv icel Goocf bet: The Infantry Artillery or Armored Cavalry because these Combat orces are being built up into top notch units with great opportunities if you have what it takes Yes a fact I brood of two dozen hens are wearing spec tacles which he bought from a mail order house in Capitol City Sam says it works (and big poultry raisers say so too) The hens see each other through soft colored glasses and instead of fighting and picking at each other they go around placidly gain weight and lay more eggs Makes me almost wish we could have rose colored glasses for hu man beings too So that instead of quarreling and criticizing like we TERMS SALE: Cash for the timber and mountain lands not less than one half (14) cash for the other parcels the residue to be paid in one to two years the deferred payments to be secured by liens on the lands CHOICE OVERSEAS THEATER EUROPEAN Open to Velorans only Paris Switzerland these and many other famous places are as beautiful to visit as ever And at your Army Post have good quarters good food good companions Or you can enlist crack 82nd Airborne Division Bragg North Carolina Stuart Lindsay deed of bar gain and sale to Compton three lots of land on state high way No 15 John Henry Parker and others to deed of bargain and sale to James Malcolm Hill a tract of land with improvements near Woodland church facing on county road Culpeper National Bank a jCor poration deed of bargain and sale to Charlie Glasco*ck two lots the Brandy Stevensburg road Routt and wife deed bargain and sale to Gatewood Leathers and wife a lot of land rear Elk wood John Yowell and wife deed of bargain and sale to Yowell Hardware Company Inc lot of land with buildings between East and Main streets fronting on south side of Davis street lot of land with buildings at the south 4th Inf Div Ord Calif 5th Inf Div Jackson (4) ARM PROPERTY: 32 Acres more or less adjoining parcel (3) of sod land and orchard with stable corn crib etc This land has been used for years as an appurtenance to the home place described in parcels (1) and (2) above The small orchard is about 20 years old and contains desirable varieties the remainder of the land is in blue grass sod and gardens It has upon it a spring and spring branch and Rush River flows through it for a distance of a half a mile or so OPEN TO NON VETERANS After enlistment you will be as signed to one of these four famous divisions and wear its dis tinguished insignia while getting your basic training Then be assigned to the Arm or Service you have chosen ENLISTMENT IN GRADE If you had a certain specialty in any of the Armed Services you can enlist with a grade depending on your previous grade and ex perience as covered in WD pamphlet 12 16 Case History of Tree Is Vital To Treatment SAVE USED RUS When Your Back Hurts 9th Inf Div Dix 3rd Armored Div Knox Ky Marion Peyton and Mildred 1 Peyton deed of gift to a tract of land near Clarkson contain ing 114 acres on east side of state highway No 29 as now used Rjidasill and wife deed of bargain and sale to Laura Ruth Miller house and lot on south side of Park sfeet in the town oi Culpeper Hitt and wife deed of bar gain and sale to John Russell Bowers and wife two lots of real estate together with all improve ments near Reva John Sisk and wife deed of bar gan and sale to Billy Thompson Brown and wife lot of land ad joining Mrs Wade Jenkins Taylor Gore and wife to Al vin Gore and wife deed of bar gain and sale to 415 acres of land two miles north of Culpeper Mary Jenkins and others to deed of gift to Thelbert Jen kins lot No 50 of addi tion to the town of Culpeper fronting on West street Needa Nicholson deed of bar gain and sale to Glenna Wright 25 acres of land more or less near Leon and adjoining the lands of A Corbin and others Burnette and others deed of bargain and sale to Mc Mullan lot of land corner to Mrs James land on the Mit chells road Wrennie and Spencer A or rest deed of bargain and sale to James Settle two tracts of land on road leading from Cul peper to orest Grove One con taining 4 acres and one 5 acres the latter tract being located in Rappahannock county adjoining lands of Joe Nelson and others Thomas and Allene Crock ett deed of bargain and sale to John Myers and others land on the public road leading from Remington to Jeffersonton con taining 725 acres more or less rank Rosenberger to deed of gift to Grace Curtis 262 acres of land near Rixeyville ad joining lands of Wilson Kite and Major Thomas Wilson and wife to deed of bargain and sale to John Weible and wife tract of land on what is known as the Mill road Nettie Miller deed of bargain and sale to Leonard and Clara Miller his wife 1942 acres of land about 5 miles south west of Cul peper and adjoining the lands of Grimsley Jones Nelson and others Peggy Bowen and husband deed of bargain and sale to A Mills and wife house and lot at comer of Blue Ridge avenue and spring street CAREERS WITH A UTURE Army and (1) RESIDENCE PROPERTY: The late residence of Mrs Judith Carter and John Carter deceased situate in the Town of Washington Virginia on Gay Street consisting of an eight room house large let and outbuildings An attractive location in a nice clean village 70 miles from Washington Ample farm and grazing land nearby is available to make a combination of a very desirable home and farm The home is surrounded by giant boxwood and maple trees CHARLOTTESVILLE Robert Button and Jackson ray are co chairmen for the Culpeper area in the $7800000 University of Virginia Development und which opens its nationwide can vass on April 22 This announcement is made jointly by the national chairman of the Development und Ad miral William Halsey and the area chairman for eastern Vir ginia Robert Hatcher of Richmond Mr Button a University of Vir ginia alumnus of the class of 1922 and Mr ray class of 1937 are to be assisted in the intensive De velopment und activity begin ning April 22 by John A Da vies and Joseph Stratton In announcing the Culpeper area committee Admiral Halsey alerted all members of the und we succeed in this enter prise we will do it because every member of this vast organization has given unstinting The und which represents the first capital fund raising effort in 27 years is a national organization of more than 2000 volunteer members op erating in 300 localities from headquarters in the historic Rotunda Gifts are sought for eight projects for the insti endowment and expan sion Wild Bucking Horses arid Brahma Bull Riding Bulldogging Calf Roping Trick Riding Trick Roping High School Horses Specialty Acts Clowns TWO HOURS GOOD CLEAN ENTERTAINMENT OR YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE (2) RESIDENCE PROPERTY: A tenant house with a large lot adjacent to the Residence Property above (1) doctor here must recognize Insects and diseases of course In the history category he must deter mine the age find out what previous treatment if any has been given environmental chan ges 'such as from forest to open conditions grades excavations and service connections rom the owner he finds out about the wat ering Under examination comes close study of the trunk above the ground and below the ground roots and twigs There are some 17 different things he looks for Including color of bark and roots rate of growth etc Actual tests with bits the condition of the main trunk main limbs large scars buttresses and large roots above the ground extended decay in cavities frost cracks deep at base sunken areas and bulges and roots below the ground In addition the tree doc tor tests soil for depth texture and type such as gravel Tree care work science and home be well advised to entrust it only (6) ARM PROPERTY: 81 Acres more or less of orchard and farm land with barn situate about miles east of Washington Virginia known as the Burgess Land This land is about a mile from parcel (5) above and has for years been farmed along with that parcel (5) ARM PROPERTY: 20 Acres of farm land just east of the corporate limits of the Town of Wash ington Virginia fronting several hundred feet on the Mount Salem Road known locally as the Hayward Land This land is first cass farm land and well watered It is conventient to but does not join parcels (1) (2) (3) and (4) Off of this tract was cut the present high school lot it is splendid farm land and suscep tible of development into a desirable residential subdivision (8) MOUNTAIN LAND: A parcel of isolated mountain land containing about 5 Acres upon which there was formerly an orchard situate about 1 ft miles west of Washington known as the Hettrick Orchard (9) ARM LAND: 143 Acres of orchard pasture sod and timber in Piedmont District Rappahannock County Virginia about 4 miles west of Sperryville with a fair residence barn sheds etc known as the Compton or Pippin Orchard This land borders on or is inclose proximity to the Shenandoah National While steep and rough it contains one of the most productive apple orchards in the County It is reached by a good road a feeder road to Skyline Drive One of the greatest trout streams in Virginia runs around and through this property Deeds Recorded In Clerk's Office HELP YOUR COUNTRY HELP YOURSEL! There i (till a very real need for every ounce of used fata we can salvage The world wide shortage is greater today than ever before Please keep saving and turning in your used kitchen fats Yes! you do get paid for them and you know how ready cash counts today Keep Turning in Used ats! IbiiIcm it Silvan Ciamittii Ik There are many other benefits you should know about Get all the facts at your Recruiting Station then decide But do it now while there are still vacancies in the choices you want Starts Saturday afternoon at 2:30 May 1 Saturday night at 8:00 May 1 Sunday afternoon at 2:30 May 2 CURRY CARTER Attorney In for the Heirs and Devisees of Corter and John Taunton Va TELEPHONE: Staunton 2265 (10) TIMBER LAND: 197 Acres on Hazel River in Stonewall District Rappahannock County Vaz upon which there are several thousand feet of excellent timber A good State road runs through this tract from end to end making the timber easy to log and market The right is reserved to reject any and all bids 'i (3) TOWN PROPERTY: What is known locally as the "Old Academy Property" just across the street from parcels (1) and (2) This is a very historic old building in good state of repair and now occupied by a family a (7) BUSINESS PROPERTY: 194 Acres of land with dwelling store and filling station located thereon on the west side of and abutting on Lee Highway just outside of the corporate limits of the Town of Wash ington Va where a thriving store and filling station have been conducted for several years OPEN TO VETERANS If you can meet the new Army standards and have had over seas service since Sept 2 1945 you can enlist in any one of these nine famous outfits stationed right here in the and have three years with the unit 2nd Inf Div Lewis Wash 2nd Engr Spec Brigade Worden Wash 2nd Armored Div Camp Hood Tex Enlistments restricted to 7th Inf RCT Priority to former members of the 3rd Inf Div and limited quotas for other Veterans with or without overseas service tAlso open to non Veterans JAPAN KOREA Open fo Veterans and non Veterans You have your choice of assign ment to a number of famous divi sions including the 11th Airborne Division 1st Cavalry Division and the 6th 7th 24th and 25th Infantry Divisions DON'T ORGET 20 EXTRA ON OVERSEAS PAH And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par It may be caused by disorder of kid ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate or truly many people feel tired weak and miserable when the kidneys fail to remove excess adds and other waste matter from the blood You may suffer nagging backache rheumatic psts headaches dizziness getting up nights leg pains swelling Sometimes frequent ana scanty urina tion with smarting and burning an other sign that something is wrong with the kidneys or bladder There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect Use Doan's PtRs It is better to rely on a medicine that has won countrywide ap Eroval than on something less favorably nown Doan' have been tried and test ed many years Are at all drug stores Get today nest corner of Davis and East side of state highway No 3 now street and lot of land at the 522 rorth west corner of East and Waugh and wife deed Culpeper streets of bargain and sale to Norman A Noah Price deed of bargain and Shaw and William Rumsey sale to Paul Hounshell tract of ty near Midway store and adjoin ing from Culpeper to lint ing the school property Russell Rumsey deed of bar min and aalp to WaUfih 1534 acres of land more or less bargain and sale to Lewis Tutt located on public road leading tract of land approximately 14 from Culpeper to lint Hill in Catalpa district Johnson trustee deed of to deed of gift to Teresa Joim bargain and sale to Dowdy son two acres of land more or 11345 acres more or le'ss on the just west of the Town of road leading from Culpeper to Culpeper Lignum Consideration $6000 Lydia Slaughter deed of bar gain and sale to Childress lot of land with store building at Mitchells Grimsley and Hiden special commissioners deed of bargain and sale to Childress property at Mitchells Considera tion $3000 Sadie Yowell and husband deed of bargain and sale to Rus sell Rumsey lot of land with buildings and improvements near the corporate limits of the Town of Culpeper Payne and others deed of bargain and sale to Stuart and Mary Pearl Hilton two acres of land on state highway No 15 Martin and wife deed of bargain and sale to Ella Coppage two acres of land more or less at Richardsville Lucy Catherine Kyle and others to deed of bargain and sale to A Settle tract of land located at Elkwood Consideration $1350 Charles Henry Wright and wife to deed of bargain and sale to Charles Burke and wife a certain lot of real estate about mile west of Town of Culpeper on south side of old state highway No 3 Geest and wife to James Andrew Jenkins and wife lots Nos 32 33 and 34 in the sub division of lands of Kelly rederick Turner deed to Thurlow Dodson tract of land near Woodland church contain ing 523 acres Johnson sepclal commis sioner deed of bargain and sale to Mrs La Vergne Wilson 36 acres near Clarkson Milton A Rosenberger and others deed of bargain and sale to Culpeper County School Board 132 acres of land adjoining other lands of Rosenberger and present school lot A Kelly deed of bargain and sale to Gid and Martha ran ces Elliott lot No of corporate limits of Culpeper A Shaw and bargain and sale to Waugh 204 acres with building on north NOTE: The Town of Washington Virginia is reputed to be the first Town by that name in the United States It was laid off by George Washington and he evidently spent considerable time there It is located 70 miles from Washington on the famous Lee Highway and nestles serenely at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the middle of the finest fox hunting and stock raising country in the world SATURDAY MAY 1 1948 If ever tried to play doc tor and nursemaid to an ailing tree probablybe Interested to know that proper diagnosis is as important in the treatment of your tree as it is to the human patient So many factors enter into ministering to the needs of our arboreal friends it Is best to consult the tree expert Sound knowledge and exper ience are required to prescribe and carry through practical treat ment In fact before your tree expert does prescribe for his pat ient he draws up a comprehen sive diagnosis chart much In the manner of family medico It is a real case history in every respect or are four major categories for study of each and every tree patient according to Grove chief field supervisor of The Davey Tree Expert Co They are obervation history examination and actual testing Listed under obervation are kind of tree condition of crown rollage ana structure ana natural or artificial environment The tree I th6 experts do so much of the time We and Jet live in contentment rom where I git the race wastes a powerful lot of in wrangling over minor igj whether a man should drink bJ or cider whether a woman shJ wear slacks or skirts injtJl seeing each other through of tolerance that enab us to live and let live like sT brood of chickens Sain The Undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of thi Court House of Rappahannock County in the Town of Washington Virginia beginning at 11 a on I i I ft I 1 i I CAREERS WITH A UTURE Army and Air orce When Your Back Hurts Doans Pills.

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The Virginia Star from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.